
Let’s Read The Word

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Ever Since I Met You

Ever Since I Met You




Meet Lea Davis, a girl who nobody at school actually cares about, a girl with the brightest smile on all the time, a girl who can make you laugh without you saying anything, a girl who sees the world differently. But a smile can hide a lot, pain, grief, anger, deprivation, anxiety, regret and a whole lot of other emotions, Lea is a pro at hiding them from everyone and sometimes even her bff. Well until she bumps into someone mysterious, someone different, someone who can see through her smile and her whole life is turned upside down.

"Eeeeeeeeeeek and than what happened!" Olivia gushed as we walked to my locker.

"Well as usual, nothing beside stand there and scare off everyone that got within 5 metres from me!" I say with a smile as my dream flashes back to me.

"It sounds like you're actually living a book in your dreams!" Olivia says with a dreamy sigh, I do the exact same thing and lean against my locker.

Ring, ring, ring.

I groan as the bell interrupts my beautiful daydreaming.

"Alright princess, I will see you later!" I do a small curtsey, Olivia bursts out laughing but she too curtseys.

"Thou shall see me during the lunch time bestie!" Olivia said in a british voice before walking away, I chuckled before running to my class.

I thank the universe when I see that I am not late to class and I simple walk over to my seat and sit down and than follow my usual dreaming schedule, during my last daydream I was busy fighting the dragon with my trustworthy sword friend.

"LEA DAVIS!" I quickly snap back to reality only to find the whole classroom about to burst out laughing and my math teacher, Mrs. Clinton, red with anger.

She looks like a kettle.

I snort out loud causes the whole classroom to burst out laughing and Mrs. Clinton to turn a much deeper shade of red with anger.

"Why don't you come up on board and tell us exactly what were you thinking after solving the problem on the board!" I gave her a nod before getting up and making my way to the board, I sighed in relief when I saw that I had gone over this topic last night when I was bored, so i quickly solved it.

"And the answer is 5%!" I say with a small smile.

"And what exactly were you think off during my classes?" Mrs. Clinton says annoyed, I start fiddling with my shirt.

"Probably some imaginary boyfriend!" One of the boys said causing the others to burst out laughing.

"Well I am pretty sure that even in her daydreams no one finds her appealing!" One of the girls said, I felt tears threatening to roll down my eyes.

Breathe Lea, ignore them and breathe. They're not worth your time.

I managed to calm myself down and I plastered on a smile before turning to Mrs. Clinton.

"I was actually thinking about the fact that you were suppose to have written a 9 instead of an 8 and how and why is no one correcting and if it would have been better if I correct you or should I just leave you to your blindness!" I say with a sarcastic smile causing the whole class to go dead silent.

Mrs. Clinton was about to say something else when someone knocked on the door. I quickly rush back to my seat as Mrs. Clinton says come in and the principal walks in.

"Mrs. Clinton, I deeply apologise to interrupting but we have a new student!" Mr. Ford said peppy.

A boy walked in as deadly silence fell upon the students again. He looks familiar, really familiar. His black jeans, black button up shirt, his dark brown hair styled to look messy and his deep ocean blue eyes make him look like a badboy.

"Mr. Fox, introduce yourself and I am going to be on my way!" Mr. Ford said before leaving the handsomely hot boy standing there.

You're checking him out Lea, you just called him handsomely hot.

I chuckle at that causing the whole classroom to turn to me again, I quickly cover my mouth with my hands, Mrs. Clinton still looks very mad at me still.

"Is there anything else you would like to share with us Mrs. Davis?" Mrs. Clinton says smugly. I look at the board to see if there's anything else but sadly there isn't, I sigh as I stand up.

"She was probably daydreaming about her not existent love life!" One of the other girls said, my head snapped to her.

"Yeah probably not, I am pretty sure that even in her daydreaming guys avoid her, I mean seriously, she should be in an asylum!" I quickly snatch my pencil case and chug it at the girl who said it.

"Mrs. Davis detention!" Mrs. Clinton roared at me, I sighed as I sat back down.

The guy was still standing there not paying attention to what was happening, he seemed to be focused on something else, a smile forms when i realise exactly why he's lost, airpods, this handsomely hot guy would make a great wattpad character.

"Alright now Mr. Fox, you can introduce yourself!" Mrs. Clinton says annoyed and it takes about 2 minutes for the guy to realise that everyone is staring at him.

"I'm Liam Fox and I'm starting school here!" He says in a deadpan expression before walking to the one and only empty seat which is right next to me. I have to bite my tongue so I don't burst out laughing.

"Dude, there's a reason why that seat is empty, that girl is a freak, get another place, it's for your own good!" A guy says causing angry tears to well up in my eyes as my vision turns blurry.

"I don't recall asking for your fucking opinion did I?" Liam says in his deadpan voice.

I quickly tune myself out of this world and go back to my fantasy.

Breathe Lea, you've heard worst stuff right, just breathe, it's just one comment, think of anything else.

I think of whatever fictional characters pop up in my head as I follow the usual breathing pattern I made for myself, ignoring the walls closing in, ignoring the nausea, ignoring my ragged breathing.

"Here have some water, you look like you're about to pass out!" My head snaps to Liam, I look at the water bottle before looking back at him and his expressionless face. "It's not poisoned!" He places the water bottle on my desk before looking back at the board.

I drink nearly the whole bottle as I calm myself down, the bell rings and I turn around to thank him but he is already leaving the classroom, I sigh, I'll thank him when I see him again.

I groan when I realise that we still have 2 classes left before break, well more daydreaming time for me I guess.


I sigh in relief when the bell finally rings for break, I still have no idea why we have to come to school but since i don't have much of an option, here am I.

I find Olivia outside my class.

"OMG, DID YOU HEAR ABOUT WHO IS HERE?" Olivia yelled at me excitedly.

"Geez, I am pretty sure the whole school heard you Liv!" I say whilst checking if I can still hear properly. "And I need you to be more specific about who you're talking about!"

"Some hot rich guy started school here, I haven't seen him myself but I heard that he is hot, book type boy!" Olivia said dreamy, I chuckle at her reaction.

"He was in my first class actually, well according to your description it sounds like we are definitely talking about the same person!" Olivia started squealing and jumping causing me to do the same.

We get to the cafeteria and than notice that the whole cafeteria is deadly quiet, Olivia gives me a quizzical look and I just shrug, i look at where everyon else is looking.

Liam at the last empty table, blasting his music and just there lost, I sigh and drag Liv to our usual table where we do our usual routine of laughing at the stupidest of stuff.

Well until Liv yelled at me to duck but it took a while for my brain to process what was happening and I fell something bang me on the head and than slide down my back.

The whole cafeteria burst out laughing, I touch my head and see spaghetti.

Olivia gets up and starts marching to the guy but I quickly grab her hand.

"Aww you're scared!" One of the guys said.

"Shut the fuck up!" Olivia said angry, I was having a pretty hard time trying to hold her down and calm my breathing.

"Liv please don't do anything!" I beg my bff who is still trying to go murder the guy, she looks at me again before sighing.

We grab our stuff and start walking out of the cafeteria.

"Wow, you guys are really weak!" And I stop, Liv tightens her hold on my hand.

"Walk Lea!" Olivia begs, you can bully me, call me names but no one insults my bff.

And that's when we hear the cracking noise causing us to jump and quickly turn around to find one of the guys on the floor unconscious and Liam standing there still looking as bored as always.
