
Let’s Read The Word

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The Hybrids

The Hybrids

Author:Mikeey Boa



'We beseech you Ceberus from the pit of hell Come ye into thy host forged from the fire of hell The seven witches of Armageddon call on thee oh Hell wolf The Hybrid of Abomination and the Ruthless creatures! Come ye and possess thy creature...' The Dark world is on the brink of extinction as the beast of the night nears. No one can stop it? The blood moon approaches as the Beast of the night nears. The Hybrid Abomination! All hope lies on the wolf of prophecy, The Ruthless Hybrid... Merciless in battle. Would the Ruthless Hybrid win? But the prophecy is incomplete... The prophecy that revolves around Malia, Drey and Skylar. Who is the host of Ceberus, the creature who wasn't birthed... The wolf from Hell! The wolf to stop Vollak and her creature...

  The night was eerily quiet and the crickets made their noises while the owls hanging on the loosed branches hooted.

  Far off into the woods came a distinct cry of an injured wolf and followed was a huge thud on the dried grass.

  A huge white wolf, thrice the size of a normal wolf with crimson eyes towered victoriously above a defeated huge brown wolf that slowly strutted to it's feet and limped backwards while it's tongue, lashed out, hung loosely outside it's jaws.

  "Malia!" Alpha Thawne, Malia's father and the ruler of the Moon night Pack called at the huge brown wolf.

  He had been lurking in the shadows while he had watched his daughter take on the son of his beta, Skylar.

  The huge White wolf strutted away and layed behind a tall oak tree and sounds of bone breaking filled the air.

  The next minuite, Malia, a beautiful eighteen year old girl walked out from the tree with a short black grown that stopped at the top of her knee.

  "Did you just see that? I took on the Almighty Skylar!" Malia squealed while she walked up to her father.

  "You could have done better Malia... Skylar went easy on you..." Alpha Thawne replied and Malia frowned.

  "Easy? That was a clear defeat!" Malia retorted, clearly getting angry at her father's words.

  "Oh Malia... Stop being a knuckle head, I told Skylar to go easy on you..." Alpha Thawne said and Malia's eyes changed slightly to her crimson color, she traced her eyes to the huge brown wolf which stayed some meters away from them.

  "That kiddo is surely gonna get it!" Malia fumed angrily and she clenched her fist.

  The huge brown wolf snorted while it wagged it's tail and in a minuite, It transformed back to a Naked young guy, Skylar.

  Skylar walked nakedly behind the Oak tree, passing beside Malia who didn't bother looking away with a smirk and changed into a casual clothing.

  He stood beside Alpha Thawne with a grin on Malia who seethed with anger while she bared her long fangs at him.

  Skylar Martins, Son of the Beta of Moon Night pack, A nineteen year old guy with coily packed hair and a pair of blue eyes with Buldging chest.

  Malia's personal guard and a very skilled fighter and handsome.

  "Aiishh... I'm weak Malia... Your bite on my arm still hurts" Skylar whined and that made him earn a scoff from Malia.

  "Lie...i know you already healed after transforming" She replied and his smile morphed into a smirk.

  "Alright kiddos... Tomorrow is Monday, you don't wanna wake up late" Alpha Thawne stated and Malia pouted her lips...

  "I hate Mondays" She mouthed.




  ¶¶Sherlock Academy¶¶

  A gigantic and wide beautiful colored building stood elegantly amidst the secluded area.

  Different cars pulled up in front of the building and students walked in gracefully into the building.

  Maria and Skylar came out of one of the cars and made their way into the school, as they passed, Everyone bowed slightly respectfully as they passed.

  Who wouldn't? She was the daughter of a very powerful Alpha.

  "Being the daughter of an Alpha can be such a pain Skylar" Malia said.

  "Not again Malia... Don't bore me with your complains" Skylar replied while he rolled his eyes.

  They made to enter the clasroom when they felt a nauseating pang, they sniffed the air, their eyes widened in surprise and they made eye contact.

  "Human!" They chorused.



  Drey Rake walked into the new school he had applied to with a smile while he had his bag strapped behind his back.

  As he entered, he saw the surprised look of the students staring at him, His steps faltered as his heart banged with anxiety.

  Why were they all staring at him?

  Was he some kind of a freak?

  Was he smelling?

  Those were the thoughts that roamed his mind as he made his way into the school.

  "Excuse Me... Please can you show me the way into the principal's office?" He asked one of the students but he never got a reply.

  "Please can you show me the way to the princiapal's office?" He asked another student again but no answer.

  "Can you please show..."

  "Just follow the path that leads to the East building and at the end of the building, you see a staircase, follow the path and by the first door, that's the princiapal's office..." A female voice replied him from behind.

  He slowly turned and saw a red haired hair staring back at him.

  "Thank You so much... I guess I need to start going now..." He said and he followed the direction leading to the Principal's office.


  "What was that for?" Skylar queried as he saw Malia still staring at the human who had asked for direction.

  Malia who never removed her eyes from the human mused and she faced Skylar.

  "I just gave him directions when he needed it" She replied while they made their way into the class.

  Skylar scoffed, clearly not the answer he expected.

  "That doesn't explain while your heart was beating faster when you stared at him" Skylar replied and Malia turned red.

  "Just stop it already..." She said and they entered the classroom.



  "... Like I explained earlier, Wolves with mystical abilities are rare, except they are from the bloodline of the ancient ones and if we literally move back in history, we have seen cases of the Fire wolf and the Lightening Wolf" Mr Mathias, the history teacher explained while the class listened attentively.

  "According to History ma'am, it was scripted that they were able to stand on both legs... Something impossible to do, how could they?" One of the students, Derek asked.

  "Like I said, they are ancient wolves, but different postulations made by the scholars, none could come to a conclusion how it was possible and they later termed it 'Fable'..." Mr Mathias said and the class murmured.

  "Any other questions?" He asked and Derek raised his hands again...

  All eyes turned to him and a displease could be seen on their faces.

  "This man should just go... History lectures are boring" Malia frowned and she palmed her face.

  "Go on, Derek"

  "So... Is it possible for any being to be a vampire and a Werewolf altogether?" Derek asked.

  Mr Mathias face darkened at the question and just then, the bell rang.

  "Alright class... Today's class is over" He said and hurriedly left the classroom.

  In no time, the class was empty except for Malia who made her way beside Skylar who dropped his book in his back.

  Malia rested her chins on her plan while her arm was rested on the desk.

  Skylar noticed something about her mood and he stopped whatever he was doing.

  "Hey... What's wrong" he asked.

  "Nothing... Just felt something off earlier but it's nothing" She shrugged.

  "You know you can't hide anything from me, so, tell me" Skylar said.

  "Earlier, when Derek asked about a Vampire and Werewolf being in one person, it actually reminded me of my Dream" She whined and Skylar narrowed his brow.


  "Yeah... I dreamt it once though, about a mysterious huge wolf walking with two legs and it's red eyes that could make any Alpha quiver in fear and with wings also" Malia narrated and Skylar frowned.

  "Now, that's not a dream, it's probably a bad imagination of yours..."

  "That's what I think... I can be so delirious at times" Malia smugged...

  Soon enough, students trooped in, they sat down back as they prepared for another teacher to come into the classroom.

  Shortly after, the principal entered and this time, with another student beside him.

  'OMG the new human guy is here...' Malia thought and she quickly adjusted her hair to make her look sideways.

  Skylar noticed her movement and frowned.

  "Hello class, as y'all might have sensed, we have a new student which appears to be from the outward.

  I don't want you guys to bully him or act unruly towards him, he knows quite well about us and his guardian is one of our allies...

  His name is Drey Tailor and I hope you guys can make his stay more enjoyable" The principal said with a smile.

  Drey's eyes fell on Malia whose face was all red, his face twitched a bit.

  "Mr Drey, Best of luck and look for somewhere to sit" The principal said and he exited, leaving Drey look for an empty space and luckily, he found one beside Derek.

  "Hi" He greeted Derek, Derek faced him and his face turned to a slight smile but it had something else about it.

  His long fangs showed slightly and he turned his face away.

  "I hate humans" He muttered, loud enough for Drey to hear.

  Drey knew, it wasn't gonna be quite pleasant for him in the school.