
Let’s Read The Word

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Transmigrated as A Furry Wife

Transmigrated as A Furry Wife



Sophie, lived into her twenties, she had never experienced the small love of a family, the grand love of humanity, let alone been in love. As if the Heavens took pity on her, a brilliant thunderbolt shot her into the World of Beasts. Looking around this world where magical beasts roamed rampant, damn, was this supposed to be taking pity on her? Who would have known, the endgame brought Sophie a huge surprise, Orc matrons were full of joy, dressed in grass skirts and took her to square dance every day. The unity of the Beast Tribes was unparalleled, foxes and rabbits were as close as family, tigers and wolves didn't fight over food, achieving an ideal world ahead of time! Most importantly, there was a man with a strange name. He called himself the Leader and referred to her as his lady. He always showed off his abs to her, causing her to blush incessantly...

With a loud crash, a spring thunderclap echoed.

Three seconds later, Sophie plunged into a pool, splashing water meters high.

Under normal circumstances, falling from the sky should have left her unconscious, yet, she was extremely alert at the moment.

With a splash, her head emerged from the water, and she spat a mouthful of water.

After she was done spitting, she found herself standing face to face with a naked, silver-haired man.

What's going on? Was she dreaming?

Just a moment ago, she was having a barbeque with her friends, then she encountered a strange little kitten, then there was a thunderclap...

Who was this man? Why was he so... handsome?

Meanwhile, the man also looked utterly puzzled.

His eyes were wide with disbelief as he stared at the woman across from him, unable to comprehend how she appeared in his bathing pool.

His chiselled features, other than shock, bore more of annoyance. The reason being, the water Sophie just spat out happened to splash on his face.

"Ah, sorry! That was unintentional," Sophie quickly apologized and reached out to wipe the water from his face.

Handsome guy, very handsome guy, why shouldn't she touch him, right?

Mo Ha Yun was staring at the approaching hand, unable to respond for a moment. This allowed her hand to touch his face. An unusual sensation arose from the touch of her soft and tender hands.

He discovered that he didn't mind this woman's touch, when in the past, he detested even the slightest intimate gesture with any female.

"Alright, there's no more water." Sophia tilted her head, staring at him with a mischievous grin.

In reality, it was her first time seeing someone with such a handsome face.

With a clean and soft white complexion, his face showed off distinct features. A few strands of silver hair highlighted his dominant presence; yellow pupils under the lashes which mirrored her own reflection; a straight nose; slightly thin lips, at first glance he was clearly a mixed-race prince.

When all said and done, he really resembled the main character of those Otaku comics she liked.

To grow up like this, wasn't this a total violation of physics?!

"Female beast!" The man's voice was arrogant and cold as ice; radiating a strong determination, as though he was a monarch looking at the world.

Such a king-like aura caused Sophia to involuntarily step back, and only then did she realize that they were both in a pond.

Female beast?

True, she acknowledged herself as an orphan and had been bullied quite a lot growing up, but most people would look down on her as wild or illegitimate; this was the first time someone called her a "beast".

A beast? Moreover, a female one, implying that she was maternal?

Sure, she might be slightly voluptuous but that was considered sexy! Take a look at her bra size, it could hardly be linked to motherhood.

As handsome as this man was, why were his words so hurtful?

Just as she wanted to retaliate, the sight of his intimidating glacial gaze caused her to lose her courage.

"Uh... sorry, I won't disturb your bath any longer." Sophia said, while moving towards the edge of the pool, she found no time to think about the man's female beast remark.

Indeed, handsome men are domineering. Just one glance from him made her feel like she was facing a tyrant. It's best for her to keep her distance from this dangerous man, and work out where she was.

Mo Hanyun watched her movements intently, a smirk pulling at his lips. He didn't try to stop her, simply floated on the surface of the water as though watching a grand spectacle, waiting for the woman-beast to return.

Sophie quickly climbed out of the pool. Relieved to see that the man wasn’t stopping her, she took off running into the wilderness.

The pool was surrounded by large trees on all sides, so Sophie picked a random direction and darted into the forest.

She had only taken a few steps when she narrowly avoided stepping on a wild rabbit. The creature immediately burrowed its way into a hole on seeing her. Despite the numerous confusions swirling in her mind, Sophie dared not slow down.

She ran for about ten minutes before finally stopping to survey her surroundings. Ancient trees that pierced into the cloud-filled sky, intertwining tree branches covering the azure sky, and colossal insects scavenging for food on the ground.

Sophie removed her outer clothing. It was soaked through, hindering her ability to run. Although the forest didn't have much wind, the humidity was stifling.

She found a thicket and stripped down to wring out the water from her clothes.

As she pondered on how to start a fire to dry her clothes, she realized that she had no lighter or any other means of creating a fire.

And where on earth was she? The man from earlier called her a "woman-beast". Could she have time-traveled?

Just as Sophie finished wringing out her clothes and was preparing to put on her outer garment, she noticed a massive snake head opposite her. It was bigger than a washbasin, its mouth wide open to reveal sharp fangs, a forked tongue slowly trembling, saliva dripping from the corners of its mouth.


Sophie didn't waste any time. She threw her jacket onto the snake's head and started running again.

How could there be such a huge snake? She had examined the surroundings earlier and hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, nor any large predators. From where did this giant snake appear?

By the rustling sound behind her, she knew without needing to look back, that the python was pursuing her. Sophie dodged the snake, darting left and right.

As she felt the python inching closer, Sophie’s hair stood on end. Just as the python was lunging with its mouth wide open, ready to bite her leg, she heard the sound of a branch snapping. Then, suddenly, the pursuit behind her ceased. She couldn't help but turn around to look.

At a glance, she was almost terrified to death.

Before her stands a lion of enormous size, biting a giant python's head. The python had coiled around the lion's body, both of them locked in an intense battle. Occasionally, they'd crash into a tree, which was as thick as a bowl at the trunk, knocking it down instantly.

The lion, at least twice the size of those she had seen in zoos, was as big as a calf. The python was as thick as a water bucket and stretched dozens of meters.

A snake-lion battle?

This could be her chance to escape. Sophia didn't think twice and broke into a run.

But she hadn't made it far when her path was blocked by the lion.

Staring at its bloody mouth, the aloof golden eyes fixed on her, Sophia picked up a nearby branch to use as a weapon, backing away.

"Don't come any closer! I'm as thin as a chicken; I won't make a good meal for you. Go chomp on that big python!" she yelled.

Although the giant lion was staring at her, it didn't attack. Panic overwhelmed Sophia; where on earth was she?

She'd thought the lion-python battle would last for a while, but unexpectedly, in less than a minute, the giant lion had killed the giant python.

"Stop running about senselessly."

Hearing this, Sophia was first filled with joy because this voice was from the man she saw in the pond just now. But the sound came from the direction of the giant lion. Was he behind the lion? But why did she feel like it was the giant lion talking?

Just as Sophia was hesitating, the giant lion suddenly turned into the same beautiful man with flowing silver hair, appearing before her eyes.

And he was naked.

Oh... Looking will cause an eye ache!

Sophie watched everything unfold, her mind not yet catching up, her hands covering her eyes.

Although she loved staying at home and was into the two-dimensional world, that was purely a fantasy. In reality, she was a young maiden, having lived for over two decades but never having been in love, never having even held another's hand, let alone seeing a man naked.

"How could you do this?!" Although his abs were stunning, his body proportional, his skin pale, smooth, and tender, and his manhood astonishingly large, this sudden appearance of a naked man in front of a girl, wasn't that indecent?

"My clothes are by the pond, follow me," Mo Ha Yunche said, unable to suppress a smirk at the girl's embarrassment.

This girl was distinctive. Even though she was more delicate than other girls, her skin was pale and smooth, her senses sharp.

If she becomes his, teaching her a few things would be intriguing.

Meanwhile, Sophie peeked through her fingers and saw the man ahead of her, his back facing her. Calming herself, she hastened her steps to catch up. The jungle was indeed daunting. For now, it would be best for her to stay close to him until she figured out what was going on, and then decide her next move.