
Let’s Read The Word

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10dsys in a ship

10dsys in a ship




Hmm please miss can you adjust, you are slightly occupying my seat!! Vash frown and looked at the guy who just distract her lunch.hey Mr Man don't you how to be a gentleman!? Vash fired back at him Hey! Miss if you don't want me to fuck you right here, then respect yourself,Dane yelled back at her.. .... It seems we both have to share the same room! Gosh I wonder if we are going to get off this damn ship alive! Vash was muttering when studdenly something climbed on her! She quickly jump up, running around the room shouting at the top of her lungs! Dane got confused and don't know how to calm her down. He held her hand, telling her to stop screaming but Vash was still afraid and kept on shouting.. Dane in confusion did the next thing that came into his mind,he mend their lips hoping to make her Shut up but the unexpected happened as the kiss prolonged into a passionate one!...

After bidding her family good bye she quickly took a cab and head to the Marine-port.


After uploading her luggage and did all the necessary procedure, she happily took her ticket and went to sit on her seat in the ship! She was very clumsy and didn't bother herself about what people think of her!..

She was happily eating her snack, enjoying the view of the seaside when a studden unknown voice pull her back to reality!.

Miss please adjust, you are slightly occupying the space of my chair! The guy who studdenly appeared immediately cautioned her!..

Vash frown at the unfamiliar being who just appeared noisyly disturbing her lunch!

Can't you be a gentleman man! Vash angrily fired at him, feeling irritated by his attitude!..

Huh! Hey! Miss if you don't want me to fuck you right here then respect yourself and do what is expected of you! The man yelled at her!..

Jeez! Vash gritted her teeth in anger! Such a shameless bastard! She muttered and readjusted after giving each other a cold look!!.

Dane brought out some cigarettes as his addiction studdenly kicked in,he was about to light it up.. when studdenly it was drag out of his hand..

He frowned deeply in anger, seeing the way Vash dragged it away from him! Young lady, what the hell is your problem!? He asked feeling irritated at vash's action..

.well mr man, this is not your home, you can't just come and smock here! This is a ship remember! Or do you lock your brains and come here to kill us!?

. Dane clenched his fist in anger! What's your business if I burn down this Damm ship! Miss I know what I am doing,I am not a kid who you can lecture! So don't cross the line.

Dane firmly warned but Vash grab it and throw the cigarette away. She immediately turned around only to see the murderous gaze of the man! He was looking so scaring,Vash felt a shiver running down in her body and she quickly apologize! .

Please I am sorry! I don't mean to anger you, please stop looking at her like that,it really scaring she said and quickly started tearing up!..

The young man was shocked seeing her acting strange! Huh! I thought you were so brave.. what making you cry all of a studden!....

Vash hearing his statement immediately observe herself.. ahh! She scolded herself inwardly for being weak like that