
Let’s Read The Word

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Chasing After The Billionaire Widower

Chasing After The Billionaire Widower




Iris is a university student who had pushed to live by herself. That was how she ended up working at Misty a very exclusive club that received patrons from the upper echelons of society. David was a man born in an influential family who was both smart and handsome, because of the nature of his family, he was forced to marry Suzanne who was also from an influential family when he was still twenty-three. After almost twelve years of marriage, she died on a trip she went to without telling him. When Iris met David for the first time, she was taken by his charisma, and for the two years, she worked at Misty, her eyes always gravitated towards him. Now that he is a widower, can she pursue him? After living through such a ridiculous sham for twelve years, will David be able to be with a person he loves?

  Iris blinked twice as she read the news on her smartphone. She knew that it was not appropriate to celebrate someone’s death, but she couldn’t stop the feelings of happiness that bubbled in her chest as she read the article.

  “Mrs. Lyons is dead,” she muttered with a smile on her face. Her friend gave her a strange look when she realised what was making Iris so happy.

  “Yeah, apparently it happened two nights ago,” Lana said but paused again at the happy expression on her friend’s face. Why was she so happy about the news?

  “Why are you so happy? I know you’ve had a crush on Mr. Lyons since forever, but don’t you think he would be devastated by the news?” Lana asked her, and Iris’s smile disappeared. The two girls were sitting in the cafeteria having their lunch. But this statement ruined Iris’s appetite.

  “Do you think they were in love?” Iris asked Lana, and Lana rolled her eyes in response. 

  “They’ve been married for more than ten years, people cry for their dead pets, much less your wife. Even if they weren’t in love, he wouldn’t be indifferent to the news,” Lana patiently explained. Iris was normally very smart, but she always became brain dead whenever it involved David Lyons. It was both funny and vexing.

  Just like that, Iris’s mood plummeted even more. She had never imagined David Lyons with a hopeless expression. He always carried his charisma and wore an expression that never gave away what he was thinking. Would this make him cry? She wondered as her mood continued to worsen.

  “Hey, just stop thinking about those rich people’s issues. Even if he decided to start a relationship with someone after he gets over his wife’s death, do you think it’ll be you?” Lana asked as she casually bit a French fry.

  “Why can’t it be me?” Iris asked with narrowed eyes. She was very confident in herself, she was also quite smart and she was independent if she had the chance to be with a man like David she would take it in a heartbeat.

  “You are a student, he has over ten years on you, adding to that, he is way up there in the sky. Such a man, will have pursuers left and right even if he was married, now that he is a widow, don’t you think everyone will be pushing their daughter to him just so they can be affiliated with Lyons Corporation?” Lana asked thoughtfully.

  “So?” Iris responded. She had already considered all of these things just to discourage herself from having feelings for him, but she had been fighting this battle for two years. Now that such a thing has happened, why would she suddenly lose her feelings now that there was no one standing in her way anymore? At least morally.

  “Iris, even if we put all of these things aside. Are you confident that you would be able to draw the attention of a thirty-five-year-old billionaire CEO who has been exposed to all kinds of beauties?” Lana asked her straightforwardly.

  “What’s wrong with me? Am I not beautiful?” Iris asked her as she tilted her head. Her long curtain of jet black hair followed her movement, and she blinked her upward slanting blue eyes.

  “If you look at him with that expression, you might actually have a chance,” Lana said after clearing her throat. She had to admit it, Iris was beautiful. If she was arrogant and prideful, then people wouldn’t like her, but she was so down to earth that if you hated her you can only be described as jealous.

  “Hahaha, when he visits the club again, I’ll make sure to try it,” Iris said with a smile, a pair of dimples making her look even prettier.

  “Are you working today?” Lana asked her after clearing her throat again.

  “It’s Friday, the tips today are going to be ridiculous, I would be crazy not to go,” Iris said as she arranged her things in her bag and stood up.

  “Aren’t you going to finish your food?” Lana asked her when she saw her friend moving to leave.

  “You ruined my appetite,” Iris said and took her bottle of water.

  “What did I do?” Lana complained as she ate another French fry.

  “I’ll see you on Monday,” Iris said and waved at her as she left. Lana watched her retreating form for a while before she continued to eat.


  David had been on a business trip when he received the news of his wife’s death. If she had stayed alive, then this would have been their twelfth year of marriage. The news came as a surprise to him but after the initial shock; he felt nothing.

  He had just left an important business meeting when he received the call, and his own insensitivity made him laugh at himself. Maybe she was right when she kept telling him that he was too flat and emotionless. Even with the news of her death, he felt nothing.

  He watched the passing scenery through the car window with a faraway look in his eyes. His secretary on the other hand was so nervous he was sweating. He was unsure of his boss’ mood and his parents had told him to tell him to call them once he got out of his meeting. But the oppressive silence he was faced with sapped him of all of his courage.

  “What is it?” David asked suddenly, startling his secretary into stepping on to the accelerator.

  “I’m not angry, what is it?” David asked again. He knew that his awkward mood had made his secretary tense.

  “Mrs. Lyons asked me to tell you to call them after the meeting,” the secretary said. He was proud that he could finish the sentence without stuttering.

  David lifted a dark brow as his fingers rhythmically tapped on the armrest. After delivering the message to Felix, his secretary stayed silent. He had completed his mission.

  David pulled out his phone from his suit jacket and dialled his father’s number. After the third ring, his father picked up the phone.

  “Hello?” his father’s voice sounded from the other side.

  “Father,” David responded. 

  “Did you get the news?” his father asked. He was more straightforward than his unnecessarily long-winded mother.

  “Mmmh,” he responded as he continued to look at the scenery outside.

  “Are you okay?” his father asked him.

  “Mmmh,” he responded after a long pause.

  “I want to talk to him,” his mother said. Her voice sounding distant.

  “I’m tired today, I want to rest,” David told his father, which was an indirect refusal for him to pass the phone. 

  “Okay, when will you come back for the funeral?” his father asked. He didn’t want to give his son a hard time.

  “I’ll return in three days,” David answered flatly.

  “Why so late?” his father questioned. This could be written off as something urgent.

  “You can ask her parents why she was not at home and snuck off just to die in the end. I’m going to finish business here first, there're billions at stake,” David said and was met with silence. His response meant that he was not willing to make such a sacrifice for her till the end.

  “I will get you answers,” his father responded.

  “No need, I have them already,” David answered, causing his father to go quiet again.

  “Alright, you rest first, call your mother once you are settled,” he said with a sigh.

  “Mmmh,” David responded and cut the call, a small trace of a smile showing at the corners of his lips. Seeing that his boss’ mood was better, Felix also slightly relaxed.

  “Take me to a nice restaurant,” David ordered, and Felix made an immediate U-turn.