
Let’s Read The Word

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Being the only one related to her grandfather, Deborah struggles to survive the torment,being inflicted on her by her stepmother, stepsister and her people.She's being punished by her people,for a mistake her grandfather, JOHN,made many years ago.Curious to know the reason and solve her problem,Deborah goes to visit an old lady from the next land,who decided to tell her everything.It was revealed to Deborah, that the two lands,both hers and the old lady's own,were facing a serious problem,from demons,that troubled them everyday and night.John,being a warrior,blacksmith and artist,had decided to save the lands from these demons,and he had a plan.With the help of a witch,John created a strong,powerful and handsome man named,REED,out from one of his book.Reed's creation was for a special reason,which John didn't reveal.Reed defeated the whole demons,which made everyone happy.But soon turned out to be another problem for the two lands.He used his powers to torment and torture the people,which led to the hatred for John.Because of this, John decided to send Reed back,which turned out to be very difficult.But soon,he succeeded in returning Reed back into the book,but the hatred for John didn't end.John was asked to surrender the book to the people,but told them that he had destroyed the book.Now Deborah knew the reason why the people hated her too,because she was related to John.Things soon changed for her,as the so called destroyed book,was found inside her grandfather's room.Thanks to Lucy,her stepsister.Lucy,being evil,influenced Deborah into opening the book.Deborah listened to her and opened it.Releasing Reed from the book,which means trouble for both lands.*How will she solve her problem?*Will Reed spare the people for trapping him in the book for so many years?And...*Will Deborah find out the main reason behind Reed's creation? Find out in this adventure of Love,Action, Thrilling and suspense.

The land of peace was known to be the most peaceful place on earth,after so many years.

The people were hardworking, good in communication, and in producing food.

In the land,there was a small house,located at the mountain of strength in peace land.

A young girl lived there with her step mother and step sister.Her name was DEBORAH.

She was a beauty in the eyes of men,but a threat in her step mother and sister's eyes.

Her step mother,AGNES,hated Deborah with passion, due to the fact that she was both her father and grandfather's favorite.

After the death of the both of them,Agnes took control over the house,and turned Deborah into a slave.Her daughter,LUCY,hated her too,and always made sure she got into trouble.

One day,Deborah was washing the clothes, belonging to her step sister,outside.

She saw the king's guards and his son,the prince,training at a field,with their swords.

Deborah love watching them,because it reminded her of her grandfather.Her grandfather was both a blacksmith, warrior and a story writer.

She remembered when she was little and he told her a story,about a powerful man,named REED.

He talked about how brave and powerful he was,and she fell in love with him."Really grandfather?! ", " Yes my dear!.Reed killed all the Demons that came his way,he was really powerful ". " Wow..!,I like Reed.He's my hero",she had said,carrying her grandfather's sword up,trying to be like Reed.

And its because of him,that Deborah began to train herself, on how to fight with a sword, with the help of her grandfather.Looking at the prince,made her happy,thinking of her childhood.

Seeing that she was almost done with her work,she stood up,silently, tiptoed out of the compound,and quickly, straight to the field.She was running like a child,looking so happy to be out of the compound.

She got to a tree,which was close to the field, and she could see some people,watching the prince, "Impressive!"," Wonderful! "," Amazing! ",those were the words Deborah could hear from the people. She was eager and desperate to see the prince clearly.

She moved closer, then in no seconds, she was at the front.

Watching the prince train,made everyone cheer and clap for him.

Deborah too was very happy.She was so engrossed in the training, that she didn't notice her step sister,Lucy,beside her.

Lucy's agenda at the field,was to gain the prince's attention.

She had applied so much make—up on her face,that she almost looked like a clown.She was with her friends.

They were all admiring the handsome prince as he trained.

Suddenly, as Lucy was showcasing herself in front of the prince,her eyes came across Deborah, who was cheering for the prince." What?!!,....what are you doing here?!",Lucy shouted,dragging the attention of both the prince and the crowds. Deborah turned and became stunned on seeing her step sister,"Oh no!,a

I'm in trouble ",Deborah had said to herself in fear.Lucy was very angry to see Deborah on the field.She was shouting on her," I said what are you doing here?!,aren't you supposed to be working at home?","Well....I..I was..".

"You were what Deborah?!, running away from home right?!".

Deborah was feeling unhappy with the way Lucy was treating her,that she couldn't bear it.Lucy noticed the prince,coming towards her direction, then she began to increase her voice,"Don't tell me you stole my mother's expensive necklace, because nowadays, her things are always missing. You must be a thief!!".

"No..I didn't steal anything, I promise!",Deborah cried out loud.That's when they heard the prince's voice,"What's going on here?",the prince asked,looking at the both of them.

Lucy greeted him and said,"My prince!",she blushed,then changes her face expression into an evil one,after looking at Deborah, "...this thief stole my mother's expensive necklace, now she's making a run for it.Since you're here,pls be kind to this helpless Damsel,and punish this thief".

Lucy frowned at Deborah, and stared at the prince, so that he would see how beautiful she was.The prince looked at Deborah, who was looking scared,then he said," Did you steal anything from her mother?","No my prince,I..I didn't ".All the crowds were looking at Deborah and Lucy,as the prince was busy settling the matter.

All of a sudden,as they were busy settling the matter, someone among the crowds, said out loud," Hey!!isn't that Deborah, the grand daughter of that evil man,that tried to destroy this town?".

"Yeah!!,you're right!,what is she doing here? ".

The crowds began to notice her.

They all began to bully and insult her,"You wretched girl.After everything your grandfather did,you still have the guts to show your face?!,Get out of here!", they roared at her.

Deborah wasn't only suffering in the hands of her stepmother and stepsister,the town people were included. The prince had heard about her grandfather,but never seen his family before.

He looks at Deborah, who had tears in her eyes,then he asks her," Is this true?".Deborah couldn't even speak at all.

The voice of the people and their insults, towards her and her grandfather,made her to run away in tears.

Lucy was glad that Deborah was out of sight,giving her the chance to relate with the prince even more.

The prince watched Deborah, as she ran away from the field, back home,without looking back at all.

Meanwhile, Agnes,Deborah's stepmother, was busy talking to one of the Town's,well—known and trusted elder,OLD MAN PETER,that was what they called him.

They were both discussing something secretly,about a book."I've searched the entire house for it,but no sign at all","It must be there!,still check properly. You may still find it",Old man peter said out angrily.

Agnes was tired of searching for the book,all she wanted was for Old man peter to help her daughter to get closer to the prince.But if it means searching for the book, no problem.

She smiled at old man peter,then said,"OK!,I'll still check".Old man peter looked at Agnes with a cold look,then he decided to leave.Just as he was walking to the door,Deborah came in cleaning her eyes.

She saw him,and became afraid.

Among all the people in the town,Old man peter was the only person she was afraid of.His face,action, behavior..., everything feared her.Old man Peter's eyes met with hers,as he frowned at her,saying, "Rubbish,both granddaughter and grandfather", he walks out.

Deborah moved out of the way for him to pass,then he passed and left.Agnes was tired of stressing herself out,just because of a stupid book.She looked at Deborah, who was still standing at the door,and she shouted at her,telling her to go and clean up the mess in her grandfather's room.

Deborah quickly rushed into the room,and saw the mess made by her stepmother," Why has she done?",she said in a low tone of voice,picking up all her grandfather's things.

As she was picking them up,she came across somethings that reminded her of her childhood. His drawings, pictures and old story books.

She took them to a shelf and placed them properly well.She was about to carry a book from the ground,when she came across an old trunk, belonging to her grandfather,"Hey!,this is grandfather's special trunk. All his important things are kept here.Let me open it and see if I can find anything from my childhood ".

She opened the trunk and was about to search,when she heard her name," Deborah!!!!! ".

The voice sounded angry.

Deborah quickly noticed the owner of the voice,and became afraid," Lucy!,now am dead".She stood up,leaving the trunk opened.

Unknown to Agnes,the book she has been looking for all this time,was inside the trunk.

Deborah rushed out,only for her to receive a huge slap on her face from Agnes.She held her face and looked at her stepmother.

Agnes grabbed her by the neck,and felt like strangling her,"You witch!.So you want to spoil my daughters chance of getting married to the prince,that's why you showed your ugly face at the field ",she roared at her,flinging Deborah to the ground.

Deborah was afraid of her.Agnes turned to Lucy,who was shedding crocodile tears,saying," He didn't even look at me. But stared at her".

Agnes grew even more angry.

She turned to look at Deborah, who was looking so scared of her.She walked up to her,dragged her up,and began to beat her.

As if beating her wasn't enough.Agnes began to curse she and her grandfather, "If not because of the evil deed your grandfather did many years ago,by now,people would be showing so much respect to me.Oh why!!.I curse the day your grandfather was born till his death, and now you are taking from him.

The more people see you,the more they begin to disrespect me".

She was so furious, that she dragged Deborah outside and locked the door behind her.

Deborah was sad,and also fed up of the bullying," What did my grandfather do...that..that all this people her venting their anger on me?All I know is that,..that he was so nice and good to people.He would never think of destroying his people".

This questions ran through her head,as she decided to find out the truth herself.

At least,she was glad that Agnes her thrown her outside, now she could find her answer,by visiting a friend, at the next town.

The next town and her town,shared a very good relationship together, that if you ask anyone in the next town what happened many years ago, they'll tell you everything, even the one you didn't ask them to tell.

So Deborah set out to meet this friend of hers,hoping She'll find some answer.