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Chasing Wife After Divorce: Ten Brothers Spoil Madly

Chasing Wife After Divorce: Ten Brothers Spoil Madly



On the day her wealthy husband proposed divorce, Ji Wanwan discovered she was pregnant. A home wrecker invaded her nuptial home and her mother-in-law crushed her underfoot, siding with the mistress. Just as she hit rock bottom, a helicopter descended from the sky, and six handsome, wealthy brothers came to take her home? Turns out, she’s the long-lost heiress to the most prominent family in Jiang City! The identities of her six brothers are prestigious: One is a real estate tycoon, casually offering her a luxurious villa? One is a genius scientist, providing her a custom-designed automatic driving luxury car? One is a golden lawyer, publicly siding with her, willing to sue anyone who dares slander her? One is a top-notch surgeon, who turns into a culinary master, cooking for her everyday? One is an international pianist, comforting her sorrows with melodious piano music... And last, but not least, a well-renowned and highly watched film actor, who publicly proclaims her as the love of his life on the award stage! "With such excellent brothers, I am truly blessed!" Tears of gratitude fell from Ji Wanwan's eyes. Suddenly, four more handsome men appeared, surrounding her: "No, you actually have ten brothers!" Moreover, she became a top designer by her own capabilities! Regretting his decision, her ex-husband kneels to beg for reconciliation: "Wanwan, I was wrong. Please, come back!"

"Sign the divorce agreement," Luna Junyan's voice was calm and resolute, conveying an undeniable sense of indifference.

"Why so sudden?" Autumn's tone was surprised, her eyes carrying a hint of disbelief.

Luna Junyan paused, his only response was, "Wanwan has returned."

Autumn understood. The "Wanwan" he was referring to was not her.

Wanwan, Su Wan, was the woman Luna Junyan cherished the most.

After a short silence, Autumn, her hand on her belly, suddenly asked, "If we have a child, would you still divorce me?"

Luna Junyan's gaze fell on her belly, his brows furrowing slightly.

"Didn't I ask you to take precautions after that incident a month ago?" That incident had been the only one in their three years of marriage.

As if she had been burned, Autumn quickly withdrew her hand from her abdomen.

But Luna Junyan captured her wrist, his gaze complex, "Are you really pregnant?"

Autumn hesitated for a moment, "I was saying hypothetically, would you want this child?"


Lu Jinjuan breathed a sigh of relief. In an unhappy marriage, the child would only feel more pain, just like his parents.

The man let go of her hand and her heart sank along with it.

She calmly accepted this reality. "Alright."

Lu Jinjuan seemed surprised that she agreed so quickly, he paused for a moment.

He glanced at his young wife by his side. Her round face, still pudgy with baby fat, made her look like a minor.

He had no feelings for her, only marrying her because his grandmother liked her, and her presence made his grandmother's health much better. It was a relationship of convenience.

If it wasn't for that accident a month ago, Lu Jinjuan would have almost forgotten that they've been married for three years already.

To continue this marriage would only rob her of her youth; it was better to separate.

"Besides the compensation mentioned in the divorce agreement, if you have any other requests, please don't hesitate to voice them."

Lu Jinjuan loosened his tie, looking worn out, and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Sitting on the sofa, Ji Wanwan opened the divorce agreement, her heart ached at the sight of the densely packed clauses.

Ji Wanwan had been an orphan since childhood. After being adopted, her adoptive parents had twins, and she was sent off to live with her aunt. Fortunately, her aunt treated her well.

Ji Wanwan's greatest desire was to have a family. Even though she knew Lu Jinjuan did not love her, she tried hard to be a gentle wife for three years.

But reality showed, she could never warm a cold, hardened heart.

She gently patted her belly. It had been a long time since her last menstrual period. Only after a hospital check did she discover that she had been pregnant for a month.

Although she's divorced now, she has a child. She's no longer alone.

She didn't read the content of the divorce agreement, and directly signed on the last page.


"Ji Wanwan, ask the maid to clean up the guest room on the second floor. We're having guests for a couple of days, make sure they're well treated!"

Ji Wanwan was roused from her slumber by a call from her mother-in-law, Meng Lijuan.

Leaving these words, the other end of the line went dead.

She didn't even have the time to ask who the guest was.

Ji Wanwan smiled helplessly. She was already accustomed to her mother-in-law's indifference towards her, as if any more conversation was a waste of time.

After freshening up and leaving her bedroom, Lu Jinyan had already left for the company.

Last night, as usual, Lu Jinyan slept in the guest room.

Just as Ji Wanwan descended the stairs, she saw a fashionably dressed young woman walk into the lobby.

Is this the guest her mother-in-law mentioned?

A beautiful and glamorous woman?

As the thought crossed her mind, a trace of ridicule glittered in her eyes.

In the past, she might have been upset, but now she was already divorced from Lu Jinyan. Whoever comes to live was none of her business.


As she tried to greet, the woman directly ignored her. After glancing around the hall, she started ordering the butler.

"The color of these curtains is incorrect. The sofa isn’t suitable either. Change the style of the bedroom’s bed to my preference."

Ji Wanwan, unable to hold it in anymore, questioned, “Excuse me, who are you? We have no intentions of renovating this place."

"I am Su Wan, the future mistress of this place. Therefore, I will determine the style of the décor here."

"So, you are Su Wan?"

A bitter taste filled Ji Wanwan’s heart. So this was Lu Jinyan’s 'bright moon'.

The former bright moon had returned to the country; naturally, she, as the substitute, should give way.

"You seem to have heard of me. So, quickly sign the divorce agreement. You've been occupying this position for three years, it’s time to rebound."

Ji Wanwan responded lightly, “You speak so sentimentally. When Lu Jinyan was in a coma after his accident, where were you to marry him?”

At that time, Lu Jinyan had a serious car accident.

Grandmother Lu was eager to find a girl to continue the family lineage, and all the noble women shied away from her.

Ji Wanwan was Grandmother Lu's caretaker. She was exceptionally kind to her, even lending her money to pay off her debts.

Unable to bear the sight of Grandmother Lu witnessing the departure of her loved ones, Ji Wanwan agreed to her request and married into the Lu family.

Everyone, including Ji Wanwan herself, thought that Lu Jinyan wouldn't survive. They perceived this marriage as merely going through the motions.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jinyan made a miraculous recovery.

Since then, she found herself in a significantly embarrassing situation in the Lu household.

After all, to marry a common caregiver as the heir of the richest man in the new city, such a gap in status caused her to feel tremendous pressure.

For the past three years, her true identity had always been kept under wraps.

Su Wans' expression froze for a moment: “That's because my family didn't let me marry. They locked me in the house. In the end, a simpleton like you snuck in first.”

“I am warning you, I am the little princess of the Su family in Jiang City. My brothers are very influential. If you dare to fight with me, beware of your family!”

Ji Wanwan's face instantly turned dark.

“Try threatening my family, and I definitely won’t let you go.”

“If you want your family to be safe, just sign the divorce agreement obediently.”

Su Wan saw the divorce agreement on the coffee table and felt a hint of triumph in her heart.

After such a long wait, she had finally reached this day.

Ji Wanwan calmly replied: "I've already signed it."

"It seems you understand well."

Su Wan took a check out of her designer handbag.

"Here's one million, just a token of my goodwill."

A trace of cold sneer passed in Ji Wanwan's eyes, she didn't make any move to accept it.

"Is it too little? Based on your previous income as a caregiver, this is ten years' worth of salary. Take this sum, and never disturb our life again."

"Jin Yan and I are destined for each other. You're an ordinary person, you don't belong in our world."

Ji Wanwan's heart was stabbed once again, she silently walked upstairs back to the master bedroom.

Regardless of whether Su Wan came today or not, she had already decided to leave.

Since they were divorced, there was no reason to stay here anymore.

Only when she started packing did she realize that her belongings were pitifully few, not even enough to fill a suitcase.

These three years of life seemed like an illusory dream.

Ji Wanwan glanced at the pregnancy test report on the bedside table, whispering to herself.

It's time to end all this.

Just then, Su Wan sauntered into the master bedroom, a divorce agreement in her hand.

"Have you packed all your things?"

When Su Wan spotted a piece of paper on the bedside table, reading the words "City Women and Children Hospital" from a distance, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

Ji Wanwan quickly grabbed the pregnancy test report and crumpled it into a ball.

Su Wan asked in surprise, "You're not pregnant, are you?"

Holding the pregnancy test tightly, Ji Wanwan said, "If I really am pregnant, I won't get a divorce."

"Huh, of course a woman like you would use a child to secure your hold on Jin Yan."

"However, even if you're pregnant, Jin Yan won't accept the child. You're just an ordinary person, and it's not fitting for you to bear an heir for the Lu family."

Ji Wanwan turned and walked into the cloakroom, Su Wan closely following.

"Wait, let me see the paper you picked up from the table earlier."

Filled with apprehension, Su Wan had to confirm whether Ji Wanwan was pregnant or not.

She definitely cannot let this woman give birth to a child of the Lu family!