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Don't Go, Love Me

Don't Go, Love Me




He was a flirtious guy who already had a girlfriend in life. He was the perfect example of bad boy. He had a breakup and made the innocent girl who was his friend, the girl who had no idea about relationships, fall for her. When the girl was madly in love with him. He gave her breakup. The girl tried to keep him with her but her called her stubborn, mad........

  Utkarsh a guy who was in love with someone since 4 years. He used to flaunt he has a girl despite flirts with every girl he see. I know it's little awkward he was in love with someone whom he was proud but at the same time he flirts with every girl among which Sonia was one. Sonai met him randomly and they became a friend. He used to tease her frequently. For one year it continued the same way. One day the boy was sad. Sonia and her best friend asked him what's the matter. He said the girl whom he trusted gave him the break up. Sonia feel the pain in his eyes. He used to flirt with everyone but he never went beyond limit. Sonia thought they were in relationships for so long how can be that possible. She went home sad. Asked him on facebook what's the matter. He told the girl cheated on him. When he asked she said she didn't felt the same as before and gave him breakup. Sonia was so much upset. She starts getting close to Utkarsh. The boy actually was interested in Sonia. But Sonia refused to accept it. Utkarsh started to threat her sometimes. Convince her that he actually feels for her. Sonia had never thought of relationship. She was from a middle class family where these things were not allowed. She tried very hard to deny. She told everything related to her and her family to Utkarsh. He was a bad guy in every aspect. He used to smoke, comes to flirt with Sonia while chewing. Sonia was disgust with those things. She used to avoid him.

  But he always used to pester her. Where ever Sonia went Utkarsh follow her. One day he even went to girls toilet not knowingly. He used to follow her in canteen, on the roads to home., everywhere. Sonia was sure that she didn't want to come in relationships. But Utkarsh was mad for her. One day when she was alone in her desk sitting looking outside. He saw and came running to acompany her. Yes he even used to come to Sonia's class leaving his own class. Sonia was innocent she never shouted on him. She was afraid. She used to say no to his proposal sweetly. She was very innocent. She was his friend whom he shared many things so she cared for him. When he came to her desk she gave him place to sit. He took the sit and sat beside her happily like a small boy who got chocolate to eat. He maintained distance between both of them. He never made Sonia awkward. He always respected her.