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The Omega Of The Alpha King.

The Omega Of The Alpha King.

Author:Monet BR



Lust, power, pride, and domination. That was what the great alpha king of the Deangu kingdom craved. Obtaining his crown after his father fell ill, the great alpha king becomes the feared ruler of the most powerful kingdom in the region. Resting from his royal duties and resting in the forest, the great alpha king goes into his heat, being dominated by his alpha and his desires. Wandering through the forest, the cruel king finds a defenseless and innocent omega, who was hiding a terrible secret. What will happen when the cruel alpha finds the innocent omega?

The new King of Daegu, Min Kang-Dae, is a 25-year-old Alpha, he had to take the throne of the Kingdom because his father's health was slowly declining, even if they broke one of the main rules of the Kingdom, Kang-Dae was forced to take over. The Alpha refused to take it, saying that his brother could do a better job than him, however, Kang-Dae was the eldest and by law should be him, the next King.

But there was a problem, the Alpha only had three months to find a mate, get married and then the Daegu Kingdom would have its Mate, it's Queen or King and rule alongside the Alpha. That was the ultimatum that the council had given to King Min, who was tired of having to follow orders when he was supposed to be his superior. He was just starting his reign and he already had the whole council, people, and rebels, all over him.

But Min Kang-Dae was not willing to let anyone decide for him, not when he could be free and enjoy the concubines as he pleased. Although it is clear that the King had no idea what awaited him in the future, and that it would make his life change completely, it may benefit him, but he does not know how to appreciate it.

His ideas are different and his arrogance and cold heart will not make him see the reality of things and the damage they can cause in many people.


Na Jung-Su's life was not always perfect, but he didn't always complain either, his parents always struggled to give him a good education, housing, food, and good health.

The tender Omega of only 22 years old was a simple ordinary citizen in the town of Busan, from a very young age he had to help his mother to work, since when he was 10 years old his father died in his job, being badly injured and passing away hours later.

For Jung-Su, losing his father was painful, but more painful was to see how his beloved mother was getting older and weaker as the years went by.

Omega's parents were Betas, which is why the boy always wondered, why was he Omega if his parents were Betas? But there was always that 1% chance that in a Beta couple that the rank of one of their children would be different, and in this case, Jung-Su achieved that 1%.

The Omega started working at the age of 13, weeks after he was introduced since his mother could not cope with so much work and struggled for many years until the day came when his mother's health deteriorated. At the age of 22, the Omega was left without parents, his mother passed away as well, not before confessing a secret to him, which completely changed the life of the beautiful Omega, who lived in a lie all his years, leaving him broken and vulnerable.

How bad could it be for the Omega to wander alone in a forest of a Kingdom that is not his own?

What bad could happen to the Omega, if he meets an Alpha in heat?

Na Jung-Su's life was shattered after he found out the secret, but it will take a drastic and dramatic change when he meets a certain Alpha in heat, who will be totally dominated by his wolf and may come to harm the innocent Omega's innocent life, or not?


Since he was almost forced to be the King of Daegu, he has not had a single second of peace, he hardly sleeps, he always has important matters to deal with for the people of his Kingdom, Min Kang-Dae, he was considered a greedy, conceited, overbearing and proud man, but one thing was very clear to him. He would never be able to let his own people starve, his father always taught him and his brother to know how to protect his people.

Kang-Dae had greed but in other ways, he loved to spend his time with beautiful Omegas and Betas, to satisfy his carnal needs and why not, to see those who dared to contradict him fall, his people always had food and did not complain about it, but many decided to become rebels and break the laws of the Kingdom, which almost all were to sacrifice the lives of the townspeople if they committed a serious offense.

They were people who did not like the rules, who hated to follow orders, those were the people who joined with other kingdoms, to destroy the castles or the people themselves, who were never to blame for a few who did not accept the laws. Kang-Dae was exhausted, not only for having to deal with the people and be attentive to them now that the Kingdom was ruled by him, he had to deal with the council, who had him cornered, and not to mention the rebels, who were committing more and more atrocities against his people.

The Council, who was in charge that the laws of the three main kingdoms and the rest were carried out and fulfilled as they are dictated, were not very much in agreement with the main Kingdom that was Daegu, had changed King without a couple to rule by his side, it was one of the main rules, but they had no choice but to accept because the old King was sick, every day his health and that of his wife were declining. Until them both died soon.

For this reason, they gave Kang-Dae an ultimatum, he had only three months to find a couple to take the position of Queen or King and rule with him. In older times it was frowned upon for a King's mate to be a man, but more than 30 years ago that law was passed, so now kingdoms could have a Queen or King to rule alongside the main King.

In Seoul, the second reign in command, had two Kings, who had been ruling together for three years and despite being very young they did excellently, the former Kings of Seoul had died because of an attack that had the Kingdom and did not see it planned, leaving the King seriously wounded, dying hours later, being accompanied by his wife days later. He left his second son in charge since his first son died at birth.

The Kingdom of Busan has two male rulers as well, who took over after the former Kings were caught committing fraud against the people, their only son Omega took the throne, next to his Alpha, now the people of Busan were in full order and is well-governed.

Kang-Dae was an Alpha with a strong character, he got angry easily and hated not sleeping well his exact hours, at that moment he was throwing lightning from the rage he felt. The rebels had destroyed the neediest houses of the town, he gave orders to take those people to a safe place and his order was not carried out quickly, delaying more than necessary because his supposed right hand gave him a break.

An Alpha like him could ever find a mate?