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P.A To Mr Rude

P.A To Mr Rude

Author:Authoress Quinny



Ace Emerson is the most hot, sexy, and arrogant playboy in New York. He is ruthless when it comes to business and women. He has gone through women like clothes. Meet Violet Jones is a smart, great looking, and independent woman who is honest and loving. They are polar opposites but you know what they say, "opposites attract". What happens when Violet get the job position of being Ace's P.A? What happens on her first day of work when she finds out that she will be married to her arrogant, rude, and heartless boss? Will sparks fly or will a fire ignite? Watch out from this story.....

Ace pov

I woke up to my head pounding. It hurts so much.

I guess I shouldn't have drank so much last night. Regretting my decision of drinking last night I turned to my right only to see a blond sleeping naked next to me. I smirked as the memories of last night came back to me. She was amazing. But unfortunately she's gotta go.

Without waking her up I move off of the bed and get into the shower.

The shower felt great and relaxing. If I could stay in the shower all day I would but unfortunately I have to work. I didn't mind working, actually I loved it.

I the CEO of a multibillion dollar company. I know I might sound like a workaholic but I enjoy being in the office because it's peaceful like a safe haven and I can do what I do best. Although I have to admit it can be stressful at times or most of the times.

I quickly wrap a towel around my waist and left the bathroom. Before my foot steps past the threshold of the bathroom I am greeted by my little blond friend. "Good morning Ace" Venessa, I think, said very seductively as she put her hand on my chest as she moves closer to me.

"Good morning" I said without emotion as I remove her hand from my bare chest and walk around her. As I did I could see her face fall. "What's wrong? I thought you liked me" Venessa was now pouting at me. Ha . I laughed to myself. Like that is going to work sweetheart.

"I liked you for one night not forever". I had said with a smirk on my face. With that said she lets out a loud gasp.

"What! How could you, you used me" I couldn't believe that Venessa was now shedding tears.

Oh honey, so many people have tried that but not going to work, I thought to myself.

I roll my eyes at her little show, "now don't you dare make me look like the bad guy here, you knew what you were getting yourself into last night. I clearly told you that this-" I said pointing between Venessa and I "is only for one night".

As those words left my mouth, I saw Venessa's had come right for my face in full speed; but I caught her hand before it hit my face. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS TO ME! HOW COULD YOU USE ME?" Is she really accusing me of "using" her?

"Oh no don't you dare accuse me of using you because if we go back to the bar there is video surveillance that you-" I said pointing at her "willingly came with me and me telling you that this was a one night thing" I was upset now. She will not accuse of doing something I didn't do.

"Whatever" was all she had to say. I knew it was fake because she dropped her tears fast, but I won't have anymore of her after what she had just said. "Now I was going to let you stay for breakfast but since you started this whole drama, I insist that you leave now while you can or I call security". I won't tolerate her. I don't tolerate anybody.

"WHAT! ARE YOU REALLY KICKING ME OUT?" She shrieked. Man I am starting to really really really hate this woman. I still have a hangover from last night but on top of that I have a drama queen yelling at me first thing in the morning. "Be quite and get out" I yelled back. I mean although the shower helped I still can't deal with this.

She huffed and put her clothes on very angrily and stomped out of my room. When I finally heard the door slam I left my room and went to kitchen and made myself some green tea.

Once I made my tea I went out to the terrace and sat down and enjoyed my tea.

After finishing my tea I left for work. Today was not a very busy day but today I had to hire a new assistant because my current assistant was going to leave in about 2 weeks to go back to Ohio so she could be near her parents.

I really didn't want to hire someone else because I can be a little complicated to deal with when.


"Good morning Mr.Emerson" I was greeted by the receptionist in the lobby of my office building. "Good morning Regina" I said.

As I made my way up to the top of the building I was greeted by my assistant Lorry "Good morning Mr. Emerson. Today all you have to do is hire someone to be your new assistant and read the reports of all of the departments and make sure everything is alright.

"Okay Lorry, in about 15 minutes let them in one by one." I say to my assistant as I head into my office.

"Alright Mr.Emerson."


Violet pov

I got up early today and so EXCITED! I had my first interview for an assistant job at Emerson International. AH. I was so excited. I had taken a nice long shower and a very good breakfast and now was struggling on what to wear.

After staring at my closet for a good 15 minutes I decided to wear a black pencil skirt that ended right above my knee with a royal red blouse. And paired it with a black pair of heels. As of my hair, I had just went with a high pony. I looked sophisticated yet stylish and young.

I looked at my clock and realized that if I didn't leave now I was going to be late. So I quickly got in my car and left. On my way to my interview I got caught in traffic. "No no no, I can't be late" I said out loud. Although no one could hear me, I still yelled.

When I finally left the traffic I saw an accident. I felt so bad for the people but I had to get to my interview. "Sorry guys but today is a big day and I can't be late" I said to myself and I guess the people but they couldn't hear me.

After a good 10 minutes of driving I finally parked my car stood in front of a shiny tall building. This was it, this is my first interview. I took a deep breath and walked in.

"Thank you" I said to the man who opened the door for me.

As I walked in my breath was taken away by the well decorated lobby. It was beautiful. There was a huge chandelier and leather sofa's for people waiting. The windows -and doors- were all spotless not a single finger print on the glass.

I walked to the receptionist's desk -which was marble- and asked her, "Hi, um I am here to interview for the job of Mr.Emerson's new assistant". I told the skinny blond head. "Oh okay so here is what you want to do. First go down this hallway and you will see and elevator on your right. Then take the elevator to the 49th floor. When you get off there will be another receptionist named Carol and she will direct you the rest of the way" she said smiling at me. "Thank you" with that said I left.

The elevator ride was very awkward since it was filled with men. They were all just staring at me. They stared at me like they have never even seen a woman. I am not that beautiful, I mean I was average not beautiful.

Shoving my other thoughts to the side, I think about who I might potentially be working for. The man is only 29 and a Billionaire. He took over his father's company at the age of 26. He is very intelligent and everyone can see that but the guy is the most arrogant person you will ever meet. He goes through women like clothes. No joke. Everyday he is seen with some other girl on his arm. What I don't understand is why do the girls even say yes to him. But then again who could say "no" to him either. I mean he has those beautiful blue eyes, brunette hair -perfect length if I might say so myself, not to long but not to short just perfect- and well that BODY.

I was soon pulled out of my thoughts as the door opened for the 49th floor.

I quickly made my way to the reception.