
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Su Yang



In a world where everyone has a soulmate, Malachi happens to have three. Malachi has lived her life suffering in an oppressive pack with selfish alphas who regard omegas like herself as nothing but sexual objects. That's when she vowed to herself that she would not be caught dead near an Alpha. But everything changes when she moves to the city for a new job.

Today was the day when everything would change, for better or for worse? The omega wasn't sure. Monday June 5 marked the day Malachi would ask her Alpha to let her go to the city.

She was leaving for a job.

The job that would change her living conditions and perhaps help her take her mother to the private clinic in the city. She was tired of seeing her mother mask her cough as if it were the common cold. It had been years since she started doing that, refusing to get help so they could save money so her sixteen-year-old beta brother could have the best training and afford the best education.

Every few months, the wolves from the pack would move to the city in hopes of greener pastures. Most never returned. That was the reason the Alpha seemed reluctant to grant her wish. Especially since she was an omega. Most Alphas who wished to venture into the city when they turned eighteen were permitted without the inquisition she now faced. Malachi was a little sad at that, knowing that she wouldn't have that kind of opportunity simply because her gender and status dictated so.

At the back of her mind, the omega knew she would have to follow whatever the pack alphas had to say. Their word was final.

She thought about Erick, who turned eighteen last November; he was an Alpha, so they didn't oppose when he asked to leave the pack. Later the omega found out that he was working as a waiter in some restaurant. It didn't pay much but it was better than the job they had to do in the pack.

A shiver ran through her spine as she thought about how traditional and backward thinking the pack members were.

Most betas worked on the mill, or if they were stronger, they hunted alongside the Alphas. Hunting was seen as one of the best jobs within the pack. The hunters were treated with so much respect as they were the ones to supply the pack with most of their primary protein. Pack Alphas gave them a higher share after the guards.

The guards were the highest paid in the pack. No betas and omegas were allowed to take those positions. It was explicitly reserved for Alphas, which was why Malachi hated the system.

Then came the menial jobs for omegas. Omegas like Malachi. They worked on the mill. The hours weren't long, luckily, most of the pack omegas worked there, on shift rotation. The older ones were tasked with ensuring that the pack would have enough food to get the pack through winter.

Malachi's mother was one of them. After losing their father in a brutal war for supremacy between the seven packs of Richfield, her mother took care of both of them. It was always the three of them against the world. They had no one to look after them. Most pack families frowned upon the widowed omegas and their children.

Her train of thought was broken when she heard her mother walk out of the kitchen, holding a bowl of sugar in her hand.

Ella Mae Wilson was getting old. Her hair started to grey at the tips, and she strained to walk a few miles without taking a sharp breath. Those warm honey eyes had now lost their charm ever since she lost her mate. Her cheeks were sunken and hollow, lips only curved when Malachi was near her or her son; Jake scored goals on the field. She lived only for her children.


Malachi nodded her head.

"Good. Be polite to the pack Alpha, honey."

Malachi tried not to roll her eyes at that. She had heard that phrase her entire of life. The same phrase over and over again like a broke record. Before she would ignore it but now was not the time, she wanted out, and she wanted it now.

Act polite.

The omega shrugged. "I know mother. I know."

A sigh slipped her lips when her eyes fell on the clock. Watching the little hands move, getting closer and closer to 9 o’clock, Malachi knew she had to get going.

"Don't start now."

Her mother stuffed her with a spoonful of sugar. The omega made a face but took to swallowing.

"For good luck."

"Thanks. Where is Jake?"

"On the field as always, hoping to get selected this year" Ella Mae pressed her lips together.

Malachi understood why her mother didn't really care for the Pack team. They weren't exactly given fair opportunities ever since they lost their Alpha. It was downright cruel, and Malachi suffered a great deal, but she wanted to change that for her brother.

"Okay. I'll see you both at dinner."

Her mother smiled. "Good luck."


The frigid air seeped its way to her bones as Malachi tried her best to brave the snow, knowing she had to meet with the Alpha at the packhouse. Goosebumps prickled at her skin to which she tightened the thick, fur jacket around her body.

As she neared the wooden cabin, a breath escaped her lips.

The packhouse was vast, surrounded by large trees and boulders alike. This was where the Pack Alpha lived, and this was also where council meetings were held.

She rang the bell, and a beta opened the door, letting the warm air out.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

She swallowed noisily. "I have a meeting with Pack Alpha."

"Malachi Wilson, right?" The beta questioned, a warm smile tugging at his lips.


"Please, come in."

A sigh of relief escaped her, and she sagged her shoulders. Now for the hard part…


The beta led her to the study. She was seated on the couch, asked to wait her turn.

Malachi roamed her eyes around the room, marvelling at the couches and plush leatherette.

"Malachi Wilson?" Jacob, the Pack Alpha motioned towards her.

At the mention of her name, Malachi promptly stood up.

"You are the one who asked to leave for a job, right?"

The omega nodded her head.

"Okay but I see that you're an unmated omega" The Pack Alpha stated.

"What's that got to do with anything?" She bit back, unable to keep the anger from her tone.

"Don't talk back to me" The Pack Alpha snarled, lifting his head to give the small omega a dark look,

"As your pack Alpha, I deserve more respect than that."

Malachi remained silent. If she had it her way, she would never respect him. He did not deserve it.

"Don't you think?" He raised his brow.

"Yes, Alpha"

"Good. See, Malachi, no one likes an omega who thinks they know everything. You should know your place." He said with a growl.

She clenched her jaw, trying not to say anything. The Pack Alpha studied her application.

"This job...are you sure you'll get it?"

Malachi nodded her head. "My uncle knows the owner of the company. He said he would talk to the owner."

Her uncle felt the need to help them. After Malachi's father passed away, he had insisted on taking them back to his packhouse, but Ella Mae refused. She wanted to stay around for her husband's memories. Malachi and Jake did not get to have a say in it. When Malachi told her uncle about Ella Mae's worsening condition, he was concerned for his sister and wanted to help. Instead, Malachi asked him to see if he could set up an interview for her. He had obliged her.

The Pack Alpha shrugged. "You can go."

Her eyes widened. And relief flooded her. She couldn't believe it. She was finally free.