
Let’s Read The Word

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Thousand Card

Thousand Card




A senior college student buys a deck of cards from the game store, but she is unaware that the store also works with a monster contractor association. Now she's stuck in a card contract. Though it has some benefits due to the things she comes across in the other world.

  This entire store is filled with people that smell like unwashed anime shirts.

  Kanna looked at the RPG Club's shopping list and saw that she couldn't avoid this place to go somewhere else. Plus, Noir is picking up the food for everyone and Emmelia is setting up the clubroom. Fine, fine, the brown-haired chick went inside and went into the card deck section. The last graduating class's theme was Dungeons and Dragons, so everyone wanted a new game to play for this class. "Uhm, ma'am, do you need any help?" The lady heard.

  A sweaty man in a Rei Ayanami t-shirt stared eagerly, looking anxious too. Ack. Best to not tell him that his sweat is on the counter. Kanna replied, "Looking for the Monsters Benevolent, Parasitic Adventure card deck." They probably don't have it-

  "You are aware that Uhm... this game is for people eighteen and older, yes?" He chuckled loudly... then quickly sitting up. "Didn't you refer to me as ma'am, earlier?" Kanna grunted but took her ID out to display that, yes, she is at least 18. "I'm 21, and I want to buy a damn game if that's not too hard for me to do." She continued, looking at the shelves and seeing a dark red box.

  Well lo, and behold. There she blows.

  "I got it," Kanna told the cashier and went to the shelf to grab it. It looked... very untouched, considering all the damn dust on it. Whatever at least it's on sale since it's a card game. Returning to the counter, she also grabbed a FF keychain and put them on the counter. "I-I apologize for undermining your age... height and all can be quite odd sometimes." The cashier continued as he rang up the price. She paid and left.

  That was the most unsettling customer service Kanna has experienced ever since she got to this university.


  Oh yeah, the cards.

  Kanna looked at the box again before walking into the general hall. This game looks really old in design, they haven't updated it yet, or was the person out of touch with current graphic art? Eh, it doesn't matter. Eventually, she reached the club room and was greeted by the smell of nice, fresh Vietnamese food. Like the sweet angel, Noir was putting the grocery bags of food where everyone usually sits. "Heya, Kanna. Your bun rieu almost spilled in my car but it's still alright looking" He chuckled as he sat down. Emmelia returned and sat down as well. 

  "Is that it for this year??" Emme asked, looking a little heartbroken. Kanna reassured her a little, "It's only September, Emsters. Let the freshmen look at all the fish before diving in." After that, a smile grew on her face, and she laughed a bit. "If it is the three of us for the rest of the semester, however, it means we gotta disband the club next year." Oh yeah, that hit of reality can be bad.

  Everyone sort of realized and started to eat their food. Noir played some Zelda music from his phone as the three chowed down on their meals. 

  Glancing at Noir again, she realized that she kept forgetting his actual name is Drake Saengchan. She forgot why he insists on being called Noir. 

  Although she knows why Emmelia goes with Emme or that one anime she likes, although nobody likes the anime. 

  Hopefully, there are other people to vibe with during the semester, as she doesn't wanna graduate without making sure there are more members to pass on the club legacy.

  "I keep forgetting twenty of the people last year were seniors. It makes more sense as to why it's empty now." Noir chuckled. Kanna wanted to be a smartass but let the guy have his moment. After they finished their food, the tsundere of the group took out the game box. 

  Not gonna lie, there was a menacing aura around the-

  "This box looks so retro!" Emmelia giggled and took the wrapping off the box before opening it. "Emms have you heard of being gentle with the box?" Kanna remarked as she sat down. Although... the cards have that nice old card smell to them. She leaned forward to look in the box along with the other two. Most of the items were a varying shade of red and greyscale stuff. Okay, this smells a little edgy for an old card game. "Whoever is the narrator is gonna be called edgelord by me. Heh." Noir grinned widely. Ms. 21 and short looked at the guy with irritation. "I'm gonna be the narrator, you Frenchy Cat." She grabbed the card deck and the manual.

  "ACK!" She pulled her hand back as her finger got a paper cut on the top card. 

  "Kanna, you should be gentle with the cards," Emms smirked at her. Internally, the tsundere thought, 'KaNnA bE gEnTlE' as she was always gentle with cards. Speaking of gentle, she looked down at her finger to see it was already healed. "See? Nothing even happened, now let's read the instructions." 

  Noir grabbed the instructions and nodded his head to the first aid kit on the wall. "Your finger is bleeding all over the cards... I got the instructions." He told her. Kanna sighed and went to put a bandaid on. There is still no scratch but she decided to put one on to appease her juniors. Returning to the table, she sees Noir and Emmelia bent over the instructions manual. They looked confused.

  "Are you staring at Mr. P's lecture notes or what? What does it say?" She leaned over to get a peek. "It's blank." Emme responded bewildered. The lady frowned and picked up the manual. 

  "What are you talking about I can read it."  She shook her head at the two and read the instructions. 

  After a while, she placed the book down. "In all of the lamest ways to say it, it's like World of Warcraft and Monster Hunter in paper form. The problem we have right now is that we don't have enough people to play. Hopefully, after clubrush, we can have more people." Noir looked at her a bit worried. He asked, "And if we don't?" "Then I spent a week's worth of groceries for nothing." Kanna sighed and rested her head on the table. 

  The woman knows she's in the clear for graduating in the spring. It's just her friends that she worries about. Her classes are easy to her so she's just bored, and being bored tends to lead to bad things. 

  "Kanna? Earth to Kanna?" Emms tapped her shoulder. "We can just watch other people play the game until we get new members." She reassured the art major. Kanna looked up at her and nodded. "Sounds good. By the way, you can end the meeting whenever you want, Emmelia."

  "Meeting adjourned then, have fun out there, and hope this year is great." Emms smiled as the two left. To be honest, Kanna is glad she picked the sophomore to become club president.


  Hmm.. so this is the person who signed the card track. A lot younger than I was expecting, but this is alright... hmmm... their name is Kanna? Sounds like a very cute name <3. I'll make sure to call them Kanna aya then if she doesn't know what it means. Though let me see what exactly Kanna can do and is skilled with. Art... finance... history... okay. The only thing that is useful seems to be art. 

  Awww, she's so small. I want to hold her and pat her head~! Does she have a high voice? Does she like sweets? Maybe I can dote on her whenever I can, or when she is free. From her blood, maybe she does like sweet things, but I don't know to what extent. How much should I know of her before I meet her? Ohhhh I'm so impatient! Can't I just meet her now? ...Right I have to make sure she is alone when I meet her for the first time... that's just mean. Well, what is she doing now? 

  Oh... asleep... humans do that a lot hmmm... I should let her sleep then. Oh wait, she's stirring in her sleep! I don't think I should watch, I should put the card down...!

  There was just... something staring at her while she was sleeping, but Kanna didn't know what, so she fell back to sleep.