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The Four Legendary Alkaldrias

The Four Legendary Alkaldrias

Author:Armoniel Melixar



There were two goddesses who granted man the ability to do magic and to maintain peace and order Four Legendary heroes were created. A mage, an assassin, a warrior who wields a sword and a warrior who wields a shield. Years of peace prevailed, but then one of the goddesses became evil. She created monsters to torment humans, but then the legendary heroes stopped her and as years go on she continues becoming stronger and finally the gates won’t be able to hold her. Each month a strong monster is sent to terrorize the humans and the more terror it spreads the greater chance she stands to break free. During this time nothing can grow to the next level till the monster is defeated and nothing will go back to normal till the monster is defeated and what if they fail to defeat a monster in any of the months? The four heroes where reborn but the shield hero was no way to be found. A hero is supposed to be reborn already wielding the weapon, but that was a different case for the shield hero. He finds himself being sold as a slave with other slave with no past memories and after some encounters he becomes the shield hero, but all this happens four months after the other heroes were reborn. Rumors say that he was in hiding for the four months, but what really happened? Was he reborn? Or was he chosen from being a slave? And why doesn’t he have his past memories? And if that’s not enough, more bizarre things continue happening in his life. How will he become strong and catch up to the other heroes? Only if he got something that could make him stronger. But finally …………… he found ………………… FINALLY AM STRONG.

The battle-weary protagonist gasped for air amidst the desolate battlefield, each breath unleashing searing pain into his worn-out lungs. The weight of his mission bore down upon him, for the fate of humanity hung precariously in the balance. In the eerie silence, the haunting cawing of ravenous birds reverberated, feasting upon the remains of fallen comrades strewn across the war-torn landscape.

As the first tendrils of dawn crept over the horizon, casting an unforgiving light upon the devastation, he strained his ears for the sweet melody of birdsong that would offer a glimmer of hope amidst the desecrated forest. Clad in battle-scarred armour, the hero's face bore the untold stories of countless conflicts, etched upon his visage like a map of his endurance.

Though facing the enormity of the task before him, his countenance exuded stoic determination, unyielding in the face of dire adversity. Weakened and leaning upon his trusty hammer for support, he knew his weary body threatened to betray him if he relaxed his grip. Exhaustion draped like a heavy shroud upon his weary form as he fixated his gaze upon the formidable black dragon standing defiant before him.

Its scales glinted with a sheen of unyielding iron, and its eyes blazed with a ravenous hunger for chaos. The dragon's menacing gaze disrupted his thoughts, causing a stumble that sent him crashing to the ground. Did some enchantment lie within those predatory orbs? He pondered softly, seeking solace or understanding in the face of impending doom. Struggling to rise again, his fatigue proved insurmountable, his chest a consuming inferno of pain. It felt as though his very essence threatened to rend itself apart.

Taking two colossal steps forward, the dragon's deep rumbling voice taunted and jeered, proclaiming the imminent destruction of humanity. With a thunderous sweep of its tail, the ground quivered, propelling the battle-worn hero into the sky before slamming him back down to earth.

"You shall bear witness as I snatch away everything dear to you,” the dragon snarled, unleashing a torrent of flames that devoured the surrounding forest. Casting eerie shadows into the blood-red sky.

Then, when he was on the verge of giving up, visions of women, men, and children whom he had watched die began, screaming in his ear. This maybe was an aspirin that made him stand to his feet.

He was still weak, he raised his hand to the sky and said, “Heal magic,” and his body glowed as he halfway recovered.

He looked at three heroes who had died at different locations, knowing he was the fourth and last hero.

Furthermore, he looked at the dragon with renewed energy, “No you shall not.”

As he teetered on the edge of surrender, haunting visions of women, men, and children he had witnessed perish flooded his mind, their anguished cries echoing in his ears. A surge of determination coursed through his veins like an alchemical elixir, awakening his weary body. Raising his trembling hand towards the heavens, he summoned the power of healing magic, his body pulsating with an otherworldly glow as he regained some of his strength.

Eyes fixed upon the fallen heroes who had met their doom in scattered corners of the realm, he knew that he, the fourth and final hero, had a duty to fulfil.

With a renewed sense of purpose, he turned his gaze towards the formidable dragon before him. "No, you shall not prevail," he declared defiantly.

The dragon regarded him with a wry smile, acknowledging the significance of his title: Hammer Lord. As the dragon lunged forward, spewing a torrent of fiery breath, the hero swiftly brandished his sword, spinning it with a sweeping flourish, creating a barrier to deflect the flames. Seizing the moment, he crouched down, gathering every last ounce of strength within him, before propelling himself upwards, delivering a mighty blow to the dragon's shin.

The creature stumbled and crashed to the ground with a resounding thud. Its tail whipped towards the hero, but he agilely evaded it, anticipation burning in his eyes. The dragon's irises turned as black as the night sky, ominous smoke billowing from its body. It coalesced into a suffocating grip that ensnared the hero, rendering him helpless within its ethereal clutches.

Struggling against the unyielding hold, the hero felt his spirit falter. In a desperate bid to break free, he cried out, pouring every fragment of his will into the endeavour. Yet, the dragon's vice-like grip tightened.

"You may possess strength, but to a being like myself, you are nothing more than a feeble speck of dust," the dragon hissed, increasing the pressure on the hammer lord's body.

Agonizing cries escaped his lips as each breath became a struggle, racking his chest with pain. Despite his dire situation, he locked eyes with the monstrous creature, determination burning in his gaze.

"Even in death, I will not admit your supposed superiority."

A swirling portal materialized at his side, drawing his attention. With unwavering resolve, the hammer lord plunged his hand into the portal, retrieving a gleaming spear. He hurled it towards the dragon, only to witness its agile evasion.

The dragon regarded him with a smug grin. "You missed," it taunted.

The hammer lord's lips curved into a knowing smile. "No, I missed with intention."

In a blur of motion, he teleported away from the dragon's clutches, reappearing in front of it, spear raised and poised for a strike. The dragon, too slow to react, watched helplessly as the spear impaled its flesh, ripping through its body with a savage ferocity. Crimson blood sprayed onto the ground as it collapsed, defeated. With a triumphant spin, the hammer lord embedded the spear into the ground, planting his stance as he stared down at the fallen dragon.

"Your fatal error was underestimating me," he declared, his expression unyielding.

Flickering once more, he vanished, only to rematerialize above the dragon, spear pointed downward, ready to deliver the final blow. In a desperate act, the dragon vanished in a cloud of thick black smoke, plunging the surroundings into darkness. Now, the hammer lord stood in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment, utterly dependent on his senses.

Shadows danced in his periphery, though he could never strike at the elusive figure.

"Humans are your enemies," the dragon's voice echoed in his ears. "They will discard you when a more formidable hero arises. You are nothing but a pawn to them." As the hammer lord spun in search of the dragon's presence, his location remained elusive.

"A being like you could never understand," he retorted, his voice tinged with frustration. "You are self-obsessed, unable to comprehend true purpose and sacrifice."

The dragon's laughter echoed through the air, shaking the ground beneath them. "Time alone can and will teach you the truth of it all," the dragon proclaimed, its voice laced with an air of ancient wisdom. "You will bear witness to your own heart's testimony."

In a flash, the dragon transformed into a human form before the hammer lord. Swift as lightning, the hammer lord lunged at the dragon with his spear, but the elusive creature vanished. The dragon reappeared behind him, delivering a devastating blast that sent the hammer lord crashing to the ground. With an elegant gesture, the dragon waved its hand, dissipating the smoke that had enveloped them.

Approaching the injured hammer lord, the dragon stooped down, effortlessly plucking the spear from the ground. With a cruel smirk, it drove the weapon deep into the hammer lord's left arm, eliciting a piercing cry of pain. Relentlessly, the dragon pressed the spear further, locking the hammer lord in a vice of agony.

"You should have surrendered," it hissed.