
Let’s Read The Word

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Cheating and Lying Mate

Cheating and Lying Mate




He was my mate, my other half. I was happy at first but like all good things, it must come to an end. Seeing it with my own eyes wasn't the worst part of it though. The worst part was the fact that he had the courage to tell me that he loved me when in reality, he didn't. Running away from him seemed like a good idea and it seems that fate thought that too. Meeting another wolf, an Alpha at that too, who had lost his mate a few years ago and he just so happened to like me. I found a new pack, a new family but like I mentioned before, all good things must come to an end. With my mate wanting me back but my feelings for the other Alpha progressing, I'm confused and lost.This is one problem that I can't solve.


I walked in on the worst scene possible.

I had gone shopping, in search for something to wear to the dinner party tonight that another Alpha was holding tonight. I had come home early because I found a dress in the first store I looked in. It was beautiful and I knew my mate would love it.

Before I left, I begged my mate and Alpha to come with me to help me pick something out. But I remember the words he said to me,

"No, I have some important business to do." He literally yelled at me. I slowly nodded and walked away.

But now I know exactly what sort of business he had to do. He was cheating on me. My own mate was cheating on me.

I felt betrayed as I slowly closed the door to our guest room where he was currently doing it. We lived in our own house. It was a two story house and was beautiful. The guest room was down stairs and our room was upstairs.

I slowly made my way upstairs and into our room. I quickly and quietly packed my sports bag, silently crying. I wrote a small note before I did anything else.

To Blake,

I loved you Blake. I trusted you with all my heart and you broke that trust.

I was so sure that you loved me back but I guess I was wrong. So I'm leaving and letting you be free with any woman you want to be with. Now you don't have to worry about creating new lies.

Goodbye forever Blake


I nodded and folded the paper before placing it on the bed. I walked to the bathroom and I looked in the mirror and examined myself.

My long, straight black hair was in a messy bun and I was thankful that I had no bangs to annoy me. My tanned face was red from the crying and also my baby blue eyes were red and puffy. I sniffed and trailed my eyes down to my neck.

My mark was there. The mark to confirm that I was Blake's and no one else's. I searched through the drawers until I found one of Blake's razors.

I tilted my head to the left to allow for me to see the mark more clearly. It looked like a tattoo and was a picture of a wolf, howling to the moon with the initials of B.C at the bottom, standing for Blake Carter. An Alphas mate always got a picture while an ordinary wolfs mate just got the initials.

I slowly raised the razor to my mark and held it on top of it. I could hear my wolf howling in pain of losing our mate. I brought it down and dragged it through the mark. I let out a whimper from the pain but I held my screams in.

I heard a loud scream coming from downstairs, and something falling so I smirked to myself. I was glad he felt the pain. With new determination, I lifted the razor and did it again and again but all in different places on the mark, each time hearing a new scream.

Once I was happy, I threw the knife into the sink and grabbed a towel off the towel rack. I wet it and cleaned my wounds that had already closed up.

The picture was fading and the initials were there but hardly noticeable. I smiled, satisfied and dropped the towel to the floor. I ran out the room and threw on my hoodie before throwing my sports bag over my shoulder and running to the window.

I was sure I grabbed everything, including my passport and wallet. I nodded and jumped out the window — deciding that it was too much of a risk to go through the house — and landed swiftly on my 2 feet. I ran through the woods and past the border line after about 2 hours of running.

I let out a sigh of relief and slowed down to a walk. I passed trees and jumped over mud puddles until I came to a small town. I walked to the small motel and checked in. The lady gave me a key and I gladly took it and walked to my room.

It was on the second floor and it was small but cosy. A double bed in the middle and 2 night stands, one on each side. A door that led to the bathroom and that was it. I smiled, it was all I needed.

I put my bag on the floor and lied own on the bed, closing my eyes as I thought about my so called mate.

Blake, Blake Carter. The 22 year old that is the Alpha of the Carter Pack. His black hair was similar to mine but was pretty short. A side rats tail, which I hated, that just reached his shoulders. Always wearing a Snap Back hat wherever he went. He was the very definition of hot.

I guess that got in the way. He couldn't help himself.

We had been friends since he was 16 and I was 15. We didn't know that we were mates until I was 16. Through that year, I had seen him date many girls and leave them the day after. When we found out, I was nervous that he might cheat on me, but he swore that he wouldn't and that he loved me.

He lied.

We mated and he marked me the day after his 18th birthday. He was named Alpha the day after and has been ever since. It was all just a waste of time. He didn't love me. I'm 100% sure of that.

It made me think though. How long has he been cheating on me for? How blind have I been all these years of us being together?


"Ok, that's enough. My mate will be home soon." I said. The girl pouted and I grimaced, hopping off of her. I heard her sigh as she looked for her clothes. I pulled on my boxers and then my basketball shorts.

I don't know why I cheat on Crystal. It never really hit me. I guess for the pleasure or the dominance. I shook my head and walked out the door and held it open for the girl. I always get these thoughts after the cheating but I always dismiss them.

I inhaled deeply, a bit annoyed as she threw her top over her bra, and I smelt the sweetest smell ever. I froze, a million thoughts ran through my mind at the single moment that I couldn't concentrate on even holding the door open.

Crystals scent.

She had been here and recently. I felt my heart race pick up as I got a bit nervous. I quickly grabbed the door again and impatiently waited for the girl to get out. Her name I forgot but her face has been embedded in my mind as someone I never want to see again.

"Bye babe." The girl said, winking at me and walking out the back door. I shivered in the disgust as I began cleaning the room.

As I was walking to the bed, I felt a pain hit me hard, causing me to fall to the ground. I yelled out in pain as the pain increased. I held my neck where the pain was hurting the most but soon moved it over my stomach as I felt sick. I held my head in my hands as the pain moved to my head, throbbing was all my brain was feeling. I screamed louder as a new pain hit me in various parts of my upper body.

The pain suddenly stopped and I was left in a sweaty mess on the wooden floor. The coldness of the floor didn't help at all to cool me down, only a cold shower I felt could help. I slowly got up and forced myself to clean the room, trying my best to ignore the slight pains that occasionally went through parts in my body.

By the time I had finished, the pain had gone and I felt as though something was missing. I was confused, of course, but promised myself that I would see the pack doctor after I had a shower. I needed to get rid of the smell of that girl so I headed upstairs and into the bathroom.

The sight in front of me, made me want vomit and cry at the same time. There was blood all over the vanity and there was a blood stained towel on the floor. I ran to it and sniffed, that being the first thing that processed through my mind.


It was her blood. I was horrified as I looked in the sink of any sign that could have made her do that and I saw a razor in there. And then it all made sense.

She cut my mark. That's why I felt intense pain just before. That's why all this blood is here. I growled at the thought and ran to the room. My mind was fuzzy and my wolf wanted to shift. So many thoughts ran through my mind, so many emotions that I couldn't hold in.

My eyes landed on the bed where a letter was neatly placed. Knowing it was a letter to me from Crystal, I picked it up and read it.

To Blake,

I loved you Blake. I trusted you with all my heart and you broke that trust.

I was so sure that you loved me back but I guess I was wrong. So I'm leaving and letting you be free with any woman you want to be with. Now you don't have to worry about creating new lies.

Goodbye forever Blake


I didn't realise I was crying until I saw a wet dot on the note. I wasn't embarrassed about the tear, no. I was embarrassed at the fact that she saw me and that girl. I felt like an idiot, a jerk, a traitor.

What kind of mate am I?

I folded the paper neatly, treating it as treasure as I put it in my back pocket. In a rush, I decided to jump out the window to save time. I ran towards the pack house where I was going to explain the things I did and gather men to find their Luna.

I need to find her. I'd do anything to find her.

The only thing I'm worried about, is telling her older brother, the pack warrior.