
Let’s Read The Word

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° BULLIED PROLOGUE Hello friends! My name is stephanie an extremely beautiful eighteen years old teenager whose life has been a mess right from my childhood. I don't know if I'm an orphan or not because I don't know who my parents are, I don't know if they're dead or alive, so I call myself an orphan because I have no family to bear it's name. I was told my name's Stephanie by the woman I grew up with who treated me nicely until the day I reported her husband's several moves to have sex with me. I took to my heels the day he almost raped me and I was able to save myself luckily I ended up being be a girl who roams about in the street of Lagos. My life turned a bit better when I helped a rich woman catch a thief that snatched her purse one afternoon. She was moved by my story, that was after I had narrated everything to her. So she decided to take me in as a maid. She's a widow but has two children, a boy and a girl. I got to know I'm a year older than the girl whose name's Ashley but I don't know who the son is because he's not here in Nigeria. She took care of my look and clothing and I became my pretty self once again. Everything became worse when I was enrolled into her daughter's school. She's a rude and spoilt brat. She hates my guts with passion and even gave other students the authority to make my life miserable in the school. Though her mother is a really nice woman, but I dare not to report what happens in the house to her mom. But the questions are, am I really the meek type that could stand and watch herself bullied or it's because of my condition? will I ever be able to find happiness in my entire life? Will I ever get to know who my parents are? Will there ever be someone to save me from the bullying? And is that why the title of the story is bullied which is a past tense





Monday Morning

Today marks the beginning of my experience at a new school, so I hurriedly wore my new uniform and pack the books that was gotten for me by Mrs james

Ashley's Mom


"I'm ready ma'am" I said as I got to the car where she was waiting for me with her daughter.

"Wow! You look great in your dress". She complimented.

"Thanks ma'am" I replied

"So are you sure you're ready to do this? She asked referring to the news school I just got enrolled in.

"Yes ma'am" I replied

"Fine! Now, let's go" she said

Seriously mom! I wonder why you choose to delay us by asking her unnecessary questions.

"Who cares if she's ready or not? She isn't worthy enough to be in our school though" Ashley said rudely and went in the car.

"Don't mind her" I hope you get to forgive her for all she's been doing to you. Her mom said

I want you to have faith that all will be well one day. She said and I nodded

I sat at the back seat and said my prayers silently not forgetting to include Mrs James in the prayers. I want God to continue to bless her for me.

I clutched my backpack to my chest because I was nervous due to the fact that it's my first day at a school for the rich kids and I've never attended one. The ones I've attended right from my childhood was government schools.

"Here we are" Mrs James said as she stopped the car. thereby, jolting me out of my thought

Oh, alright! I said and went out of the car.

She did the necessary things for me and made sure I was given the necessary things including the key to my locker.

Make sure you don't hesitate to ask for anything if you need and remember all I discussed with you before, okay? She as she set to leave the school.

"Yes ma'am" I replied with a slight bow.

"Bye ma'am" I said and waved at her.

A guy whom I guess is the head prefect boy because he's using the tag was asked to take me to my classroom first, then show me around later in the day.

"I'm Charles, the SS3 student and the head prefect of the school" he introduced.

"I'm Stephanie, an SS2 fresher" I replied

Wow! It's nice meeting you, I'll take you to your class now and will come during the recess period to come show you around. He said

"Alright, that'd be nice. Thanks" I said.

We were about entering the class when he sighted our homeroom teacher, he took me to him and introduced me to him.

The man dismissed him and took me to the class instead.

"I'm Stephanie Coker" I introduced.

Coker is the name I've been using right from my elementary school.

The class clapped for me as I walked to my sit as ordered by the teacher.

Some girls stared at me admiringly while some guys stared at me lustfully.

My eyes met with Ashley's and she shot me a deadly glare, I took my eyes off immediately and proceeded to my seat.

Some students came to me immediately the teacher left the class, to introduce theirselves. We were busy exchanging pleasantries when Ashley suddenly went to the front of the class and banged the table for attention

"Hey guys! I've got an announcement to make" she said sounding like a queen

Hey bitch! She called, I know she's referring to me but I acted like I don't know.

Bitch! Bitch!! Bitch!!! She called again but I Still didn't answer her.

Girl what's up, who are you calling, or did you bring your do to school? A guy asked.

That's the dog that came to school with me. Ashley, are you fucking deaf!!! She barked angrily and the class roared and turned to look at my direction.

Before I knew it, two girls stood up and walked up to me.

Have you become deaf? Didn't you hear her Call your name? One of them asked.

Excuse me? She called a dog, so as a fresher that I am, I was looking for the dog she's calling... I replied

The other girl pulled me up forcefully and dragged me to the front of the class.

Guys! This girl here is nothing but a maid. She's a maid in our house. She bewitched my mom and that's why my mom got her enrolled in the school.

I want y'all to help me torment her life I want you to treat her like trash till she release my mom off the bondage she put my mom in. She announced

Ashley I didn't do anything of such, why do you detest me so much. Is it my fault to be poor? I said in a teary voice.

What!!! You dare say a word when I haven't finished talking? She said and raised her hand to slap me.

I closed my eyes in expectation of the slap to land on my cheek and tears streamed down my cheek as I thought of how miserable my life has always been

"I opened my eyes when I heard the students chorus an Oooooh"
