
Let’s Read The Word

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Cold CEO All Love For His Wife

Cold CEO All Love For His Wife




She only meet with him once and get married. She only wants to live normal life but she never thought her husband is a number one Cold and rich Person in the world. He is cold to everyone and warm to her. He give her all the happiness in the world to her. Hubby, why do you love me? She asked.... Because You are my wife, if I dont love you then whom I love.....

An Xia knock on the door of study room.....


Come in... A low and magetnic voice come from inside....

Mr. Gu breakfast is ready come and eat... she said.

The person stood from the chair and walk out with her. After both of them sat down and eat in a scilence. Gu xiohan stood up and take out a bank card from his pocket and give to her.....

An xia this is my card and password is 251221. You can use this for any of your use after that he handed the card to her. I am leaving..... He said and left the house.

An Xia is still sitting on the table and look at the bank card in her hand. The person who give her this card is her newlywed husband. She never thought that she will marry him after meeting at once.

Yesterday, she went on a blind date because her best friend is forcing her. She is worried about her marriage like a mother worried for her daughter. After being forced by her many times she went out.....

She is wearing a simple dress and put a light make up. After the incident happen two years a ago she is not very optimestic about love...... She only want to find a simple man and get married.

As she is waiting a person come in. He is tall and handsome. His face is three dimensial. He is wearing a white shirt and black pants. His whole body filled with the aura of a king.

He come infront of her and sit down. I am sorry I let you wait for me.... he said in gentlemen stile.

Its ok, I am also not come long time ago. She replied.

Hello, I am Gu xiohan..... he said.

Hello, I am An Xia...

After that both of them exchange few words and he takeout a folder and place on the table.

This.... she asked in a puzzled manner.

This is all information about my medical history. An Xia look at his eyes. His eyes are brown and deep. No one is able to look into his eyes more then three seconds. It give a feeling of opreasion.

An Xia widraw her eyes and asked.... but why are you giving this to me?

You are my future wife.... I dont want to hide anything from you. You can see I am totally fit and their is no problem...

An Xia didnt hear anything else. Her whole focus is on the words 'Future Wife' They only know each other for twenty mintues and he said she is her future wife....

Mr. Gu... actually.... I... She dont know what to say....

Gu xiohan see her worries.... He said, Miss An Xia... We both are mature person. I usually dont beleive in love at first sight.....

I am here to look for a my future life partner. I belive that marrige is depend on two people trust and understanding. I feel that we are suitable for each other. Dont worry I will earn that much in which we can spent our future life happily.....

I also support your decision. If you want to do anything after our marriage I am always with you and If you still have any question about me you can also ask....

An Xia listien his reply and dont know what to say. She also dont beleive in love etc. But marry with a person whom you only met once.... It also a big decision.

She took the folder on the table and open it. His all medical history is good and clear.

After both of them order the food and start eating. After when they finished eating he asked.... Miss An Xia what decision you made?

An Xia herself what happend to her but she look at his eyes and said, I think Mr. Gu you are right. I am also think like that.

Next day, He went to her house and pick her and take her to the civil affairs beuro and both of them get their certificates. After that she move out with him to his house. He is living in a apartment.

It has two bedroom, kitchen, hall and study room. After coming from the Civil Affairs Beuro and moving in she went to the kitchen and make a breakfast for both of them.

An Xia come back to the reality and take the plates and went to the kitchen and wash them. After that she get ready to go out for work. As she is going her sight landed on the two red book place on the table. She took them and place them in to the drawer and went out.

An Xia lets get ready for your new life. She said to herself and take a taxi to go out for the work.

