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Dotes On Her Every Night

Dotes On Her Every Night



Song Nianqing harbored a secret deep within her heart. She fell in love with Feng Yuechen at first sight, approached him during her youth as a goal, but regrettably, her family went bankrupt and he became an unattainable dream. A marriage contract intertwined their originally parallel lives. She thought it was her lucky break, but she didn't expect it to be calamity. He never showed her mercy, making her donate a kidney to his first love. He never loved her, forcefully occupying her life, feeding her illusions, only for everything to turn out to be a casual flirtation. She began to flee, proposing divorce, but he still didn't let her go. He destroyed everything precious she managed to attain. Even in death, she couldn't understand why he wouldn't let her go... It was only when Feng Yuechen held her ashes did he realize, he had loved her all along, but now it was too late...


The hospital was bustling with people, but a resounding slap echoed through the hallway, attracting everyone's attention.

A woman, dressed in all her glossy finery, was seen angrily pointing at a girl who was covering her cheek.

"I am your mother who gave birth to you and raised you. Even if I were to sell you off, you don't get to utter a peep! What's the big deal with losing a kidney? Whether you die or live!"

Song Nianqing covered half of her face, staring at the distorted shadows reflected on the floor, a picture of desolation in her eyes.

The day when her mother suddenly turned extraordinarily tender, promising to take her for a health check-up because she'd heard her coughing at night, feeling empathetic towards her for working day and night, and wanting to check if anything was wrong with her health.

She was so naive to have trusted her...

Probably because her mother had never shown her kindness before, favoring only her brother.

Her yearning for motherly love led to her being swindled.

However, when they arrived at the hospital for the checkup, she discovered...

The true motive behind the checkup was her mother selling off her kidney.

"I'm telling you, their money is already in my hand. Now, follow me to get admitted!"

Without a second word, Song's mother grabbed her arm, revealing fair skin, and started to lead her away.

Crossing the hustle and bustle of the corridor, with each step, she felt an overwhelming sense of suffocation.

When they arrived at the elevator door, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her mother, failing to drag her along, turned around impatiently: "What are you thinking now! Nianqing, I warn you, if you can't provide me with a million, you better obediently undergo the transplantation surgery!"

"Mom, it's my kidney, how could you agree without asking me?”

Why could her mother so readily agree to something like this without even batting an eyelid?

Just for that one million?

The kindness towards her today was only to get her to comply with the check-up willingly. If it was suitable, they would sell it, and if it was not?

She didn't dare to imagine any further. At this moment, Song Nianqing felt as if thousands of ants were gnawing at her heart, causing such unbearable pain that she could hardly breathe.

“Agreeing? You are a piece of meat that fell from me, so you are mine. I have the right to make decisions for you! Come with me, don't waste Mr. Feng's time!”

Disgust flashed in Mrs. Song's eyes. With a well-kept face that showed no emotion, she grabbed Song Nianqing's arm and dragged her into the open elevator.

“Mom, you can't do this! Don’t you want the one million? I can work harder and definitely earn it back! Please, mom, don’t sell my kidney!"

Song Nianqing's eyes were gleaming, crying so softly that it might break any heart. But despite her pitiful look, she could not shake her mother's resolute decision.

Mrs. Song forcefully suppressed Song Nianqing's struggle and rests her cold gaze on the digits changing on the elevator screen, pretending not to hear Song Nianqing's plea for help.


The elevator doors opened. Song Nianqing, using some unknown force, struggled free and ran out.

"You disobedient thing, come back here!"

Mrs. Song's face changed dramatically as she pressed the elevator stop button and chased after her.

"Mom, I can agree to anything you ask, except this. I absolutely cannot agree, absolutely not, about my kidney!"

Song Nianqing rushed forward with her head down, not watching her path and bumped into a solid wall-like figure. As her body tilted backwards, a pair of arms steadied her by wrapping around her waist.

As she raised her head, she met a pair of ink-black eyes that held a chilling touch, as if they could see through one's soul.

It was him...

The man was dressed in a graceful suit, a valuable brooch buttoned on his chest, conspicuously signifying his extraordinary value.

His face was expressionless, his cold gaze falling on Song Nianqing's mother, who rushed over, "It seems like you two haven't reached an agreement."

Song's mother's face changed instantly, fearing that he might not hold onto his promise: "Mr. Feng, rest assured, this kidney is very healthy. We just finished the tests today, isn’t that why I brought it to you?”

"A kidney, sold to him?" Tears hung on Song Nianqing's eyelashes as her crystal clear eyes filled with an intense luster.

As she looked at the man with the unyielding aura, she felt a moment of haziness.

This was her senior whom she had secretly admired for five years. In her freshman year, she had the fortune to attend one of his lectures and developed a bit of a fondness for him. With just one glance, he had left a trace in her heart.

If this kidney was sold to him, did it imply that he was facing some health issues?

Suddenly, her mother yanked her over, warning her in a low whisper: "Song Nianqing! Don't screw this up! Or you won't be able to return home!"

The moment her mother shouted her name, a flash of resentment flickered in her eyes –it was fleeting and quickly replaced with a smile.

"Mr. Feng, rest assured, we won’t delay your matters. Where is the hospital room? I’ll take her there right now."