
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Oct pretty



Silent voices is an adventure highschool teen story centered on four teenagers who magically have the power hear things. Clara is an eighteen year old,who recently moved to the distant part of LA,America she has stayed a lot of places due to the side effect of hearing peoples thought. When the four finally get together,they wish to find out how they got this powers and why. They are guided by their taekwondo teacher who surprisedly knows a lot about their powers and offers to teach them how to control their powers,she explains to them the mission they were born to do,and that the lives of many people are in their hand,including thiers.


Ahh,clara yelled as she fell down the bed due to the shock from her alarm,the sun flashed at her eyes as she yawned ruffling her hair opening her eyes slowly,she glanced at her wardrobe to see a neatly well ironed uniform. A white shirt with a blue and white check skirt,yes she would be starting school today but she hopes it would be the last.she stretched her body and got down the bed sluggishly, she scanned her room to see scattered books and clothes,they had just moved in the previous day and she didn't have time to arrange her things before dosing off.she picked up her clothes and books,promising her self that she would arrange it when she gets back from school,she glanced at her window side and opened it immediately greeted by the fresh air and singing voices of the birds,she took a look at her surrounding which was not bad it had tall tress and the ground was covered with fallen leaves she subconsciously closed her eyes as she enjoyed the morning air,honestly her new place wasn't that bad the surroundings was OK and her room was large and beautifully painted in purple and she had no problem with the colour as purple was one of her favorite colours She got into the bathroom to do the necessary and came out few minutes later wrapped up in a bathrobe, she went to her wardrobe and took out her uniform after putting it on she wore white socks and her cover shoes then tied her hair in bun she took one glance at the mirror before smiling at her self in satisfaction then descending down the stairs.

Morning mum,morning dad I



Morning Clara mum answered.

Morning dear dad answered.

You are just in time for breakfast mum said preparing the table as I sat down looking at dad who was so focused on the newspaper he was reading.

You look really good in that uniform mum said

Yea but I hope it last,dad chipped in.

Clara please be a good girl and don't scare your classmates, mum added as she dished the food before settling down to join us to eat.

I have gotten a good job and I don't plan on living it soon dad said and I gulped.

Come honey don't blame her its not her fault,am sure Clara is going to behave well mum said and I immediately stood up not happy that they choose to talk about me.

Am ready to go now mum I said clutching my bag tightly as I heard dad sigh.mum gave me my t.fare and lunch money which I immediately put in my pocket.

Looks like you have to go alone because I don't think your dad is ready yet mum said and I nodded.

Do you want me to take you to the bustop,or stop a taxi,Mum ad.

Mum am eighteen not thirteen I can go on my own I said and she muttered an "oh", then I'll be going now,bye mum bye dad I said as I stepped out of the house.

I looked around my neighborhood it was neatly arranged with each houses by the cornea,I smiled softly as I walked I spotted a woman probably in her early fifties and she saw me.

Hey dear she called.

Goodmorning ma'am I greeted

Good morning dear are you the new neighbours she asked.

Yes ma'am

So how are you doing today she asked.

Am doing good I replied.

OK dear ,bye she said and I chuckled softly as the way she continuously called me 'dear"

I arrived at the bustop,and entered the first bus I saw,as I sat down I couldn't help but think about how my life has been,honestly this is the third time we are moving out and the fifth time am changing school its none of my parent fault its all my fault and it started in grade 7 when I found out I could hear peoples thought or more appropriately read minds..


#OMG I can't believe that prom is coming soon

#what does Mira thinks she is wearing it looks ugly.#

Nina looks extra cute today, should I ask her out to prom.#

I can't wait to show of my dress at prom#

This were the voices of different kids and Clara could here them all,hearing this voices made her head bang but she managed to get to class while avoiding eye contact with people that way she noticed she could hear their voices less.

OK kids settle down I have an announcement to make her teacher came in saying.

Am really sorry kids but prom has been cancelled.

Those few words she said made the kids really angry and got them thinking.

#how dare they cancel prom #

#just when I was about to ask Nina out#

#am sure it's the decision of that fat principal #

#prom means everything #

#how could they cancel prom#

#i hate this school#

Everyone had their own thoughts and Clara was forced to hear them all,it was like though she was being hit by a hammer on her head repeatedly. SHe couldn't take it anymore,she screamed her lungs out and fell from her chair holding her head like it would burst open.

STOP!she yelled





After that incident she was tagged many name,some called her crazy,maniac,psycho.they didn't have the guts to say it at her front as they were slightly afraid of her but they made it obvious that they hated her,she had no friends and the previous one she had

stopped being friends with her.I mean,who whould want to be friends with a psycho.once when her teacher was teaching about psychopath patience she mentioned something about visiting the asylum and during the whole class all eyes were on her.this happened a few more times and so her parents either had to change school or relocate some where else.


I got down from the bus and arrived at the school the name of the school was bodly written.SUNSGLOW HIGH SCHOOL.she could see student all looking smart in their uniform and she had this feeling that tells her that she might enjoy her time well in this school,taking one last glance at the school name,she takes a deep breath and walks in........