
Let’s Read The Word

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Unlucky birth, Lucky Rebirth

Unlucky birth, Lucky Rebirth




I am tired of this unlucky..... What?! I can be reborn in a world of magic and knights sure sign me up! Huh? I have to fight devils at the age of 25!!? TAKE ME BACK!!

  "Uggghhh what's this like my seventeenth time masturbating today, I'm such a loser, but what else I'm i supposed to do i have no friends" He said as a tear drop rolled down his sorrow filled face

  "Nothing has every went right for me since birth maybe I should just end it all"

  *bing bing* He looks at his phone and sees a notification

  "Your delivery is here, costumer 2796"

  "Oh before I end it let me enjoy some pizza, the only thing that keeps me"

  He wiggles in his house shorts and quickly made his way down to the door to collect his pizza

  "Thanks man ahhhhhh the tip's in there"

  "Thanks for choosing dominyes pizza, thanks for the tip and enjoy your meal"

  "I never get tired to hear that jingle" he whispered under his breath

  As the pizza man was leaving he had dropped his phone I quickly tried to fan him down to give him his phone

  "Hey, hey, wait!! You dropped your pho-"

  An incoming vechile lost control, the driver swerved to the sidewalk I was along

  *Uuurrckks crash*

  "Huh, why am I on the road why does it hurt so much?!"

  "I'm I going to die?"

  "I know I said I would end it but not like this."

  "Well better to go out like this than beating my meat to death."

  "Looks like the little amount of luck I had finally ran out. Oh well"

  as I layed there slowly dying all these were the thoughts running through my head

  "Oh my God I'm so sorry, my car lost control and I was scared I just.... I just....." she said as she fell to her knees while crying over my half dead body mentally breaking down.

  The pizza man saw the crash as it happened an ran over to help. I heard footsteps rushing towards me at astounding speeds.... but it slowly got quieter and quieter until it was dead silent.

  "What!! Ahhh just in from over news intelligence an accident has occurred sources say one person was killed and one injured this happened at cherrywood lane , the name of the deceased is reportedly 'Tsun Garrison' "

  Yes... I Tsun Garrison died that day

  "Huh where is this is this heaven? Ha what am I thinking heaven I've sinned more than anyone this is probably hell."

  "Ahhh your awake my child. Don't be startled, I am God and today because you forfeited your luck at the beginning of your life you spun the wheel of life and death and won a chance to be reincarnated in a world of magic and knights"

  "Huh what is this I forfeited my luck is that why my life have so fuc-" I was suddenly cut off by his bass filled voice that stuck fear in my very being

  "Watch your mouth up here I wouldn't want to have to send you to hell now to continue your unlucky life!"

  I quickly covered my mouth as i asked to be forgiven

  "I'm sorry I overstepped my boundaries it'll never happen again" I said in a nervous voice

  "Could you continue with your explanation" I said in an effort to change the subject.

  "Yes as i was saying, upon being rebirthed you will be born in royalty and be given a high aptitude in magic and swordsmanship, also upon turning 18 you will be given a *calamity class beast as your loyal friend. Any questions?"

*strongest level beast of this world

  Still shook from his display of power I quickly nodded no

  "Okay come over here and be prepared to be but put in the rebirth cycle"

  I quickly move to where he ordered while I was slowly processing the information.

  "Well it's all good news I was hoping that there was a catch but it seems not"

  God began to start reincarnation process but he said something of utmost importance on such short notice, if I had known I would have asked more questions and think more carefully!!!!

  "Oh my child I forgot to tell you, you are the hero of this world and its your mission to save it from the devils that will invade when you are about twenty five years old... Good luck my child."

  "Waaiiittt huh I don't want to do this anymo-" I shouted before I was launched into the rebirth cycle and was abruptly cut off

  "What Did he say? Welp too late to do anything I'm sure he'll be fine."