
Let’s Read The Word

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Antagonist against the turbulent winds

Antagonist against the turbulent winds

Author:L.D Youngling



Keith woke up as a noble who has recently fallen from grace. The beginning of his second life is not fairytale perfect but he was never a person who expected life to be smooth sailing. However, life seems to enjoy watching him struggle since in each situation he had gained a daughter, lover, and followers.

  Yuna feels herself being affectionately caressed and she leans furthermore into the cold hands of the person. "What's your name sweetheart?" Asks a lovely voice.

  Yuna slowly opens her eyes at the sound with a growing feeling of need to see the person speaking- and she sees an enchantress with the most earnest and loving countenance she had ever seen. Her face will surely live on in her memories. Staring still at the enchantress's forest eyes she answers, "Yuna".

  A moment of silence fills the cold breeze and Yuna slowly remembers her lost. The precious memory of her children continues to appear in her mind but sadly, it is only a figment of her deep desires- a haunting apparition that mocks the life she could've had if it weren't for her weak body. Life is very cruel. It even dared to show such an insensitive image of the life she had left behind. Such a tragedy of losing her family still left a fresh aching hole in her soul that is incapable to mend.

  "Your eyes are crying but no tears are pouring, why is that?" With a long shaky breath, she answered, "Because I am tired."

  Yuna hides her tired eyes under the comfort of her palms and the enchantress continues to talk, "Such a simple answer. Will you please elaborate." Yuna should feel angry at how insensitive the woman is but realization soon dawns on her. She needed someone and now this woman is willing to listen.

  "I lost everything." Those three words were enough to put Yuna in the state hiccups and dry tears. She cried too much and her body couldn't cry blood if she wanted. Yuna continues to wail instead at the lap of the enchantress, recalling her entire life that she left behind.

  "Are you finished?" She asked when the sound of her sobs soften. Yuna mumbles a soft yes under her chapped lips. The enchantress continues to stroke Yuna's soft chestnut locks until she softly confesses to Yuna, "I could never understand how you feel. I somehow envy you."

  Yuna lets out a bitter scoff. She wants to shout at her for feeling envious of her when she just lost everything that meant to her. All her dreams shattered all in one day and she couldn't even name her little darlings.

  "Don't harden your heart sweetheart, you could live the life you've always wanted but you'll have to work hard for it." Her soothing words subdue her anxiety and depression.

  "What do you mean?" The enchantress stands up and Yuna follows silently. As Yuna looks around she sees that they are in the middle of an open sea and she gasps at the beauty under and above the water. The school of fish dances under her in a sheen of patterns and the bright gold moon glows against the dark sky, outstanding the rest of the stars that twinkle like disappearing stardusts.

  It's heaven.

  Yuna slowly walks over to the enchantress with shaking legs, afraid that anytime soon she'll sink under the dark blue water.

  "You have traveled across another dimension. The dimension where magic exists-" the enchantress looks at Yuna with an unreadable emotion "-The woman you now reside in is the Forgotten Empress of Zephyr. You have given birth to twins, a boy who is the next heir of the Empire and a girl who, like her Mother, is forgotten. The two will grow up without the feeling of love from their parents, twisting them into two immoral enemies. One day a mysterious Princess from a small kingdom was taken to be part of the Emperor's harem and throughout her stay, she and the Emperor will fall madly in love with each other. Of course, because of her soft and loving disposition, she won over your children and the Empire."

  Yuna listens intently, hanging unto every word the enchantress speaks. She has many questions that need answers but she sealed her lips, and let her finish the story.

  "In the end, all of those people that are related to you will force you to give the crown to the Princess and in your bitter end, you lived the rest of your life alone and miserable on the outskirts of town." The enchantress finishes and Yuna can't say a word at the terrible revelation of her future.

  "Why are you telling me this," Yuna asks, now fearing the known and unknown.

  "I heard your voice. Even in this dimension- I could hear your crying voice. You want to continue living in your world with your family, you want to raise your children with Gray, you want to see their faces." Yuna freezes, the enchantress was right and those words brought back the aching pain of her loss.

  "Are you telling me this to change my future?" A pitiful look surfaces on the enchantress's face and Yuna needs no further explanation. Yuna really is pitiful. She is a dead Mother who left her family without seeing them or saying goodbye, only her soul could express how much the weight of her agony is and, Yuna's wish had touched the enchantress.

  "I will be giving you the original Empress's memories. Head this warning, do not rely on what I had said alone. Each action you take will gradually change the future and me, myself, can't predict what will happen next." Silence hanged in the cold air and Yuna lets all these sinks in her heart.

  "This is more than enough. Thank you." Yuna may not have her old life back but she isn't selfish enough to let her children grow up missing the familial love that they deserve. Though she may not see her loving husband but be with her children will perhaps heal her from this pain.

  The enchantress smiles a genuine one, and she touches Yuna's forehead saying, "May fate be kind to you, Empress Celestine." The way her name sounds from the enchantress left a flaming embrace in Yuna's heart that she couldn't somehow fathom.

  Then a ticklish feeling, like butterfly wings, flowers on Yuna's head, and she feels herself slowly falling back. The waters surround her in a tight embrace that nearly suffocates her but she doesn't fight it instead a smile of determination is on her face. The fishes swim away from the figure falling deeper in the dark waters and finally, she opens her eyes.