<p data-p-id="8d3c6184c812185809375d798d20c0c5"><em>Five Weeks. Thirty five Days. Eight forty hours. Fifty thousand four hundred minutes. Thirty lakh twenty four thousand seconds of endurance and then I will be able to freely fly in the vast welkin like a </em><em>bird.</em>
<p data-p-id="390ee94744f0bd967afdcc16e51e23b3">"Remember this marriage is out of convenience. You've to stay strong." Anahita reminded herself unscrewing her earrings and dropped them on the vanity table beside the pool of her bangles.
<p data-p-id="ab1e970f6078a9acc18c320fd0336c78">With a creak, the bedroom door unbarred and she raised her thick lashed eyes to the mirror again. Her lips - full and luscious, painted in red - stretched up in a faux smile when he stepped inside. How could she not feel his presence and the scorching warmth that filled the void of the room instantly. Pair of warm, grey eyes - sparkling pool of liquid silver as she preferred to view them - examined the whole room before zeroing his wandering vision on the mirror and they shined in delight.
<p data-p-id="267eb4f3b17405c1b7a25a0806870820">'<em>A few days of pretension and I'll be out of </em><em>this.</em>' She mused, coyly smiling now and embraced his gaze with hers, working on to unfix the heavy piece of jewelry around her slender neck.
<p data-p-id="9c28d0526253bd5161b5020ed389388f"><em>When in Rome do as Romans do. </em>Her rational mind advised.
<p data-p-id="8fd7f58e728fb6eb585b27cd0b1608d9">_________
<p data-p-id="73360fd629c9be08e3651d0eab2d9f9b"><strong>New story *Fingers crossed*</strong><br /><strong>Hope you'll like this.</strong><br /><strong>Thoughts on the sneak peak?</strong><br /><strong>Do votes and comments please :D</strong>