
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Leah Sin



Lia Wolfe and Rawk North move in very different circles and under normal circumstances never would have met. But when their worlds do collide, quite literally, a simmering attraction begins. Rawk knows he can't afford another 'episode' as his father calls them. He has been cut off and warned to stay out of any and all trouble or he will be forced home. Connor North wants his son in Wales, initiated and taking his rightful place at the helm of the family business. Rawk on the other hand would rather drink bin juice than set foot inside North Enterprises. He has vowed to keep his head down and get through the year without incident. However being forced into a room with Lia every day soon has him acknowledging that the biggest danger he faces is the pretty little thing sitting beside him rolling a pencil across her lips. Lia is so relieved to be away from her overbearing family, not to mention the freedom of anonymity, that after meeting Rawk she decides to just take him in her stride. Soon he's walking her home and she's forgetting not to be noticed. All she wants is a fresh start but can she achieve that when everything about Rawk turns her on but also reminds her of what she has sworn to stay away from? *** All Rights Reserved 2020 © Leah Sin

I’ve decided, as I embark on this new adventure, that I’m done with doing what my parents and family ask of me; I’ve obeyed for long enough now, even when I didn’t 100% agree. I toed the line and followed the advice.

I’ve learnt from the receiving end of judgement that I have no right to it and it seems my new personalised way of thinking freaks a lot of people out, men especially. Which I’m grateful for at the moment, I’m hoping it will keep trouble at bay. A fresh start and all.


My sister likes to call me ‘safe’ but I would be quick to argue that it’s, considerably, as a result of her making it her life’s mission to shock the shit out of our very middle-eastern, super conservative mother. Thereby making anything I do scrutinise with the same intensity.

Akia is 6 years older than me and to say that she hit the floor running the day she finished school would be an understatement. She chose the night that she got her results to announce to our entire family that she had secretly applied to a university overseas and been accepted.

This was bad enough but then she creamed the cake by coming out. My mother loved Leila until Akia confessed that she wouldn’t be leaving without her. My mother had gone on about how close they were until my aunt explained. Then...well then she had to be escorted to her bedroom to lie down so severe was her shock.

My younger brother, Tariq, and I disappeared into my bedroom to avoid the pending shit storm but the celebration came to a sharp halt following Aki’s announcements. Family members literally hauled ass out and soon we were confronted by our bewildered father.

He couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about

Bless him and his very liberal upbringing.

Aunty Soula snuck in and gave him the rundown on what was considered unacceptable behaviour within the adult female Arab community; it was both hilarious and cringe-worthy! I was equally impressed with and curious about my aunt’s knowledge.

Dad was adopted out of a Persian orphanage by an American couple and had lived all over the world with them.

I LOVE my American grandparents and am so grateful for them!

My parents met while my dad was doing his post-grad in Egypt and they’ve been together ever since.

He travelled a lot when we were younger but there was always an aunt or two around so Akia, Tariq and I grew up surrounded by laughter and strange traditions. We lived for trips to America and were lucky enough to spend time in some amazing countries because of dad’s archaeology.