
Let’s Read The Word

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Claming Lola

Claming Lola

Author:Christina Whisler


Steamy Stories

Lola is from a farm in Montana, but now she lives in Los Angles California. Her family secret is that she is part Fae. Which she doesn't know until her 25th birthday. Ben is from a different planet and now living on Earth in Los Angeles California. He owns his own company and also has a ranch When they come together it is like they were meant to be. Their love is fast and furious, but can it take the test of time.

I had just got off of work from the twisted book store and now I am sitting at a corner table at my favorite coffee shop Bean There Don That. I have been coming to this shop and sitting at the same table for months now. So, I am sitting at the same table that I sit at and eating and drinking the same thing every day that I am working. I see the same people every day also. So when someone different comes in you notice them.

I noticed right away when a new person came in not only because he was a man but because he was so different that one would notice anyway. And what I mean by different is, he exudes sensuality like no one else in the place did. Everyone felt it, men and women.

When he caught me staring at him, I looked away hoping he had not noticed me looking at him. It was too late for that. He had noticed and when he was done ordering his food he asked me if he could sit at my table with me.

I told him that he may sit.

He introduced himself as Ben and I told him that my name was Lola. Lola, he said, I like that name. It’s beautiful and it suits you. How long have you been living in Los Angeles, I asked him? Since childhood, he said. I came here to Earth from a different planet. I will tell you the story of how I came to be on Earth sometime.

You say that as you and I are a couple, I said.

That is because I intend on asking you out, I told her. I want to get to know you better.

How long have you been here in LA, I asked her. Only a few months now. I moved here with my aunt after my parents died in a car crash, I told him. I live in a bungalow in the back of the house. I have a job at the book store across the street from here so I come here after work every day to unwind. As long as I have a job, I have a place to stay.

When I looked at him again, he was looking at me with a possessiveness that I didn’t understand since we have just met. He was studying me when I started to talk again. When did the accident happen? In June I said. Now it was my time to stare. I noticed everything about him. The way his muscles rippled when he moved. The color of his eyes is what got me through. His eyes were the color of liquid amethyst and reflected the heat and desire that he was feeling. He had skin that made the color of his eyes stand out more.

I was lost in thought when he started talking again. Earth to Lola he said with a chuckle that sounded like a low rumble. Oh, I was just thinking, I said. He chuckled again with that low sexy sound that sent goosebumps all over my body. Anything interesting, he asked with a smile? I was thinking…. Then I stopped. I started to blush and he knew it was about him.

I gave myself a mental shake and asked myself what the hell is wrong with me. He’s just a man. I looked at my watch and told Ben that I had to get home. Can we exchange numbers, he asked? Yes, I said. He gave me his and I gave him mine. As soon as I got home, my phone started ringing.

I answered it and it was Ben. How did you know that I would be home, I asked? I didn’t, You were in such a hurry that I thought you were on fire and you didn’t say goodby to me. I just gave it some time before I decided to call you. Also, I just wanted to make sure you made it home okay. Yes, I am okay, I said. When can I see you again, I asked her? When would you like to get together, I asked? How about tomorrow night, let say about eight in the evening I say to her. Sounds good to me, she said. Where would you like to meet up, I asked? The coffee shop where we first met is good for me. Okay, I said. Now I have to go so I can get ready. See you at eight. I took a shower and got ready to go out.

I let my aunt know that I was going out to the coffee shop and then I left.

When we met that night we ordered our food to go and got back in the car. Where are we going? It’s a surprise, I told her.

The next thing I know, we were at the beach. It was a beautiful night. We walked down to the beach area and put out a blanket so we could sit on the sand. He gave me my food and then took his food and we started to eat.

The sun was setting and it was such a beautiful site to see. It was so magical just being there with Ben. I love the smell of the salty sea air, I told him. Me too he said. When it was time to leave, I asked her to give me her address and I told her that I would drop her off at her house instead of her taking the bus.

I am good with taking the bus, I told him.

I will not have you taking the bus anymore, I told her.


It’s not safe, I said. That is my final word.

I will be bringing you back and forth to work when you have to work.

I gave him my address so he could drop me off. You know I can take care of myself, I said. I know you can, I said. But I am liking this to much to let you take the bus.

Why didn’t you say that from the beginning, I asked him? I wanted to see how much I could push you before you gave in. By that time we were at her place. She just said Oh, You, and got out of the car. Good night.

I went inside to say good night to my aunt and then went to my place in the back to go to bed. Sleep evaded me though. I kept seeing Ben’s face every time I close my eyes. He is so damn gorgeous and the way he smiles at me gives me goosebumps all over my body. I had to work today and today I was so tired. In fact, I was so tired my boss told me to go home and get some sleep an hour into the workday.

I have off of work the next day so I fully intend to sleep in. Which is something I don’t get to do that often.

Ben called that evening and asked me if I slept well? No, I didn’t sleep well. My boss had to send me home because I was so tired. What was I going to tell him, I didn’t sleep because I was thinking about him all night. Yeah right, like that’s going to happen.

He asked if I felt like going out to eat tonight. I just want to go to sleep, I told him. He was a little disappointed but, understood. I will call you tomorrow, he said. I told him that I plan on sleeping in. Please call in the afternoon? The next day he called in the afternoon as I asked. How are you feeling? Better, I said. Good, do you feel like going out to eat tonight?

Yes, I said.

Great, I will pick you up in about an hour.

He picked me up and we went for coffee and something to eat. Then we went to the beach again.

Are you always so punctual?


Does it bother you? And what

No, I was just curious.

Do you know how beautiful you are?

I don’t really consider myself beautiful. We were drinking some water and he almost choked on it as I said it. Are you serious, you are the most beautiful woman I have seen in a long time. You have long wavy blond hair, ice-blue eyes, milky white skin that shimmers like diamonds, and a body that most women would die for.

Now, it was my time to choke on my water. I never heard anyone describe me quite like that before.

Then you haven’t met the right person.

I kissed hard, so hard that it left both of us breathless. We stayed quiet for a while, thinking about what just happened between them.

Ben started talking first and what he said totally blew me away. I know it’s only our second date but, I am starting to have serious feelings for you. I am becoming very protective of you. I didn’t give her a chance to answer.

For now, let’s just get you home.

On the way home, we were quiet. I didn’t know what to say at this point. He made it very clear that he was falling for me and I just stared at him like a deer in headlights.

When we were nearing my place, my head was still reeling from what was said at the beach. I started to say something but, he stopped me. Don’t think about tonight, he said. Then he dropped another bomb on me. You are mine, mind, body, and soul. Do you understand me? Yes, I understand. What else could I say? Right now I am so confused, I couldn’t say anything else. Just to let you know, I have not felt anything like this before I met you. My jaw just dropped to the floor at this point. I started to protest but, he kissed me hard again.

By the time we parted my breath was coming out at a fast pace. My head was reeling even more. I couldn’t think, I just felt. I felt every nerve in my body come alive. My aunt was sleeping by the time I got home so I didn’t have to deal with her asking me questions about how I looked right now. I went straight through the house to mine in the back. When I got into my house and switched the light on, I felt that I could think a little better.

Why did my body react this way when I am with Ben, I asked myself? I just don’t know what to think right now. I looked in the mirror and saw that my lips were red and swollen from Ben’s kiss. My eyes are a shade darker. His claim over me had me hot for him even though I didn’t want to admit it.

I took a shower and got ready for bed but, still couldn’t get Ben out of my head. I tried to get some sleep but, couldn’t. I took out my vibrator and tried to please myself but, that didn’t even work. When he said that I was his mind, body, and soul, he made it so that I craved him and only him. I just couldn’t stop thinking about him. We had another date, this time we went to a movie. We sat at the back of the theater where no one could see us. It was like he was claiming me again and again with not only his words but, also with his actions. I was aware of my whole body.

I was on fire.

It was a fire that I thought would consume me from the inside out. I felt incredibly hot and light at the same time. He kissed me and when he ended the kiss I just smiled at him. He smiled and asked me if I had a good time. Yes, I am having a really good time. Do you know what you did to me?

He leaned over and whispered in my ear. You have me hard as a rock and wanting you with every fiber of my body. I could tell she was blushing even in the darkness of the theater. I love the way the color crept up her cheeks.

The movie was over.

Now, I have to get you home before I do something that I will regret later.

When Ben and I were at my place, he told me that he had to go away on business. That made me ask him what he does for work. He told me that he has a ranching business and goes to conventions every year.

Think about me when I am gone, he said.

I teasingly said no.

I looked at her and said, I will call you when I get there.

When I got home I took a shower and then packed for my trip. I tried to settle in for the night but, I just couldn’t get to sleep.

I couldn’t get the image of Lola laying on her bed masturbating to the thought of me. Damn, she is going to be mine soon. I have to some sleep. I have to be at the airport early in the morning.

When I got to the airport I called Lola and told her that I would call her when I get to the hotel.

I have to work until eight tonight, I told him.

I will call after nine.

I wanted her time to eat and settle for the night.

I knew once I had phone sex with her, she would be mine. I would also have her heart. There will be no turning back for her after that.I called her at the nine just like I said I would.

What are you doing, I asked her?

I am in bed.

I thought to myself, now is the time to strike.

What are you wearing?

Nothing, I sleep naked. I almost hit the floor with excitement.

Good, now start touching yourself.

She did what I asked with no hesitation and I heard her moan as she did so.

Start Playing with your clit, and again I heard her moan.

I told her that I am so hard that I could explode.

She moaned and I could tell that she was almost at her breaking point.

I was almost there just listening to her moan.

Cum for me baby, I said with a husky voice and that’s all it took. She screamed out my name as she came hard. I could hear panting and trying to catch her breath. As I sit here listening to her panting, I lost all control and came with her listening to me.

I told her to get some sleep. I will call you tomorrow.

I get off of work at three, so you can call any time after that. As I lay in my bed trying to sleep but, My thoughts keep going to what happened tonight. I keep thing to myself, what are you doing? I shouldn’t have let that happen. I just don’t do stuff like that, but, Damn it feels so good to be a little wicked.

I was always a good girl.