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Fate Of Clairvoyance My Destined Wife Is A Fairy

Fate Of Clairvoyance My Destined Wife Is A Fairy

Author:Queen Karly



After an accident, Shirley finds herself in a comatose state, where her hidden powers of clairvoyance fully reveals itself. Traveling towards the future, she discovers that the mother whom she had sacrifice her life and happiness to was no different from a villain after her life. Her pure sister turned out to be a white lotus. Her so called family turned out to be the ones who pushed her towards her death and misery. The moment she witnessed her tragic end, her nightmare ended and she walked towards the hospital corridor only to realize that her nightmare was simply her clairvoyance powers, everything that she had witnessed was bound to come true. She didn't go through a rebirth, but her eyes had seen her horrible fate if she persisted to be a filial daughter.

    The weather in December was not particularly hot, but a glacial weather accompanied by tiny snow flakes falling from the sky. The bustling suburbs soon had few people walking about the street and many only wanted to stay indoors, warming themselves with a hot cup of chocolate.

   Sitting by the chimney which could help warm their freezing body, perhaps with a few family members exchanging their past life experience. 

   It was such a lovely scene, of a mother and her two daughters sitting closely by the chimney, chatting and laughing with a blissful expression. It was obvious that they had a good time together.

However, Shirley James felt her heart sank in pain as soon as she stood by the window and watched this lovely scene. When was the last time she stayed beside the chimney at her father's feet, anxiously listening to him recount his glorious days as a pianist.

   Listening to the old melodies that had once almost led him towards his dream as a pianist, just to fall the moment he was about the climb up to the ladder. 

 Mr.James, though an average performer had been able to win hearts with his awespiring piano skills, he could have been able to forge his skills to become the best. However a terrible accident due to jealouse competitors had his arms broken and unable to press the keyboard with thesame awe like in the past.

  Left with nothing he opened convenience shop with his father's help, gained enough to provide for himself and his wife. He raised his three daughters with it, but the more the three daughters grew, the more expenses was needed, but he never minded. But it didn't mean his wife was of thesame idea as him, clearly hot tempered and authoritative, her words were like a military order that he couldn't refute. This led to his youngest daughter quitting school at the age of twelve to work and fend for their family.

   Being the youngest daughter, Shirley James had no choice but to quit school at the age of twelve to take part time jobs to meet the needs of her elder sisters in school. Though she yearned to go to school as well like everyone,she could only help carry the family's burden at her mother's request.

"Your sisters are already above you in education, it's better that you quit school and help with the expense at home. Soon they'll be able to graduate quickly and help as well."

  Her mother's words looked unreasonable, but not exactly an empty shell of excuses to make her quit school. It was true that their family's situation wasn't quite good and the finance was quite tight, a single convenience shop might not be enough to feed the family of five.

  That being said, it's been more than two years since she had quit school and started working, fending for the family and watching her school mates progress, yet with a heavy heart.

  She didn't know why her mother insisted that she had to quit school.

   Nevertheless, she had to acquiesce and work under her father's disapproving eyes and her sister's kind encouragements, as they lived through the little pay she received.

   But she didn't mind,as a daughter she had to be filial towards her mother, and share a sisterhood relationship with her two sisters, heeding to their advice as a junior.

     Though she felt abandoned and lonely, wondering why her mother was always so cold towards her, she never once voiced out her thoughts.

   She kept reminding herself that everything was done for a reason and a mother always wanted the best for her children.

   Regardless why her mother's treatment towards her sisters differed from how she was treated.

At the age of five she was already trained to do house hold chores, being punished at the least mistake.

At the age of seven, while other children played with friends, she helped her mother with her embroidery work and so many times she had pricked her fingers yet strived for perfection with injured fingers, and not once complaining, but her mother didn't seem to have any heart ache towards her. But she was scolded and even beaten for being careless and sloppy.

At the age of nine, she was already able to make some few dishes, but the ones they failed in her hands, it ended up in her stomach.She wasn't allowed to waste food, so in order not to eat burnt or spoiled meals, she tried hard to forge her culinary skills. And finally at the age of twelve she quit school and started working as a part-timer.

   Today she was sixteen and her life hadn't changed the least bit, she was at her sisters and mother's beck and call. And in the other hand she became her sisters' ATM card, with nothing left for herself.

   Yet, no matter how bad she felt, she didn't complain, as it was her duty to share her mother's burden. Perhaps, in the future, her mother would be proud of her and at least her sisters can continue to study for a better future.

"You're back."

   An angelic mellow, yet soft voice welcomed her as soon as she pushed open the door. Her mother's smile suddenly faded away, but Shirley James was acostumed to her mother's cold attitude towards her.

"Mother, sis Jenny."

   "You finally came back."

     Mrs. James said coldly without casting a glance at Shirley who was still standing by the door with pale lips, due to too much exposure from the cold. Her short sentence didn't say much, but it was obvious that she was reprimanding her for being late.

   Shirley felt disappointed and opened her mouth to speak,but no words left them. At the end, she quietly apologize.


"Don't just stand there, quickly go get some fresh groceries and prepare dinner, your sisters are hungry and your father should be back soon."

   She ordered, without giving a care that Shirley had actually been toiling all day in the cold.

"Mum,sister looks like ...she has a running nose, how about...."


  Jenny who suddenly proposed to help was immediately stopped by her mother even before she could utter the last words. On the surface she seemed to care about her little sister, but she was merely putting up a show to maintain her innocent image of a delicate flower.

"You have a weak constitution, how can I expose you in the cold."

   Mrs. James turned to glare at her junior daughter coldly and scolded her.

"How dare you stand there and hope for your sister to complete your task. Just how shameless are you to plot harm against Jenny."

  Shirley wanted to explain that she had no such intentions, neither had she suggested anything. However, she immediately swallowed her words, recalling how bias her mother had always been.

It was needless to say.

"Sorry mother, I'll go get the groceries and prepare for dinner. Sister, please stay home, it's best if I go by myself."

"Tsk, why are you acting all pitiful, do feel that mum is unfair towards you."

   On her way towards the kitchen to get a basket, Shirley stumbled upon Jane who looked at her with disdain. Although Jenny and Jane were twins, born on thesame day,their personalities differed a lot and it was quite easy for her to make a difference of the two sister.

   Compared to Jenny who was kind, warm-hearted and as delicate as a flower,Jane was cold, arrogant and authoritative. Though they were sisters, they didn't share any common bond, however,she was especially protective towards Jenny who was immature compared to her.

   In the past, Jane had so many times bullied and schemed against her, so she didn't dare rebute her or crosswords with her.

   She could only lower her head and let Jane dominate her as she pleased.

   This was obviously her family, but she didn't much feel that it was a place to be. 

   Shirley James dashed outside and walked listlessly towards the grocery shop at the other side of the street. Her face was frequently bitten by the cold and each time her body shivered, but she had no choice but to continue.

It was her life and fate

She couldn't possibly change mother and sisters, so she could only hope that with time she can live blissfully with them.

Hadn't her father also assured her?

   Walking listlessly in the street, Shirley felt a pang of headache due to her fever and her mind was blurry, but she moved ahead.

   Suddenly she was blinded by a flashlight light, spoons crashing sound was heard. Warm blood splattered unto the white snow, turning it red and frozen.

 Just like a frozen Blood.