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Billionaire's Baby Runaway

Billionaire's Baby Runaway

Author:Andra-Cristiana Stan



I'm Alexa Shawn, 32, virgin, a curvy girl and criminal lawyer by profession. I'm never one to want a relationship with someone. Actually, I'm banning all males around me and only focusing on my work. However, my best friend, Vivian, drags me to an exclusive club to have a girls' night out. She wants to force me to date someone, but that won't happen as I'm not in for that. In the club, a sexy, hot, amazing guy in his all approaches me and wants to sit at my table to get to know each other.... From this point on.... The very next day.... I get kidnapped by the billionaire, younger than me, 28-year-old Riley Kovac, right from my office during day time! I've been a runaway girl from men all my life! But something about him.... I don't know.... I've never been impressed by beauty or wealth, so that's not what I see in him.... Could he be the one for me? I'm a runaway and he knows before I do, but he's not going to let me go.... Have I fallen in love for the first time in my life? I don't know..... BILLIONAIRE'S BABY RUNAWAY by Andra-Cristiana Stan, Romania. Copyright ? August 2021. All Rights Reserved Author's website:

Alexa's POV:

"Alexa! Stop dragging! I won't take no for an answer! It's girls' night tonight, and this time you have no way out of it! Move your princess butt and let's go!" That's Vivian, my best friend, nagging me from my living-room. I avoid going out to clubs. It's...not the place for one like me. I'm a virgin and I don't like being grabbed or hit on by some sex-driven studs. That's her thing. I have nothing against it, but I'm not the type.

I'm roaming through my walk-in closet for a decent but clubby outfit. I'm sweating to be honest.... "I'm coming! Haven't found something to my liking! Jesus!" When I turn around, she's behind me, scaring the shit out of me.... My heart is trembling in my throat. "How did you not make a sound?! I'm.... Oh...." I'm catching my breath, massaging my heart.

She's grinning with her dancing eyebrows at me, with a stare to kill me. "Here to help, honey. If I don't do it, we won't reach the place!" She pushes me aside and takes inventory of my clothes. I'm in a pout. "Nope.... Nope.... Nope.... Nope.... Alexa! Only granny's clothes?!" She's with two suits of mine in her hands, shaking them to my face. I'm puzzled....

"Those are not granny's clothes, Viv. Those are my work clothes." I told you guys I do decent style of clothes....

"You're a lawyer! I get it! But these are not club clothes! And all you've got in here is LAWYER! Meaning, GRANNY CLOTHES when it comes to clubbing, babe." My eyes pop at her shaky head, flaring nostrils, googled eyes in a frown and pursed lips. I'm fidgety.

"Umm.... You know I don't quite do clubbing?" I manage to come up with something to prevent a hurricane of nagging. I'm 32 and partner in the law firm. To me, there has always been books, study, cases, and all the shazam involved. Never a party girl, never with much free time. You don't get partner if you don't invest everything in achieving that. Panda eyes are something common for me during a hard case. There's no break for me until everything is done and cleared. Boyfriends? Who has time for that? Never had. Vivian is at her millionth boyfriend and has wide experience in everything life has to offer. Her words, not mine. I shrug my shoulders at her and she deadpans at me. The usual reaction between us. We're friends since high school.

"You never learn, girl. You need a boyfriend! Life is passing by! It's not only about work! When is the last time you talked to a man?" She's inquiring my eyes with her frustrated stare. I smile and give a fast answer.

"All day today, Viv." I'm recollecting how many there were to her eruption.

"I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT MEN FROM WORK!" She halts my train of thinking and I pout again. Actually, I don't want to upset her, but I don't want a boyfriend. I'm totally fine the way I am. I do have a lot of those men hitting on me and asking for a date even in my granny clothes. I'm a curvy girl, but that doesn't mean I'm lacking suitors. I just don't have time for that. To be honest, I want the one not anyone. And the one is impossible to find nowadays when all of them just want to get into your panties and move on. I don't like or want that. Nope. I want substance and durability, not a temporary thing. No, she doesn't know I'm still a virgin. She would kill me for it.... Yep.

After some more cussing at my clothes, making an entire show out of it, we settle to a pair of dark grey jeans, a black crop top, a dark grey blazer and a pair of black stilettos, all of which I don't remember when I bought them or how she has found them. I hope I'll fit in all that.


"Alexa! Come here!" I'm sitting at a table, a more private one, to avoid the flooding bar with people and stuff. She's there, buying some cocktails. Before leaving my house, we had a fight for I didn't want to wear makeup and I won on that, but she styled my hair to have it loose with a club touch. She ran through my hair with so many stuff.... I usually make a bun out of it or wear it in a ponytail. She's wearing a flashy yellow dress above her knees, and with a generous cleavage, having her long red hair hugging her back in curls. She's a hot babe and I'm sure I'll drive back home alone while she'll have a one night stand.

Oh. She's in her alluring smile at that guy and she's calling me there for his friend. No way. I can't hear you because of the loud music.... Ha! I'm faking scrolling through my phone. But she knows me, and she'll throw a tantrum.... Let's read some case files if we're at it.

"May I sit?" A man's voice is asking. It's a powerful one, husky and dangerous. I'm not raising my eyes from my phone.

"Nope. It's taken. Sorry."

"Of course you may sit!" Shit. She's here and allowing the guy to sit.... I'm sighing in frustration. "Don't mind her. She's...tired after work." She's right, but she's mocking me right now.

My eyes take notice of the guy from his legs up. Custom made shoes, custom made pants, three piece suit, expensive all, tie, ravishing face, buffed, towering, young, marvelous green eyes, dirty blond hair in a messy way but neat, smirk on his lips and one night stand stamped in his stare at me. He's a to die for man, probably a Forbes list one, but not happening.

"Well, Miss, may I?" He's asking me again and I'm with a probably crazy stare at him. Viv is grimacing at me to let the man sit!. And she's now showing me at her neck that she would kill me. He can't see her as he's facing me and ogling at me.

May I die? Ha-ha! Oh, Viv.... I wave my hand at the seat in front of me and he takes a seat with a grin. Don't put your hopes up, pal. It's just a compromise for the killer at your right....

"Here's your cocktail, Alexa. I'll be at the bar." She squeals, turns her heels and off she goes back at that guy with her cocktail. And that's the girls' night I've been dragged here for.... On a Thursday.

"So, Alexa, what work made you so tired?" A waiter is coming with a tray having ice, a glass, and a bottle of Jack, serving this guy who's like an Alpha in front of me, wandering his eyes over me, trying to be decent about it, but the playboy in him is imprinted in his stare at me. I shove my phone in my jacket and relax on my chair, crossing my legs and sipping from my cocktail. It's alcohol free. I need to drive.

"Law cases. I'm a lawyer. Criminal one." I fake a smile and confront his stare. I have no problem discussing with any kind of man. I don't get intimidated. It's always the other way around. His eyebrows go up and he twists his head at me with a genuine smile.

"You look too young for that, but I'll take your word for it." I don't show my age, yes. Good genes. Ha-ha! I have an outburst in laughter at his line. He sips from his glass and he's searching my soul with those sparkling green eyes of his.

"Too young? How young do you think I am? That should be interesting."

"You were allowed in the club. Twenty-one. That if you don't have a fake ID." He's leaning his back on the chair and staring at my face with a grin of suspicion. "But my club requires a membership and proper documents. No fake ID. Twenty-one. Haven't checked you to be sure." Yes, this club is on membership, and that membership is on Vivian's name. She's same age as me and yes, I was required to show my ID at entrance. It happens to me all the time in such places....

I chuckle. "Twenty-one it is then. Ha-ha! How about you and what's your name?" I'm trying to make convo for Viv is with detective stares and grimaces at me, combined with criminal ones if I send the guy away.

"I'm twenty-eight and my name is Riley Kovac. This is one of my clubs. I'm a businessman. Pleasured to meet you, Alexa." We have an intense lock of stares and I'm playing a smile on my lips.

"Nice to meet you, too. Forbes list by chance?" I'm laughing. He's raising his left eyebrow with a devilish smirk.


"Good for you."

"How are criminals nowadays, Alexa?" I roll my eyes and puff.

"Good guys. I have some from the Forbes list."

"Oh? Then you're a killer lawyer. Not everyone gets to represent guys from that list." He winks at me and I don't know why, but for the first time ever, I have some tickles in my stomach. Probably the cocktail is guilty for that. I'm shaking off that feeling and continue with a sort of genuine smile at him.

"Not a killer lawyer, but I do know what I'm doing."

"Well then, why don't you give me your card? Maybe I'll need you." He's serious, penetrating me with that intoxicating stare. My heart is racing and I'm now sure it's not the cocktail.

Alexa? What's wrong with you? It's not first time seeing or speaking with one like him. Why? What's different about him? I'm in a confusion inside, with chills down my spine. These feelings I'm experiencing are not common for me. But his person, somehow, clicks with me, and I need to find a way out. This guy is for sure one to go only for a one time thing and not for the serious part. He's got everything at his feet. Why would he resume to one woman? I need to back off before it's too late for me. I can't do what Viv does.

I'm shaking my head with a fake smile, maintaining eye contact with him. "All my cases come from the law firm. You need to have access inside to get to me. I'm sorry. I don't take from outside. I'm sure you are packed with lawyers as a businessman. You should stick with them. I don't recommend changing lawyers if those you have do their job." I cast a look at my watch and it's already ten at night. I need to go. Tomorrow is a working day. I know Viv will kill me for this, but I can't stay longer. I'm not going to hook up with this guy no matter how I respond inside to him. I'm in panic to be honest. Not showing the panic though. "I need to go home now, Riley. I have an early trial tomorrow and it's my curfew on free time I'm afraid." Not lying on the trial part. I'm preparing to stand up.

"Wait. At least give me your firm's name, Alexa." He's not giving up and he's standing up to flank my way.

"Okay. Gathor Law and Partners." It's a lie. I know, I know. Those are our competitors in the market. Viv has just waved at me, all a smile, walking out with that guy and I'm certain he won't find me. She's not here anymore to give details or validate things on me to him. I'm waving at her and delay my departure to make her think I'm with him. I know, guys, I know. I can't help it though. He turns his head to see where I'm looking and waving at.

"Your friend seems to have found the guy she wanted." Yes, the guy is one stud like Riley, but Riley is hotter than that one. Truth be told, Riley can compete and win the hottest man of the year without a problem.

"Of course. Thank you for your company, Riley. I must excuse myself now. Have a good night." My heart is thumping, and I think I'm sweating a bit. I want out this instant, so, I'm walking past him, with eye contact, while speaking to him, with a lawyer smile.

"Alexa?" He has just grabbed my hand to stop me. His hot touch thunders my being in vibrations, like activating me or something.

"Riley? Please. Let go." I'm maintaining my calm, but I do have a criminal stare at his lustful, Alpha one.

"Why are you running?" I'm looking at his hand arresting mine and I want it back.... I'm not going to let my guard down. I would want to, but no.

"I'm not running. I told you I have work in the morning. My friend dragged me here for a girls' night. Now she found the next stage of the night, so I can go home now." Of course I'm running. I don't want to be the next on his list. And I'm not trusting myself to continue spending time with him. I don't want a painful mistake when I wake up tomorrow. I don't recognize myself with the entire spectrum of disruptions my body and heart are having at the moment. No one had that impact on me like he does in such a short amount of time. The look in his eyes at me and.... I don't know....

"You can sue me for this. I don't care." Before I raise my eyes at him from his hand hearing that, I find myself in his arms and he's cupping my face with his left hand, arresting my mouth now in a wild kiss, stamping me on his hard torso. I could die right now....

I don't hear music or people around us anymore, just my heart on such high notes, banging my ears. A rush of tickles and hotness invade my being while he's deepening the kiss and our tongues are clashing, tasting the Jack he had. I'm melting and I'm dizzy and I'm with my hands on his chest in the sane attempt to push him and halt this, but my hands just don't do it, like they're not listening to me. I'm emersed in this and I don't want it to stop, though my reason is screaming at me conflicting my heart filled with warmth for this guy. His heartbeats are as lunatic as mine and he's under such burning heat. I'm losing my breath and I need to get back to reason and fucking get out of here before I'll totally regret it.

Our foreheads are touching and we're breathing against each other with me staring at his lips. I'm so tranced and I'm out of my mind, wanting him, but no. "You were right.... I'm running.... I can't do this.... I'm sorry...." I'm not able to look into his eyes because if I would, my feet won't go to the exit and drive away to my home.

I pull myself from his muscular arms with my nostrils inhaling his intoxicating perfume, turn around, and walk away through the crowd with hurried steps. I need the night's cold air like now. Never, in my life, have I done what has just happened. Never. I've lost my mind to allow that to happen....

What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why?!


So? How was it? What do you think comes next? Hope you enjoyed it! :


Can't wait to see your comments! <3 Love you all! See you in the next chapter! Don't forget to vote, share, add the book to your reading list, and follow me! Thank you, baby! <3

P.S. *sending kisses to my readers*

Andra-Cristiana Stan

BILLIONAIRE'S BABY RUNAWAY by Andra-Cristiana Stan, Romania. Copyright ? August 2021. All Rights Reserved

Author's website:

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.