
Let’s Read The Word

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Sword prince

Sword prince




This story is about a boy who reincarnated in the form of another boy in the future.... He learned the way of the sword and found out he was the chosen one to open the portal for the dead to return to their land...... How will he finds out that he was the chosen,and the reason he reincarnated........

"aww" I yawned after waking up feeling a little hungry and tired , it felt like I haven't tasted anything for as long as seven days.

the room I am right now ,is quite different from the luxurious and properly arranged room I use to stay .

this room is an old fashioned small room with a Small bed , not actually a bed it is a type of Japanese chair called futon that can be used as chair and rolled up to be used as a bed .

every thing present in this room is old and out of fashion ,even the Lowest class in United State doesn't have this kind of bedding , And the room, is not luxurious,it has dull painting like the painting of fine clay .

I sat down upright in the chair or maybe bed ,I tried looking for any foot wear present but there is non in the room.

' what is happening was I kidnapped, where am I , what am I doing here where is mom , where is dad , where are all the house help ' these are my thought right now .I am very worried.

I felt my hair were out of place so I walk to the mirror, to fix it , I am feeling changes in my body .the mirror in the room is a small one placed on the clay walls.

" WTF " I exclaimed and fell on the floor after seeing my reflection on the mirror, I was shocked that I have to exclaim with high tunes .

my voice is not the same voice that I know I use to have , it is an entirely different voice, I can't really get what is happening to me why am I in this body , why am I in this room, why is nobody answering.

because after the loud exclamation I made after , nobody came to check why I exclaim, unlikely from my family, even if I sneez a large number of house help will come checking why I sneezed.

but there was nobody coming to check not even someone coming to knock on the door to ask what is happening.

' this body , why am I in this body, I use to have a black hair, why am I having hair, what is happening' I thought silently to myself looking at the surrounding of the room.

I can hear noises from outside the door, probably not in front of the house, but it seems to be very close to the room that I am staying right now.

' am I in another life , am I dead in my previous life , why am I still having memory of my passed life' I thought to myself not knowing what is really happening.

if I am dead , and I was concieved again by another mother, probably in the future, but I am in the past , I can tell by the house that I am staying , I would have been given birth to in the future where the technology might have improve.

but in this room , I can't see any electronic gadget anywhere, not even a TV or a radio or probably a smart phone if the person doesn't have a family, maybe he might be staying alone.

'maybe my soul was transferred to another body '

in my previous life and in my real body, I am the son , of a top politician and a business Lord, my previous father is a very man .

we stayed in the best area in the United State, as I remember clearly, I attends one of the best highschool in the United States.

I remember my sixteenth birthday celebration,dad organized a big party to mark my birthday, all my friends in school is present in the party. and some of my dad employees.

the body i possess right now ,might be an orphan, because I can't see any family member around,no father around and no mother around.and Even no siblings ,or house help probably his family left the house without I'm forming him.

I can also tell that he is a low class person, by the colour and the size of the room,or probably house, because this person uses this place as his living room and bedroom. maybe the toilet and the bathroom must be on other part of the house.

the body that I am possessing now , in probably in his early sixteens, I can tell all this because, I was as tall and my body was as developed as his.

though I felt a little bit hungry and tired, maybe the former soul in possession of this body haven't taken anything, or maybe it is in the process of the transfer of soul.

' is this reincarnation or am I in a movie ' i said to myself remembering the famous movie where a man was reincarnated into the body of a little lad .

science have proven that reincarnation is not real , that it is a mere superstition to scare the young ones from been evil , and be honest and hardworking so that they will be reincarnated to the body of a wealthy person.

but if they did evil or were the lazy type in their previous life, they maybe reincarnated as an animal or a wretched man.

I remember I was very obedient to mom and dad , and I was also a humble person I wasn't the proud type, and to cap it all I was hardworking, sometimes I do the minor chores my self , undermining that my dad is a rich and famous man.

' I guess science is wrong ,and if the people in the past were right about what they said I wouldn't have reincarnated as a person this poor' i asked my self these questions, because the people in the past said that if he or she is Good, he or she will be reincarnated as a wealthy man or woman, or she will be married to a wealthy man.

I am still on the ground, in the snaggled room , I am down , I don't know what to do, how to get out of this world , to my real world, I can't actually cope here , away from family, friends and loved ones .

I tried cleaning my eyes , slapping my self , to check if I was in a trance or a nightmare or probably a dream, but all was to no avail, I am in a real world not in a trance or a dream.

' what will I do next ' I asked myself and I finally decided to walk out of the house, to take a long stroll , maybe I can get a little information about this place.

I don't even know the name of the body,maybe I can get the name if someone that knows the boy greets or call him by the name , that I reincarnated into, I took a nice black robe on the long wood that is used as the wardrobe.

I need to have at least a little information about my new self, at least a name or what he was doing, how he moved with people, in my former life may name was Pedro, I don't know about this life I don't have any idea.

I checked the room but not properly because I haven't tried doing anything in this room or house,I only woke up from the futon which serve as bed ,to find out that I have reincarnated to another era ,another part of the word.

I glanced through the room , if I can find anything used as a means of exchange here, I only found three pieces of silver coin.

'what can this really cover ,can it get me at least two meal today ' I thought to myself placing the three coins inside the pocket on the robe that I was putting on.

' is this the only coin that I have to eat, maybe he is probably hiding some or savings it ,I will do a proper arrangement and check up when I come back from this stroll ' I thought to myself taking a final look at the room .

I tried opening the door with an handle , but the door doesn't have an handle, so I unlocked the door and pushed the door to myself. 

I walk out of the room. looking outside I can see the people, they are Also white people but they are  a little different from the people In the United States,and the place is too crowdy.

I can see the main reason why  the noise I heard  inside the room  keep on coming more louder and louder, it is because of the workshop close to me and the crowded street.

"hey Sakura San how was your night"

"excuse me please, I have somewhere urgent to go now"

" get out of my way"

" hey little boy, take this to your dad "

" sheng zu where is your father, I haven't seen him workshop today "

these are the various words that I can really hear clearly from the crowd, the voice of people greetings either their husbands, wife , girl friend, boyfriend or anybody that is well known to them.

I can also hear the sound of persons who are struggling to leave the crowd, probably rushing somewhere, the gentle ones among them are begging the ones blocking their way, while the hot tempered and the arrogant ones among them are either pushing the one on their way or use bad language to ask them to leave.

I stand there for a while andy stomach was rubbling continuously not wanting to stop. it need food as soon as possible.

in that area the house i woke up from is the only old fashioned house in the area,

some of the other houses have painting, some have flowers for beautification.

I walk northward searching for a restaurant to eat , I walk through the suburb area trying to find a good place to eat, I couldn't find any  good place to eat .

I keep on searching for a restaurant north ward ,and  also viewing north ward , to see if I will find a new place of attraction or something that I will have to accomplish in this life and world that I finds my self.

moving north ward , I actually saw a place with more than ten people, sitting down inside the building, that is covered with a curtain

' oh at last , a restaurant, a place to eat' I sighed in relief seeing the place with a lot of customer inside .

I walk to the restaurant, through the big curtain and straight to the food vendors, it is actually a female vendor.

"please ma , what is on sale here" I asked the woman selling in the restaurant.

"dear customer,we have the curry rice , buckwheat noodles, ramen ,and we also have any type of soup that you want ,with all kinds of meat,the bulls meat, chicken and other variety of meat including the ones from the bush" she  listed all the Item available in the shop.

"ok give me a plate of buckwheat noodles,with two eggs" I listed the things that I want to buy.

I choose the buckwheat noodles, because I  am use to noodles,and I don't know the taste of the other food  the lady listed .

"ok dear customer,your food will be served Soon please wait" she said as she bends down to take a plate from the ,wide cupboard which she also uses as her table ,she left with the plate into a small room ,she came back with a tray and a glass of water.

"is there any other type of drink here " I asked the lady when I saw a glass of water, a glass of water will not be enough to take down the food.

I was born in a rich home, we hardly uses water, either we use a glass of juice,yogurt or a glass of milk.oh probably a glass of non alcoholic wine.

" oh yes ,we have any fruit juice or do want a newly prepared red wine,it is straight from the wine press" she answered my question.

"ok serve me my meal with a glass of orange juice " I said to the woman ,she removed the cup of water from the tray and  went to the same small room,she entered the first time.

"ok here is your food, customer you can look for any vacant seat , please feel enjoy your meal." she said passing the tray of food ,with a glass of orange juice and chopsticks for eating.

"how much is my meal" I ask the woman vendor.

" sir you meal costs one silver coin" she said still giving me the tray of food and the juice I ordered for.

" ok ma " I said deeping my hands inside the small pocket in the  robe I was wearing ,I brought out one of the silver coin and handled it over to the police.

"thank you dear customer, please ensure to tell me if there is any mistake I the meal , I will be glad and make the correction, and make it more delicious" she said after she pass the food tray to me finally.

I took the tray from the vendor's hand ,and turned back I am using my eyes to look for a vacant chair, then I found a free chair and nobody was  seating around it ,so I walked to the chair  every persons in the restaurant are looking at me .

I stopped in front of the chair and table that I sets my eyes on , I sat down slowly, I learned how to act cool and how to make the female folks fall in love with you In my previous body.

it is really hard using a set of chopsticks to eat noodles, I am very familiar with the use of cultlery, the spoon , the fork  and the knife .

so I acted like I knew how to use the chopsticks, I ate slowly, I can only use the chopsticks for taking only small amount of the noodles which has vegetables and other type of spices inside, the food is really delicious.

I am finally done with the eating here, my stomach is settled , I can now move freely without the stomach rubbling, I took the tray with the plate and the glass cup , I took it to the woman selling in the  restaurant.

"oh young man, you are such a kind and a humble customer, you are actually the first person that has ever finished eating, and bring the tray back to me, I have been the one to take the tray when they are through with it." the woman said .

" it nothing ma , I am not use to been proud " I answered

"please, you can come and eat here any time that you are close to this area , thank you for your gesture earlier on , I wish to see you patronizing me next time " she said when she saw that I was at the verge of living the restaurant.

"ok ma , thanks for the delicious meal you cooked ,I also wish to buy from you, next time "i said and bade her farewell, while  I walked out of the restaurant, because I don't want her to ask further questions about my self, because I haven't gotten any idea about my new body now.