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Agent 15

Agent 15

Author:The Young Agent



A fifteen year old boys is given a job in a special intelligence company because he is able to see things that other can't and he is good at find and interrogating his suspects to get what he wants. He finds a 35 year old criminal who thinks just like him and he is supposed to get hold of him and interrogate him. Will he manage to get him?

" What is this?.... You think bringing a child here, how old are you 13 or something? You think this is going to torture me?"

Not torture but I am here to interrogate you and find out how you murdered Agent Reynold. They call me agent 15 that's because I am 15 years old.

I saw his smile coming out slowly and then he busted out laughing. " Are you serious a kid, you want a kid to interrogate me? Hahahaha this is gonna be a piece of cake, he barely knows a thing about interrogation and just the basics of police work hahahaha."

"Agent 15, your time starts now we don't have all day, we are giving you 10 minutes."

"Hear that agent baby, you only have ten minutes let's see what you've got." He bursts out laughing again.

I took the box that had the tools we found on the murder scene that the suspect had used and put it on the table, it had a very sharp darger that was used to curve a symbol into agent Reynold's skin, a screw driver that was used to make a hole in his neck and a syringe and needle that was used to drug him to death. I took them out one by one and put them on the table as slow as a turtle on land. He laughed again and said " oowww is that supposed to scare me agent baby? What do you think this is a movie? well this ain't one my boy, this is reality and in this world you don't make babies do detective staff."

No it's not a movie but I think I will use some of the technique's they use in movies, to start with, you have an interesting name Robin Hood any relations with the Robin Hood from the Robin Hood movie? Not quite but I bet you've watched it, quite interesting how he managed to deal with an army alone ehh. "Anyways let's get to business". in a happy tone. So who do you work for and why are you killing our agents?

" Hahahaha you think I am going to say anything to this child no ways!!" He said.

I am giving only one chance to talk and if you don't I will have to make you give in without complications. "Oohwww I am scared, agent baby will make me give in, hahahaha. I won't say a thing."

Ok you leave me no choice.

I took the screw driver stabbed him in his thigh twice and removed the screw driver and sat back on my chair and as he was shouting I could see everything that he had in his mind. I closed my eyes and gave a gaze Into what happened and told them what I was seeing.

I see a man in black he is short, he has a deep voice no beards only a mostache his wearing black shades and they call him The Game changer. He was the one who stabbed agent Reynolds in the neck with a screw driver but not using his hands, he used his........"Used his what agent 15?". He used his mind. And had Robin and the others inject Reynolds and curve the symbol into his skin.

" Now I see you are just like him, the Game changer nowanda they gave you this job. But no matter what you do you won't be able to find him he knows every move you make before you even make it."

Take him away please I have what I need now I have to find this game changer.

As they took him away he laughed and said " Time is ticking before he finds you, he was once like you ask your supremes they will tell you all about him hahahaha."

"Agent 15, good work you can take your leave now go home and rest and make sure you get some sleep."

Thank you sir.

He had a strange look as he said that to me and he left so I went home thinking about what Robin had said. I don't really know much about where I come from or who my parents are all I know is that my father and mother died when I was young so I was adopted by an agent who raised me up in a military special intelligent life without friends or any fun just me in my room meditating all the time and figuring out puzzles.