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I married a stranger

I married a stranger




Emily was forced to marry a stranger whom she didn't even see. Her takes a biggest turn when her husband thinks her as a servant and kicks out of the house. Will Emily lead a happy marriage life?? James the CEO of the black company will not even see Emily's face in their wedding. What will happen??

  " Hello Emily where are you?? How long will it take??" asked Emily's mom.

  " Mom I am on the way. I will be there within 5 minutes don't worry" said Emily.

  " Mr and Mrs Black my daughter is on the way she will be here in any minutes".

  All nodded their head.

  Black family have come to Prevedel family for asking their daughter to marry their son. Black family has good relationship with Prevedel family in the business field. RM Emily's father gave the idea for this marriage so that they will become a family and will get more benefits.

  The Blacks had no objection in this. So now the Blacks are her to see their future daughter in law.

  Emily didn't knew anything about this. She happy to be back to A city after so many years.

  Emily enters inside the house. Her mom Dayna came running to her and hugged.

  " So this is Emily my daughter in law" a voice came from front. Emily was shocked to hear the words.

  Emily's mom dragged her front in the living room where the black family was there.

  " So Mr and Mrs Black this is my daughter. She was in France for her studies and came back just now after so many years" Dayna said smilingly.

  Emily had no idea what was happening and everything was blank for her.

  Mr black said " Hi Ivory nice to meet you. You are many my son James so we thought of seeing you and even hearing the answer from your mouth. So that we will be satisfied you know. So will you marry my son???"

  Emily was dumbfolded and shocked to hear and stood there in fronze.

  Seeing her blank expression Dayna said " Emily go and bring coffee for your in law's".

  Emily awakened by her mom's voice and inside to the kitchen.

  Later Emily brought coffee in a tray for all and she served them.

  " Emily we wanna here your answer child" said Mrs Black.

  Everyone in the hall was waiting for Emily's answer and her mom was tensed.

  " I am willing to marry your son. My mom and dad had already informed me about this matter and I am ok with it" Emily said with a fake smile in her face.

  Everyone was happy but not Emily and she didn't show it outside. Mrs Black came and gave a big and tight hug to Emily and expressed her happiness.

  Emily just faked a smile in front of everyone and she excused herself by saying that she is tired and went to her room.

  Black family went after speaking about all the arrangements of the wedding and the wedding being held after a week.

  Emily went to room and she was so tired that she laid down on her bed and fell asleep.

  In black company

  " Ceo the marriage is being fixed and even the girl said ok for it" said secretary Kim.

  James nodded his head and " I want to know about her everything investigate" said coldly.

  " Ok sir" said secretary Kim and went out of the office.

  James was not able to concentrate in his work and thinking about the marriage fixed by his parents and he felt disgusting.

  Later secretary Kim came and handed him a file about Emily.

  " Sir Emily was born in June 5 1992. 22 years old. She has one sister. She studied till 10th in A city later on she went to America for her higher studies and she have a good relationship with her parents and she is being loved by them. The marriage between two family was proposed by her father RM and the black family felt it good and accepted it. RM proposed this idea only for his business and this marriage was known by Emily before and it was proceeded by her approval. Later on she came back today from America and met Mr and Mrs Black. Emily was not being forced she accepted this marriage herself. Her ambition is to marry a big business who has more money. Sir this is what I found" said secretary Kim fastly.

  James expression darked and his face had a evil smile.

  James said to himself' I am waiting Emily to torture you'

  On the other side Emily woke up from the knock in door. She opened the door and saw the maid and she asked her to come down to have dinner.

  Emily nodded her head and went inside the washroom and took a shower and came down to the kitchen for having food.

  After seeing her coming the maid served her food, Emily eat quietly.

  Dayna came and sat beside her and patted her shoulders but Emily shook it away.

  " Emily thank you for accepting the marriage" said Dayna with gratitude.

  Emily lauged and said with anger " I didn't accept the marriage for your sake nor for this family I accepted the marriage because I don't want to be here where I don't get love. Mom I am your own daughter right then why are you always hating mr? Why? From the days of my childhood till now what did I do to have so much hatred for me? I didn't get yours and dad's love at all mom. First you made me leave to America for studies then know I am getting married without my permission. Mom why are you doing this to me am I not your daughter??" Emily sobbed.

  " Everytime you and dad act in front of everyone that you love me so much at that time I will be so happy but I know thai is acting but I still will be happy and then you sent me aboard to study everyone thought I am lucky to have good parents but only I know I was sent only because you all can't endure me and that to I was doing part time job for my living because my family didn't sent me any money for my living but no one knows this. Mom you know how much I have suffered, how much pain I had. But still I accepted everything and I wanted to study hard and join in a good job. Do you why? because I wanted to spend my first month salary to buy something for my family. You all hated me so much but I still loved you and missed you" with tears she shouted to her mom.

  " Mom I am jealous of my brother and sister because they got all your love I sometimes wished that I could become them so that I can get your love." She cried cried and cried her heart out.

  " I was very happy when you said me to come here but when I came here I came to know that I was called only to be selled to the Blacks. I didn't accept this so don't thank me I am just using them to go out of this hell".

  She rubbed her tears and said " Remember mom you won't be happy by doing this to your daughter. If I suffer from this marriage it is ony because of you and your husband. I will never acknowledge you as my mom and dad I have suffered enough I can't still bear it."

  Emily went near the stairs turned and said " Thank you for showing me a way Mom". She ran towards her room and shut the door.

  Seeing Emily crying and leaving Dayna's heart thoubed and tears fell down from her and she was helpless for her daughter.

  In the room Emily cried laying down in her bed and slept unknowingly.

  Emily didn't see anyone nor spoke with anyone she was staying in her room. Food was being taken to her room.

  In this way all the days passed and there was only two days before the wedding.

  Emily was depressed and was thinking about to talk to James Black about the marriage.

  ' I am going to get mad I did not even see his and I did not speak I don't know if he is willing to marry me or not I want to talk to him only two days are left so I should talk to him. If he doesn't want this marriage to happen I will say him to cancel this marriage' even was immersed in her thoughts that she didn't hear the door knock.

  Someone knocked the door again. This time Emily heard it went to open the door. The maid was at the door.

  She said " Emily your in-laws have come to take you out for the wedding dress shopping so Madam asked you to come down after getting ready".

  Emily signed and nodded. She was ready to close the door " sister in law" heard someone calling.

  She turned towards the voice and saw a young girls coming towards her.

  " Hello sister in law I am Rachel Jame's sister" Rachel said with a smile.

  Emily nodded and smiled to her and asked her to come inside her room.

  Rachel went in and sat in the sofa.

  " Wow sister in law you are so beautiful. I like you so much I am so so happy that you are gonna marry my brother" Rachel said cutely.

  Emily smiled to her cuteness an thought ' My life will be interesting after the marriage I guess".

  " Thank you even you are so cute I like you so much. Wait for me I will get ready and come" Emily said.

  Rachel nodded and Emily went to change.

  After ten minutes Emily came out wearing jeans and white lace top.

  Rachel eyes widened up and said " Sister-in-law you look so good even with simple dress".

  " Stop flattering me I will be good to you after marriage ok" Emily joked.

  Both laughed seeing each other.

  Emily thought something and sat near Rachel and asked" Rachel can I ask you something??".

  Rachel nodded.

  " I want to know about your brother don't get me wrong I want to know because I didn't see him nor I spoke to him" Emily said with low voice.

  " So you want to know about my brother ah" asked Rachel and she felt Emily's innocence cute. Emily nodded.

  " My brother actually do not speak to strangers casually. He is called a cold hearted person by everyone but is different for us. He is caring loving and everything for us. And it will even imply to you" after saying this she took out her phone and showed the pictures of her brother.