
Let’s Read The Word

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Time Leap: Queen to A Loser?

Time Leap: Queen to A Loser?



Chu Xi, the great man of the last generation, had never thought that he would be able to wear an age-old novel after his death and become cannon fodder for receiving food at the beginning of the game. She regretted not reading the book back then! To start a new life, Chu Xi only wanted to stay away from the female lead, live a stable life, read books, and fall in love with her. But what if someone was still haunting him? "Sorry, we don't want to make trouble, but we are not afraid of it! Come on, let's fight face to face!" In his previous life, Shen Yi wanted to fall in love with Chu Xi, but before he had time, they exploded together. They had spent a hard life together. Her father did not agree, her stepmother tried to stop her, and there was also a suspected rival in love... Shen Yi: In this world, I only recognize Chu Xi, only love Chu Xi! Anyway, no one could separate them!

"Oh, it seems that we can't escape today. Are you afraid?" The man's voice sounded a little weak. Although he was already injured all over his body at the moment, she could still hear a hint of playfulness on his voice. His cold face had long been devoid of his appearance. Only his beautiful eyes were bright and determined.

There were mountains of corpses, seas of blood, broken limbs, and high-level zombies. The smell of gasoline and blood in the air was disgusting, but he greedily stared at the woman who was also badly injured.

The woman was beautiful but not weak. After easily getting rid of another zombie, she then turned her head and rolled her eyes at him. "There is a well-known captain Shen who is buried with you. I think it's worth it!" After that, she harvested again and did not find the deep affection in the man's eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, both of them exhausted their stamina. Their backs faced each other as they leaned against each other. In the middle of the onrushing zombies, they were providing and enjoying the final warmth of each other's bodies. Chu Xi shook his head helplessly. "Forget it, this is their fate."

From the first day the research room worked out, they had no choice but to work for the funeral.

They waited quietly for the zombies to approach. Then, they held hands. Needless to say, this was the tacit understanding that they had developed over the years.

When the first zombie was about to touch them, it blew itself up at the same time.

The power of the self-detonation of two top-tier superpower holders was enough to blow up a hundred-story building. What's more, all the high-level zombies were destroyed, and the remaining low-level zombies were nothing to be afraid of. Although there were no bones left, the task was completed.

"It's pretty good, except that I haven't dated Shen Yi." Chu Xi had only one thought before he died.

"Oh... I feel a headache." When Chu Xi woke up, he felt a splitting headache. Something was wrong with him. He tried hard to open his eyes.

A fat man covered her and wanted to reach out to take off her clothes! He swore, "Bitch, you must be beaten!"

Before she could react, her body had already moved. Chu Xi held the man's wrist with one hand and her eyes were sharp. "Who are you?"

The man saw that Chu Xi's hands were slender and soft, so he did not take it seriously. He said with lust in his voice, "Little beauty, don't worry, I'll come right now!"

But the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore because he couldn't move his hand anymore.

"Chu Zhiqing, are you going back on your word?" The man's face darkened as he questioned Chu Xi.

Chu Xi frowned. It had been a long time since the man brushed his teeth. "Stay away from me. I don't understand what you're talking about."

She raised her hand to push him away, but found that she couldn't push him away at all. On the contrary, the man on her body was angry from embarrassment. "Bitch, you have to obey me today, even if you don't want to!"

As he spoke, he took advantage of his weight and tried to kiss Chu Xi.

How could Chu Xi let him succeed? He raised his hand with a big mouth. The man was stunned for a moment. "Fu*k, how dare you hit me! See how I beat you!"

Seeing the man's moves became more and more fierce, Chu Xi had no time to figure out the current situation. He moved quickly with one hand and chopped at the man's neck with the other hand, knocking him out.

"It's so heavy!" The man who had fainted was so heavy that Chu Xi wanted to curse him!

Chu Xi pushed the unconscious man away in disgust. She moved her powerless wrist. When did she become so weak? She pulled her messy clothes together and finally had time to ask what had happened.

Oh, it's motu.