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The Caregiver

The Caregiver




Dulce is a sweet lady that has decided to work after she became widow. She needs to pay for her daughter's university fees. Not knowing what to do she decides to look for a job in the news paper. Marco's Miller is a well known CEO of the most important company world wide. But he faces a great problem. His mother is in terminal state cancer. Not knowing what to do he asks his assistant to post an ad for a caregiver in a famous news paper. He needs to find someone who can take care of his ill mother and at the same time have the ability to cope with hir. She is a woman with great caracter. What would you expect from a woman that brought up Marcos Miller. Agatha Miller is despret to find a good wife for Marcos. She is great pain because of her terminal cancer. There isn't much time left and she can't think of a way to leave this life before parting.

  Chapter 1

  Dulce Rivera is a middle-class wife, caring mother of a lovely daughter Naomi Rivera. She's been looking after her beloved husband with terminal and aggressive cancer for the last year. He got diagnosed with a terminal cancer and in order to look after him Dulce took a course as a caregiver. After a year of hard work, she is very tired and so is her husband. Life is not fer for this loving couple.

  At the end there are so many things that can't be done. But they loved each other till the end. The funeral was very sad. Only mother and daughter attended. There relatives live in a Foren country and were not able to come due to migration problems. They were not granted their visas.

  This were hard times and after the funeral life goes on.

  Dulce had to take care of the financials of the family. Naomi got accepted in a well prestige college and has applied for a scholarship. Due to their financial situation, they can't afford to pay for her schooling.

  Life isn't always fer, but for the Rivera family thing are a bit more complicated.

  Dulce has to step in and help her daughter. Now is her turn to look after her.

  For last year in order to help the family, Naomi has had to work part time to help with the family financial situation.

  There on a very tight budget and hardly have enough to make ends meet. Most of the time they depend on governmental support to have food on the table.

  Dulce decides to find a full-time job to pay for her daughter's education. Naomi is such a loving and caring daughter and deserves to be looked after.

  As she looks at the newspaper happens to find an ad for a care giver. The job after is very interesting. It offers good salary. More than enough to pay for her daughter's schooling. Stance and food would be provided due to the need of the persons to be taken care of 24/7. Hard job. Dulce knows well.

  This add doesn't have much more information.

  Other than a number to contact for appointment, this is not strange do to the fact that is a job add.

  After circling the job's witch Dulce can apply for, she decides to start making calls to make some appointments.

  She asked Naomi for help with her resume. She has not worked for many years. Her husband would take care of the financials and didn't need her to work. She would look after the savings part. But after he feel ill the Rivera family had to sell all their belongings such as house, car and dig through the savings. After a year of health care bills there was hardly anything left.

  After that she prepares to start the job hunt.

  Early Monday morning she goes to the bathroom takes a bath and applies little make up. Finds a simple drees. It's a light pink. It just fits her perfectly. The color of the dress in lights it in lights her natural skin color.

  She is fair skin with very natural beauty. She has short waive hair, light brunet color. Her eyes are hazelnut color with gold in the center and a hint of green in the edges. Well defined brows and sharp nose. Small mouth and perfect size lips not to plump not too thin. She is 5´2 tall. She is slim, with our glass figure. Very gorgeous smile. She is already 35 years old. Young widow if you can say that.

  After wearing a pair of small size heals. No perfume. She prefers to use very little or none. Her skin has a natural skin smell that is enough and doesn't like to compete with the perfume.

  She hugged her daughter before stepping out.

  Her first interview will be held at a very high-end building. The head courters of the well-known Miller international Co.

  She can't make her mind. Why would they interview will be held here? But anyways she is already here and with enough time.

  As she comes to the front desk, she noticed the other applicant are also waiting for the time to step in.

  There are around 30 applicants. Still a big number. It will take some time to interview all of them. And there still coming in. This is going to be a long day.

  After that she huff knowing she will have a very difficult time to get this job. This was her best kick.

  After another 30 minutes of waiting, she is still waiting in the lobby. All of the applicants are already here.

  There is a small desk placed there to leave your resume.

  Dulce is already very nervous. Some of the applicants are very young and beautiful. This doesn't look like there applying for the care giver job. It's more like a fashion show. Very gorgeous girls. Not sure why.

  After some minutes the person at the desk calls out some names and fortunately Dulces name are called out.

  "This are the candidates that will pass to have an interview in the 7th floor. Please all the rest thanks for coming to apply for the job. But we can't interview all you. Please the one's I have announced step in and make your way to the 7th floor". Said the lady in the front desk. She also handed our resume for us to hand in to the person in charge of the interview.

  As Dulce walked to the elevator, she noticed that everyone was going in the elevator and it was getting very crowded. She decided to take the stairs. This was better than getting smashed in a small elevator.

  As she started walking up the stairs another 2 candidates went with her as well. A young man and a young girl. This was going to be a good day. Dulce started and as she stepped up she could feel her nerves get higher. The walk up the stairs helped her. She took her rhythm. That way she would be able to get there in no time.

  As she stepped in the 7th floor, she noticed all the other applicants that took the elevator were already there and seated.

  As the ones that took the stairs stepped in and handed the resume. The person receiving the resume stud up.

  "Please leave the being all those that choose to take the elevator. This job requires fiscal strength. Please leave fast. The one's that used the stares please serve yourself. Take some rest, in 15 minutes take the elevator to the 56th floor and take your resume." Said the lady at the front desk.

  "This is getting interesting. Funny way of getting rid of the applicants." Thought Dulce.

  After taking some water and using the restroom she washed her hands on still will enough time she took the elevator with the other two applicants.

  She was more at ease and as they stepped in the 56th floor she was able to see the view of the city. Beautiful if only she liked the heights, she would love it more. She was very cautious. Better to play safe then risk the life.

  Without knowing there were being watched by president Mr. Miller.

  They handed there resume to the assistant. "My name is Assistant Robert Brown. Please follow mi to the president office." As they followed him to the President's office.

  Once in they were placed in front of a large table with a large see-through plastic bin.

  The assistant said "place your belongings in the box in front of you. Empty your pockets and lady's place you purse and empty them in the box so President Miller can take a look at the bellowing in hand."

  They stud still for a second.

  "What was he thinking, going through our personal belongings?" Thought Dulce. What was she caring in her bag? She always liked to have all she needed in case of an emergency and doe to the fact that she was looking after her deceived husband she had all kind of medical necessities in her purse.

  What was this all about.

  After that she started looking at her sides. The young man started taking out his belongings from his pants pockets. A pair of keys, a wallet some change, a cell phone and in his jacket a pen and a note book. A small one. Very nice placed in front. Nice.

  On the other side was the young girl. She opened her small purse and started placing her belongings in the box. There was a par of keys with a gorgeous key chain, it was a shiny high hill with crystals all arrow it. "Lovely." Thought Dulce. Also, in a small compartment there was basic make up, a hand cream, a lipstick, a brush, lash mascara, a small perfume, powder make up and a blush. After that she took out a phone, nice one by the way. It was all shiny as well all covered in small crystals. Some business cards. Also, a small note book and a pen. All nicely placed in the bin.

  Dulce was lost in thought. Was she going to take out her personal belongings in front of everyone to have a look? Thought Dulce.

  As if her mind mas read, Assistant Brown spoke out loud. " Miss Dulce, may we see what you are caring in your purse, don't be shy we have a busy schedule. Please don't delay President Miller".

  Dulce was lost what was she thinking when she applied for this job. She was very nervous. What would she do? She could not delay Mr. Miller. Thought Dulce.