
Let’s Read The Word

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The Son-In-Law's Reversal

The Son-In-Law's Reversal


Realistic Urban

For the first 20 years of my life, I was just a no-hoper who had nothing! Until I met her! An adopted son-in-law, marrying into her family, my life has taken a turn ever since!

My name is Han Ziqiang, an impoverished loser working as a waiter in a restaurant. However, today, I lost my job simply because I accidentally spilled some soup on a customer. This customer was a female, about forty to fifty years old, flamboyantly dressed, who cursed at me as if I had harassed her. Subsequently, I was fired by the manager.

I left the restaurant, walking along the side of the road, feeling utterly dejected. Coming from a rural background, both my parents are frail with old age, and my father bedridden with illness. They rely on me doing odd jobs to support them financially. Just a few days ago, I sent my wages home. Now, all I have left is some spare change. I counted - only forty-three yuan, barely enough for a night's stay.

Just as I felt like I was done for, a whiff of fragrance suddenly came from behind, and a beautiful woman approached me, curiously tilting her head to look at me. I took a glance; she was wearing short denim shorts which exposed her fair and lovely thighs, and a V-neck shirt that faintly revealed her cleavage. Young, beautiful, and sexy.

If it had been earlier, I would have been thrilled to have such a beauty by my side. But now, I was in a terrible mood, devoid of any desire.

"Are you Han Ziqiang?" The beauty asked unexpectedly.

"Huh? Yes. And you are...?" I was taken aback; she knew my name despite the fact that I had never met her before.

"Oh, I'm Song Zier. Just had my dinner over there." The beauty casually pointed at the restaurant, "I saw what happened inside."

I responded with a nod. So, she was a customer at the restaurant and had seen everything. Why did she follow me? Considering how I was badmouthed by a wealthy older woman just earlier, I was not too fond of the beauty then and continued walking.

Song Zier continued, "Han Ziqiang, I know you're in dire need of money, would you like me to offer you a way to earn some cash?"

I unconsciously asked, "How?" Then waiting cautiously, "How did you know I was short on cash?"

Song Zier chuckled, "Someone justified you to the manager after you left and brought up your situation, saying you're in a rough patch right now. But apparently, your manager didn't care. —What do you say?"

I had no clue what this beautiful woman in front of me was asking me to do. Yet, I was at my wit's end right then, and any chance to earn money couldn't be passed up, so I said, "Alright!"

Song Zier seemed pleased. Right away, she took me shopping for new clothes and drove me to her house in her red sports car.

The place where she lived was undeniably a luxurious villa district, only affordable by the wealthy.

I wasn't sure why she brought me back to her place. With nobody at home, I felt a twinge of unease. Could she be feeling lonely and looking for a thrill by bringing me here?

Song Zier closed the front door and led me by the hand into the house.

My heart started to pound. The dim lighting in the house gave off a suggestive atmosphere, a perfect setting for intimate encounters. I might be in my twenties, but I was still a virgin who had never been alone with a woman so close before. The smell of Song Zier's perfume was intoxicating, I couldn't help feeling thrilled.

We arrived in front of a door. Song Zier opened it and said, "Go in and take a shower first, and change into the new clothes afterwards."

It turned out to be a bathroom.

It was reasonable to freshen up before getting into bed. After all, I was just a poor, working class guy. It was almost obvious to wealthy women like them that I was dirty.

I entered the bathroom, took off my clothes, and began to bathe. The warm fragrance in the bathroom was alluring. I couldn't help wondering what I should do if she really wanted to sleep with me. But soon I let go of my doubts; she was so beautiful that I didn't stand to lose anything by sleeping with her, so why not agree?

I cleaned up quickly and got dressed. Song Zier was still on the sofa in the living room, talking on the phone. She turned to look at me and gave me a once-over. I caught a hint of satisfaction in her eyes as she said into the phone, "I'll hang up now, hurry and get here to see for yourself!"

She got up and helped me straighten my clothes before instructing me to sit down and wait.

I really wanted to ask what would happen next, as I was kinda looking forward to it.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door.

The knock made me tense, I was scared that a man might walk in.

Song Zier went to the door and brought in another woman, making me stand up abruptly. The woman was undeniably stunning, with fair skin and a curvaceous figure. She looked no less attractive than a movie star. Her tight jeans accentuated her long, slender legs, and her simple white half-sleeve T-shirt accentuated her full and perky bust, inciting a desire to conquer.

Seeing another beauty walk in, I felt a little awkward and unsure of how to converse.

The beauty in the white T-shirt pointed at me, "The one you mentioned, is he it?"

Song Zi'er nodded repeatedly, asking, "What do you think?"

The woman in the white T-shirt scrutinized me, her eyes unblinking. Besides the sizing up and scrutiny, there was arrogance and scorn in her gaze. Finally, she snorted, "No good!" Having said that, she turned around and walked outside.

Song Zi'er went after her, still trying to persuade, "He's great, and nearly meets all your requirements..."

I stood in place, listening to their conversation, feeling a tad confused. I wondered if I had guessed wrong. Was it the woman in the white T-shirt looking for a trophy boy? Was Song Zi'er just assisting her?

Thinking about the icy expression on the woman in the white T-shirt stirred disdain in me. She might not think much of me, but I felt the same about her. She may appear pure and innocent, but deep down she must be the most depraved.

Admittedly, I did feel a bit disappointed at the prospect of missing out on a money-making opportunity. Because the woman in the white T-shirt had made it very clear - 'No good!' I thought to myself that if Song Zi'er chased me out, I'd have to make a dash to find a job before dusk.

Before long, Song Zi'er returned to the house. She appeared very pleased and beckoned me to sit down. "Sister Tang has agreed." she said.

Taken aback, I asked, "The beauty just now is Sister Tang? Agreed to what?"

Song Zi'er explained, "Yes, my Sister Tang is called Tang Qian, the only daughter of Tang Mingguo, the Great River City's Tang Corporation's CEO. Have you heard of Tang Corporation?"

I swallowed hard. Tang Corporation was definitely among the top five in our city, how could I not have heard of it? It was a multi-billion dollar family. I hadn't expected to meet the heiress of the Tang family today.

Song Zi'er seemed like she wanted to say more, but then she hesitated and said, "Some things, Sister Tang can tell you herself when she comes tomorrow."

This deepened my curiosity about what they could possibly want me for, but thinking about the Tang family, it seemed like a lucrative opportunity was at hand.

That evening, I stayed at Song Zi'er's place. However, she didn't. It wasn't until the following afternoon that Song Zi'er and Tang Qian came back together.

The three of us were seated on the couch in the living room. They were seated across from me, appearing somewhat stern.

Tang Qian came straight to the point as she opened the door, "Han Ziqiang, do you know why Zi'er is looking for you?"

I shook my head, admitting my ignorance.

Tang Qian continued, "Let me tell you then. My family, the Tangs, seek a son-in-law. But I don't have a suitable boyfriend right now. So, I have you filling that role. You're in need of money, right? All you have to do is agree, and I'll immediately give you 300,000."

"A son-in-law?"

I couldn't help but exclaim. I was shocked to find out that this was the reason Song Zi'er was looking for me.

But, I hesitated a little at taking up the role of a son-in-law. After all, being the only son in my family, even if I agreed, I needed the consent of my parents. However, recalling Tang Qian's offer of an immediate monetary benefit of 300,000 was almost irresistible.

For a rural kid like me, 300,000 was virtually an astronomical sum.

Seeing my hesitation, Tang Qian reassured me, "Han Ziqiang, you don't need to fret. Only the three of us know about this. And you only need to play this role for one year. After that, we'll get divorced. You don't even have a choice to stay."

Song Zi'er chipped in, "Give it a thought, what do you have to lose in this one year? Nothing. If you don't speak about it, no one will know what you've done."

I felt tempted. After all, I was feeling cornered at the moment. Song Zi'er was right; I had nothing to lose. But with Tang Qian's beauty, the thought that I could even take advantage of her arose in my mind.

Seeing my contemplation, Tang Qian handed me a stack of papers, saying, "Take a look, if there's no objection, sign on it."

What she gave me was a private agreement between us, clearly stating that we are only husband and wife on paper, that my role as a son-in-law was bogus, and after a year, I would be compensated and free to leave.

Thinking of the 300,000, I signed without much hesitation.

Tang Qian pocketed the agreement and said, "Some rules are not written in the agreement, but I trust you think of them yourself. For example, you are absolutely not allowed to interfere with my life. You're you, and I'm me. No one else can find out about what's between us, or else I'll never let you go."

I nodded and agreed, "Of course."

Tang Qian added, "Moreover, although it's all a pretense, we cannot allow others to notice it. For example, in front of friends and relatives, we still have to appear affectionate."

Hearing the last sentence, a hint of a smile crossed my face. Tang Qian immediately glared at me fiercely, seemingly quite dissatisfied.

Song Zier clapped her hands and declared, "Alright, now that the agreement is in effect, hurry up and register."

We then went to the bank. Tang Qian transferred three hundred thousand to me on the spot, and we went straight to get our marriage certificate.

That evening, under the pretense of being Tang Qian's 'husband', I visited Tang Qian's house. She had already moved out of her family home and was living alone in a garden-style villa.

Tang Qian had already arranged my accommodations adjacent to her boudoir, but there was a secret door in the wall that only she could open. In other words, she could come over to find me, but I couldn't enter her boudoir.

After tidying up the room, my stomach suddenly started rumbling. Just realizing that I hadn't eaten dinner, I went to find Tang Qian again. Entering her boudoir from the main entrance, I saw a pile of clothes thrown on the floor. Tang Qian was nowhere in sight, so I found a plastic bag and planned to put her clothes in it.

The first two clothes were the T-shirt and jeans Tang Qian had worn during the day. However, when I picked up the third item, it was a pair of black women's underwear. I was taken aback – these were evidently Tang Qian's. Just as I was hesitating about whether to put the underwear in the bag, I heard Tang Qian yell, "You pervert!"