
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Primrose Kaluba



Skylar Anderson is a successful lawyer who’s achieved more than what normal 23year olds have. She has a stable career, a wonderful fiancée,a great group of friends and her parents who intent on keeping her that way. She’s working on becoming the greatest criminal lawyer in the state and is maid of honor for her best friend’s wedding who insists her braids maids dance salsa at her wedding because of her Latino culture. Due to circumstances beyond her control Skylar must have private salsa lessons. An affair between her and her salsa instructor blooms and it puts everything she holds scared on the line. She struggles to keep her long term relationship and her growing affair at bay, whilst making sure not to ruin her best friend’s wedding and career. Her affair brings about self reflection and leaves her with an ultimatum that may change her life forever.

“Curse Camila for being half Latino...! She just had to have her braids maids dance salsa at her wedding." I say to myself as I walk out my warm car and out to the harsh weather. Its now 6:30pm damn it, I am so late. I was supposed to be here by 5:30pm.

Cammy is going to kill me.

If we had not been bestfriends since forever I would have not agreed to being her maid of honour. My busy schedule and demanding job doesn't allow time for unnecessary distractions like salsa dancing and salsa lessons.

"Like who the hell makes their braids maids dance salsa at a wedding?" I say to myself as I push the door open and walk inside the building. The inside is warm just like my car, which is ten times better than the cold weather outside.

"Out of order...great..the bloody elevator is out of order, now I gotta use the stairs." I say to myself.

This day keeps getting better. I hear my phone ring but I ignore it after seeing Cammy's name pop up on the screen.

This is the fifth time she's called me since I left the car and its the fifth time am ignoring her.

Finally on the sixth floor where the dance studio is. I peak in through the glass on the door and I see Cammy and the other braids maids. It seems like they're finishing up from the looks of things. I quietly push the door open and it opens with a loud creak, SHIT!

"Well look who finally decided to show up." Sophia, one of the braids maids says as I walk towards them. Sophia was Camila's cousin. She was the most annoying person ever and was one to ask ridiculous questions.

"Where have you been?" Cammy asks.

"Am so sorry I had lots of work at the office, please forgive me best friend." I said to Cammy in my most apologetic voice.

"We all have work to do you know?, but we literary put OUR lives on hold for OUR friend's wedding." Vivian said with much emphasis on "OUR".

" I know and am really sorry, I'll make it up to you." I replied,almost begging this time. These girls look like they are bent on giving me a tough time.

"You missed rehearsal for a whole month because of work, you promised me you'd work on it this time around but here you are, late again. You are literary a month and a week behind and the wedding is in..."

"I know, I know..," I cut her short,"the firm has been really busy and it is almost impossible to leave work undone."

"No more excuses Skylar,the wedding is in 8weeks. We've been rehearsing without the maid of honour." Cammy said, she paused then continued,"you're my bestfriend and the maid of honour, please don't make me regret my decision.

First of all ouch,how can she call me out like this,in front of all these people,even people I don't know. But she's really stressing her out because she's never called me out like this.

"Okay," I said in a small voice. "I'll make up for all the lost time I promise."

"You are going to start meeting with Mr Fernando everyday till you get all the steps right," Cammy said firmly.

"What?! But you guys only meet twice a week," I debate.

"True but you've missed rehearsal for a whole month. So you have to make up for lost time and that's final," Cammy said in a serious tone.

"Okay fine." I said, though am not really in complete agreement with my bestfriend's ridiculous decision but she's my bestfriend and what comes first now is her happiness. Right now the most important thing is her wedding. Am just going to have to talk to my Dad about getting off work early.

" That was great ladies,see you all next week." A middle aged man says in a thick Latino accent. He's tall and has greyish hair but his body moved so youthfully when he danced. He looks like he's in his early forties.

"Sky!" Cammy called for me,I liked it when people called me Sky instead of Skylar. Skylar sounded like a little girl's name.

"Yes," I answered.

"Come here and meet Mr Fernando, he's going to be your salsa teacher."

"Hi am Skylar Anderson, but you can call me Sky." I introduce myself as I shake the man's hand.

"Am Mr Cruz Fernando, I'll be your salsa teacher," Mr Fernando says in his thick accent. His accent is like Mr Menedes' accent, Cammy's father. Cammy has a lighter accent,I believe its because she grew up in America. She has the prettiest face and it was almost impossible to not know she was Latino from her facial features.

"Because you started a little later than the rest,your classes will be starting at 7:30pm,that's when we have the make up classes but they’re private lessons and I won’t be your teacher for those lessons.”

"Okay 7:30 sounds good to me," I reply ignoring the last part.I am relieved that Cammy isn't mad at me anymore and I'll learn all the stupid dance moves for her wedding to Earl. I’ll do anything to just stop her from giving me stink eyes.

"How's Jace doing?" Cammy asked when we get to my car.

"He's okay, he's working the night shift this week so I rarely get to see him," I say while starting the car.

"Oh yeah okay, so when are you guys getting married?" She finally asks.

I have been waiting for this question since Earl proposed to Cam. People are always asking when Jace and I will be tying the knot and it pisses me off. Jace and I have talked about marriage and we decided to get married when he's done with his residency. We don't want the stress of wedding preparations to affect his final exams which will be in 10months from now.

"Uhmmm Jace and I haven't set the date yet." I tell her.

"Are you serious?" Cammy asks.

God I am in no mood for this conversion right now.

"Yes Cam. Jace will be done with his residency this year,so we decided to get married then." I reply firmly. I hope she drops the topic. Jace and I have been together since high school whilst Cam and Earl for a year now. But Cammy is a chief and Earl a free lance designer,their jobs aren't as demanding as Jace and I's. He's a doctor and am a lawyer, we literary have the world's most demanding jobs. Cammy remains quiet for the rest of the drive to my relief. I drop her off at her place and immediately drive home. Thank goodness the dance studio is fifteen minutes from Cammy's place and Cam's apartment is ten minutes from mine.

I get home and find a note on the kitchen table from Jace.

"Hey my love, hope you had a beautiful day today. I love you and enjoy your dinner," it reads.

I check the fridge and find he cooked pasta and chicken for dinner, my favorite. Man I love that man.

My fiancée never ceases to amaze me. He always does the sweetest things for me, am so lucky to have him. I was terrible in math back in high school he tutored me and made sure I got the highest score in the state. I don't know who was happier when I found out.

I do wish he was home tonight, I really miss him. After I eat my dinner I head straight to the shower.

The hot water loosens up my strained muscles and distracts me from everything. A closing door in the other room brings me back and I quickly wrap the tower around my wet body and make my way to the bedroom. Jace's voice echoes through the house and I run out to meet him. I throw my arms around his neck and press my lips on his. God I missed him so much.

His lips taste like fire and ice,just how I like them. From the way he's kissing me back,I know he missed me too.

He tightly presses his body over mine and begins pushing me back. I wrap my legs around his waist and begin to move my hands all over his body. I kiss the area behind his ear I know is most sensitive and he moans. His moans are my favorite sound. He squeezes my thighs and I moan his name and he hisses mine. I feel him grow with want for me by the minute and it drives me crazy.

I don't even know why he came home early tonight but am too deep in his spell to even ask.