Vanessa felt a hand moving on her body,
She jerked up from her sleep and saw her husband Yuvraj.
He'd this evil glint in his eyes that told her she was in for another torture,
But today isn't Wednesday,
Why today?
She asked herself.
"Get off your clothes now." He ordered her,
Like a frightened kitten,
Vanessa began to unclad herself while her husband stood and watched her in disgust.
After going stark naked,
She gave her back to him and rested her head between her hands then shut her eyes,allowing him to do whatever he wants to do.
For closely one hour,Yuvraj slammed his whole length into her,
Rough,hard and fast he thrusted,
Pulling her hair while he rammed himself into her,
She just accepted his torture and sobbed in pain,
He didn't mind that.
When he was done,
He got down from the bed and did his clothes,
The last thing she heard him say was,
"Get ready,
Padma is coming over for breakfast."
That was it,
The door closed and she finally opened her eyes..
Her legs and thighs were numb and it took her a great deal to get them off the bed.
She got up holding the bed and managed to get herself into the bathroom with her legs wide apart,
The pain was too excruciating.
After showering,
She came out of the bathtub with her bathrobe,
She went to her cabinet and took some painkillers,
And downed it with a glass of water.
She couldn't refuse not coming for breakfast,
Cause Yuvraj would kill her afterwards,
So she lay back on the bed and allowed the painkillers work it's magic on her. Vanessa was a young black lady from a poor background and that was among the reason her husband hates her.
She graduated high school few years ago but couldn't further to college because insufficient find,
So she dropped and worked for her two younger sisters,Bianca and Carmen to see through high school.
Born to an illiterate father
her mother left a few weeks Carmen was born
Simon's priority was to see his daughters educated but with his wife leaving and him losing his job at the contract site,
Simon never had a stable job since then.
Vanessa who was now the mother to her two younger sisters,
Took part-time jobs during high school to be able to support the family financially,
The family lives outside the Outer Banks,
In the small neighborhood called Westwood,
Their house was a rundown beaten two room apartment with a public toilet.
Seeing her family's condition,
Vanessa fought hard to get herself and her family out of the slum.
She was able to secure a job at the renowned Kerry's Pizza at the Outer Banks and it was during one of her pizza delivery ventures,
She met Padma Singh,
The woman who changed her life forever with a marriage proposal for her. Yuvraj is the youngest son of the multimillionaire Prasad and Padma/Victoria Singh and was obviously the black sheep of the family,
Mr Prasad Singh were originally from India and they'd migrated to the States when Prasad was merely a toddler.
His father originally had started Singh's Tea when he came to the States,
Seeing Americans were more into coffee with caffeine which was health wise dangerous,
He decided to start a tea business.
With natural tea recipes flown from India and also Eastern China,
Soon,Mr Singh was running a multi tea company and not just a tea shop he started with.
After his death,
His son Prasad took over and the business was in bloom since,
From selling up to hundred million teabags in a year,
With the help of his wife,
He was also shipping teabags to other countries,
Together the built a tea empire with their three sons,
Ranveer and Rajveer
the twins
and Yuvraj was the youngest.
Padma was a great philanthropist,
She ran so many Charity Organisations that provides food and shelter for the poor,
She also does this Summer Charity for kids,
Seeing how hot it always is in Outer Banks during summer,
VASI Summer provides free lunch and ice cream for kids whose parents can't afford all this.
Ranveer and Rajveer helps Padma in this organizations but Yuvraj is never a part of it,
He calls it wasting resources on lazy people,
Yuvraj was the self-centered and selfish egoist.
He wanted nothing to do with the family business or even his mom charity organization.
He's into modelling and was really famous,
He got a good amount of cash from it and bought his own house.
His house was right beside sea,
Giving him the perfect view of it every sunrise and sunset,
Yuvraj was very vain and cared a lot about himself and his body than any other thing.
He flaunt himself and his properties and his logo was always,
"If you gat it,
You flaunt it."
Seeing her son this way really hurt Padma,
And she fought to change him,
When she first met Vanessa,
She was enticed by her good and loving nature and mostly her looks.
Even not dressed like those party rich girl,
Vanessa was a beauty,she was a black but her skin wasn't too dark.
Her afro was stunning and there Padma decided to get her for her son,
Hoping that Vanessa would rub her good nature to her son,
But that was were she got it all wrong.
Paying Vanessa enough money to get her family out of the slum and give them a good life,
Vanessa accepted the proposal.
Yuvraj wasn't in support of the idea,
That was the last thing in his mind.
He blatantly refused but when his parents threatened to cut him out of the family's wealth,
Being the greedy son he's,
He accepted the marriage and soon after Vanessa was shipped in to his as his wife.
He hated her that instant,
Torturing her every chance he got,
He hated her for her race.
He hated her for her afro and for her not being beautiful like the other female models he'd seen and worked with.
He find opportunities to demean her and every now and then,
He comes to her room to pleasure himself.
Padma made it clear to him that he can't cheat on her,
So he decided to derive his pleasure from her,
But unfortunately for Vanessa,
His pleasure was her pain.
He set some rules for her and her breaking the rules,
He punishes her,
He never punish her physically,
He knows if the does that Padma would notice any mark in her body,
So he does it emotionally or sexually.
The rules he gave her were horrendous but she'd to follow them;
*She wasn't to ever call his name,
She calls him My Lord.
*She should forbid any eye contact with him.
Her head should always be bowed whenever he's talking to her.
*No cellphone,
She can't call any one of her family members.
*The only visitors she would be having is Padma and member of his family.
*Whenever he's having sex with her,
Her eyes should be closed till he's done.
*Most importantly,
No one should find out about this,
Not even Padma who comes every Tuesday and Friday for breakfast and dinner.
Twice he'd made her sit on the floor to have dinner for looking at him and once under the rain for telling him no.
When her family and friends called her lucky for getting married to a rich guy,
None of them knew the pain she passes through except Nana Mollie, their chef.
Mollie is an older woman,
Older than Padma with a few years and was Yuvraj's chef since he got his house,
She was more like family to him cause he treated her well,
Gave her raise and most times he gave her leave which she always refused.
Took care of her and bought her presents whenever he goes travelling,
Mollie everyone knew was a great chef and started off helping Padma at the Organization till Yuvraj hired her to be his chef.
She'd no family of her own was from somewhere in Singapore,
She loves Yuvraj as her son and so did she also love Vanessa but hated him for how he treated her,
Vanessa is a very nice girl but the reason why Yuvraj hate her she can't place a finger to.
Several times,she'd tried to talk Vanessa into telling Padma what was really happening but each time she chickened out,
Yuvraj would kill her of he ever finds out and secondly,
The money Padma had paid,
Her family had put into use,
There was no way they could pay back the money even if they sold all they'd.
Yuvraj had planned to divorce her after six months when he must have gotten what he wanted
This was her third month and three more to go,
Soon she'll be free from him,
That day she awaits.