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Billionaire Rebirth: My Assets Skyrocketed After Revival

Billionaire Rebirth: My Assets Skyrocketed After Revival


Realistic Urban

Upon opening his eyes, Li Fei found himself to have been reincarnated back to 2009, the year he had just been admitted to university. Not only that, but he also found himself bound to a "Perfect Life System." What was he waiting for? Now he could amass wealth and charm gorgeous women! Go ahead and seize a perfect life this time around!

"Dear passengers, we are about to arrive at the final stop of this train — Yanjing, the ancient city.

Please carry your luggage and orderly disembark from the train..."

The train erupted again with an announced broadcast that rang like a thunderclap in Li Fei's ears.

His eyes bulged, displaying an expression of utter shock.

The scene in the train was unlike the clean and tranquil scenario of trains in the year 2035—the colorful youngsters, countrymen with their woven bags, city women clutching their children...

All around him were people in clothing styles from the past two to three decades, as if he had been transported back in time.

Also, what kind of phones were these people using?

Nokia 1100, CECT...

By 2035, these pre-2010 cell phones would have been considered antiques...

"Hummmm... Tring Tring..."

Then, Li Fei's pocket also began to vibrate, emitting an old-fashioned ringtone.

In disbelief, he removed his phone, his hand trembling so much he almost dropped it. Rubbing his eyes to ensure he was not seeing things, he checked again.

He too was using a Nokia 1100, the date displayed on the phone was: August 26, 2009, the time was: 12:08.

"What the hell, have I been reincarnated? Just like that?"

Li Fei remained stunned for a while, pinching his leg painfully.

He then moved to the water refill spot in the carriage, washing his face by the basin, the water was quite cold.

Shouts from others floated to him, someone accidentally bumped into him, and apologized to him politely.

In his pocket, his phone started to vibrate, ringing again, and the incoming call displayed a number so familiar.

His shaky hand pressed the answer button, a soul-piercing voice passed out from the phone, "Son, have you arrived?”

Hearing his mother's voice, he almost burst into tears, suppressing his intense emotions, he whispered: "I have...”

"Just make sure you're there, head straight to your school once you leave the station, ignore strangers, build good relations with your teachers and classmates, and share some local specialties from our hometown with them…"

His mother repeated her advice over and over, and Li Fei patiently listened.

"Mom, I got it. I will study hard, I will soon make you live a good life…”

After finishing the call with his mother, Li Fei wiped the unexpected tears.

Many emotions welled up in his heart, all ultimately turned into grand ambitions.

On August 26, 2009, this day was a turning point in his life.

This day, he left his hometown where he had grown up and came to a city thousands of miles away, opening a new chapter.

In the next four years, he experienced joy, freedom, worry, frustration, and unforgettable college life.

In his previous life, he missed many opportunities, after a lifetime of struggle yet achievement was nothing, he ended in regret.

With life beginning anew, he was set on living a lively one.

Li Fei spent his time alternating between a frown and a foolish grin, scaring those around him. The conductor's questioning finally startled him back to reality.

He returned to his seat, hoisted his suitcase, and followed the crowd step by step to the station exit.

The ancient city walls, the shrill cries for wooden benches, the smell of mutton stewed buns carried with the wind, everything was so familiar.

Li Fei left the dense crowd, standing in the ancient city exuding an old charm, as though he were in a different time.

Under the blooming blue sky, he inhaled the fresh air, full of excitement like a teenage boy.

His eyes grew deep after landing on a figure.

The girl was about 5.4 feet tall, with exquisite facial features and a slender figure. She was serene and indifferent, seemingly like a fairy who was unbothered by the trivialities of the world.

Wherever she was, she became the center of attention.

Li Fei's sighting of the girl was unintentional, and whether she noticed him consciously or unconsciously, she too saw Li Fei.

With her ice-cold demeanor, she appeared to be looking at a stranger, and she walked away with her suitcase.

Once again bearing witness to her icy heartlessness and her cold eyes keeping everyone at arm's length, Li Fei's chest tightened. His face filled with a cold smile.

The girl was named Liu Zixun, who had been Li Fei's classmate since grade school.

From the times of innocent youth, he had fallen for Liu Zixun, but it was an unrequited love.

With his average family background and average academic performance, he was just ordinary.

Liu Zixun came from a privileged background, excellent in academics, and quite the artist. She was essentially the epitome of "someone else's child."

Out of inferiority, he never dared to confess his feelings to Liu Zixun.

Nevertheless, Li Fei has always been making diligent, secret effort to catch up with Liu Zixun.

Maybe the universe rewards persistence, or maybe he just outdid himself, but during the university entrance examination, he amazingly got admitted into Yanjing University's School of Economics, the same one Liu Zixun applied for.

He felt as though he had "changed his fate against all odds," filled with confidence in the future, and found the courage to confess his feelings to Liu Zixun.

Alas, humans plans and God disposes. Liu Zixun, reasoning with, "My studies come first; I won't be involved in any romantic relationships in my university time," rejected him flat out.

Believing her words to be true, he found her unwavering focus on work even though she was at the top, and his obsession with her deepened.

Consequently, he became Liu Zixun's most faithful lackey.

Anticipating her needs, meeting her expectations.

He gave her everything he could, yet couldn't obtain a shred of her warm affection in return.

Every time he felt like giving up, Liu Zixun would give him a glimmer of hope.

However, as he went to confess his feelings again cheerfully, she would brush him off again with, "I need to focus on my studies first."

The four years at the university had been a cycle of hope and despair for him, but he never could escape from Liu Zixun's hand.

He was like a Liu Zixun's puppet, his emotions entirely under her control.

He has always thought that he wasn't good enough, he did everything possible to improve himself, seeking to prove to Liu Zixun that he is in no way inferior to others.

But reality gave him a resounding slap in the face.

At the university graduation ceremony, a handsome guy driving a luxury BMW, holding flowers and a diamond ring, proposed to Li Zixun on live television, in front of the whole school. Li Zixun threw herself into his wealthy and handsome arms.

The lecture hall erupted into thunderous applause. Everyone was shouting in unison, turning him, Li Fei, into the biggest joke.

In that moment, he finally understood.

It wasn't that he wasn't outstanding enough, or that Li Zixun didn't want to date in college.

The problem was that he had no money, no status, no place in society. Li Zixun didn't want to be with him.

This world was a prostitute, flashing her smiles only at wealth and power, sincerity going unnoticed.

After this blow, Li Fei no longer had interest in women. He was determined to earn money and to climb as high as he could.

Except he was too eager for success. With an unstable foundation, he got carried away, fell into someone's trap, and made a disastrous loss.

In the end, his parents had to step in to help him back on his feet and find a job.

By then, he had reached middle age, with no capital left to his name, no energy left to fight, and ultimately succumbed to reality.

For his parents, he worked tirelessly, hustling and busting every day. He had to grovel to his superiors, swallowing any insults thrown his way.

The death of his parents was another massive blow.

Afterwards, he lived like a ghost, not quite living nor dead, until life gave him a second chance.

"I will not make stupid mistakes in this lifetime!"

Li Fei swore in secret.

Just then, he suddenly froze, a voice appearing in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations, host, on being chosen by the Perfect Life system. Do you want to bind with the system?"