
Let’s Read The Word

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CAM: The Hottest Streamer

CAM: The Hottest Streamer




There is anonymous CEO that contacted Sam to be the top streamer of CAM. However, his gravely ill grandmother is struggling to live and making him fall to depression. Will it make the heart of Sam open for Mike? Welcome to CAM and find your ideal streamer!

  Chapter 1

  THE sky is abruptly heavy today; at the window, there is a young adult named Sam. The deaf silence of the room—where his grandmother Georgia Ramos is sleeping. Sam Ramos Style is ready for nearly a month here inside the hospital.

  It is still mid-summer vacation for his study. He is now entering his fourth year of College this school year, hoping that his grandmother will join him at the stage. Wearing the black toga that she wanted him to wear all these years.

  Sam left a sighed while looking at the window from the fourth floor of the Tayco Hospital. While holding the hand of his sleeping grandmother—his tears are automatically falling from his eyes.

  He doesn't know that her grandmother's sixty-fifth birthday is the last birthday that he will see her with a genuine smile. Every drop of the IV fluid flowing to her cannula is making her life hanging a little bit longer.

  Sam is already a twenty-one years old young man. All his life, he never had a friend and a close companion like his grandmother. She is now weak, distorted by the high level of medicines, and her life is dropping every minute.

  He is sniffing while gradually massaging her hand. Sam cannot hide the heavy emotion clouding inside his chest. He cannot believe that his strong grandmother is slowly killing by her disease.

  "Sam?" a voice call his lovely name. His grandmother's eyes are looking at him; he cannot find the words to say—as his heart is shattering to pieces.

  "Nay?" He calls it with a forced smile on his face. Georgia's weak hand is slowly touching his soft face. "Why are you crying?" she asked with an innocent voice—making the eyes of him wet again.

  He is sniffing on the corner, avoiding his eyes to look. He is wiping it all away, "no, I am just happy."

  Sam is not a liar, but he tends to hide his emotions as much as he can. However, today is the day that he cannot hide it well.

  "My days are counting—"his grandma vomits on her hospital dress.

  The poor little grandson of hem rushes to get the bowl where she can vomit. Sam keeps on wiping her mouth to lessen her struggle to move.

  "Grandma, wash your mouth," he said to her as she follows what he said.

  Georgia leans again to the bed. Her stomach is now heavy because of stage four ovarian cancer that she struggles for five months now.

  His grandma smiles, "Sam. . . I am now old, and I know that you can take care of yourself without me—"

  Sam interferes with it when his tear falls up to his chin. "Nay! Don't say that, you will recover from this," even there is no hope at all—he still believes that his grandma's disease will be cured.

  "I will take you home Nay, I will," he keeps on motivating his grandma as much as he can.

  Even he knows that it has no cure—Sam keeps on pampering and praying for a miracle. Only God knows. . . the words that keep him on-going.

  He doesn't know if his grandmother will be gone. Maybe he will be a depressed person afterward.

  "Nay. . . h-how about me? I have so many plan for you when I graduate," he is sobbing on the chair beneath the bed.

  The room is filled with silence again, and no one dares to speak. The heavy breath and heart of Georgia's poor grandson are begging for another chance—not for him, but his loving grandmother.

  Georgia raises Sam since he is one year old. His mother needs to retake law school. . . this is why Sam is not that close to his real mother.

  He is an introverted person; he doesn't want to get in touch with everyone around him. Not until these previous months changed his entire life.

  He is forcing himself to change, but the more he wanted—the more he cannot. He needs to face the world with a magnanimous heart.

  "Sam," his grandma called.

  He looked in her direction. "Are you now tired? Do you want to sleep?" she asked with a worried heart.

  Even grandma Georgia has so much pain in the body because her cancer cells are attacking her immune system. She always has her shoes to him—no one can compare the love that our grandmother can give.

  Sam doesn't regret all of the time and sleepless nights that he is offering for her.

  He put his hand to her shoulder and lean her head. "God will make a way," motivational words for her. Even there is no light at the end of the tunnel—Georgia keeps on believing that his only grandson can pass it all.

  "Lord, I offer my life to you. . . for everything that I've been through," her profound words cut through his delicate heart.

  Sam is holding back his tears again—for all the love and care that she did for him. This is the perfect time to show how he needs and loves his grandmother.

  They say that spend your time with the right person. Sam did it, and he will continue to devote all his time and effort to his gravely ill grandmother.

  He grew up with a kind and warm heart—just like her. A heart that is open for help. . . an immeasurable one.

  "I love you Nay," a kiss landed on her worried face. Sam hugs her even through the pain and heartaches.

  She smiled and then held his face. "I am so lucky a handsome and caring grandson like you," it is simple words, but the impact on him is like something massive.

  Something massive that his energy is coming back to his senses. They looked at the door when someone opens it. Footsteps are approaching the bed, and a woman smiles at them.

  It is Liezl—the Mom of Sam. She put the foods on the table as she washes her hands and applies sanitizer because her gravely ill mother needs to be kept away from bacteria.

  "Sam, did you eat?" he cannot hear a thing, and he became lonely in a matter of seconds.

  "Sam?" a hand touches his shoulder, and he came back to his senses.

  "N-No," he is stuttering as his mother smiled, "you should eat now—it is now turning six in the evening," she said as he follows her order.

  His mother takes care of his grandma. However, when he is in the middle of his appetizing dinner, his grandmother's cancer cells are attacking her.

  She keeps on vomiting, and her body is in pain, especially her stomach, that is now full of water and tumor inside. The veins keep on bloating as if they will pop out.

  Sam panicked and then went to her to massage her feet. The sound of her pain while vomiting is agony for them. They don't know what to do—and this is the painful part.