
Let’s Read The Word

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The Red-Eyed Omega

The Red-Eyed Omega




“Your son hasn’t stopped crying ever since he lost the match, Alpha.” One of the wolves reported, to the Pack Alpha. “It is no big deal; my alpha son will loose sometimes too.” The Pack Alpha replied, without looking up from his work. “It is not that, Alpha, this incident is something I have never heard of before.” The man gulped. “What do you mean?” The Alpha asked, bewildered. “The boy who defeated your powerful Alpha son, was an Omega.” He confessed. In a world where Omegas are generally looked down upon; A rare male Omega becomes the cause of a lot of dispute in the werewolf kind. Will he able to bring about a change or will he become the subject of rejection?

Beautiful giggles rippled through the dead calm of the clear, moonlit night.

The stars twinkled in fondness, at the pure joy radiating off, of two young souls.

The scented flowers, were being lightly trampled by little feet running around all over.

“Elio, wait!” A childish voice whined.

“Too slow, Addy!” An equally adorable voice, shrieked in happiness.

Ten-year-old Adrian, was chasing his seven-year-old best friend Eliot, yet again.

This field near the cliff had always been a witness to their friendship and today was no different, but it was uncertain if it would be the same in the coming future as well.

Suddenly, Elio’s arm was pulled along into a back hug by his friend.

“Caught you.” The Alpha smiled, wrapping his arms around the Omega.

“Silly Addy, you still lost.” Elio giggled, his honey sweet voice reaching the Alpha’s ears, making him grin in response.

Elio was a male Omega; he was unique right from birth.

“Why did I lose Elio?” Adrian asked in a gentle voice, arms still around the Omega’s waist.

Eliot turned around in his arms and looked up at his best friend, a breathtaking smile on his face.

“You were supposed to race with me, not catch me.” Elio replied in an obvious tone, shaking his head.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind losing to you.” Adrian bopped, Elio’s nose, making his nose scrunch cutely.

“Addy,” The omega mumbled, suddenly gloomy and Adrian knew exactly why, he immediately engulfed him in a hug.

Elio hid himself in the Alpha’s chest, inhaling his calming mahogany scent.

Adrian always treated the Omega with utmost care and gentleness, even though he was not as fragile as he looked.

“I don’t want to leave you too, Elio, but I have to.” Adrian explained again, stroking the Omega’s fluffy brown hair affectionately.

His heart ached at the thought of staying away from his Elio for seven long years, but he had no choice, his father wanted him to train with the Alpha’s of the Snowy Mountains and being the heir, he was in no position to deny.

“But then, who will train me and my wolf?” Elio questioned, slight tears pooling in his unique maroon eyes.

“Your father Elio, isn’t he the Pack Alpha?” Adrian questioned in reply, wiping Elio’s and his own tears, that threatened to fall looking at the disheartened expression on the Omega’s face.

Elio didn’t reply, only stood there with a sad pout.

“I’ll miss you.” Adrian confessed with a sad smile.

“Me too.” Elio agreed, looking at the black orbs of the Alpha.

“Enough of that pout now, where is that pretty smile?” Adrian squished the Omega’s cheeks, who was a couple of inches shorter.

Elio only resisted, not giving the Alpha what he wanted.

“You leave me no choice then.” Adrian said mischievously and started rolling up his sleeves, Elio gasped in realization.

“No, not the tickles!” He squeaked and ran away as quickly as he could.

Elio was fast, but ran in the wrong direction, meeting with a dead end of the cliff.

“Nowhere to go now.” Adrian wiggled his fingers playfully, cornering the Omega.

Just as the Alpha leaped forward, Elio stepped to the side swiftly, tricking Adrian.

Unluckily, the grass was slippery and Adrian lost his balance, falling over the edge of the cliff, to Elio’s horror.

The Alpha closed his eyes, prepared for the worst, when he felt soft hands clasping his wrist, pulling all of his weight to safety.

He opened his eyes and, steadied himself to see, a tearful Elio cutching his wrist and apologizing.

“It’s okay, I’m okay.” Adrian, hugged the Omega, calming him down.

Both of them were equally shocked, but for different reasons.

After a few good minutes of catching their breaths, Adrian looked at Elio in admiration and disbelief.

“How did you pull me up with that small body of yours?” Adrian asked, amazed.

This was not the first time he had seen the Omega do something unbelievable for his rank, but it always managed to blow him away.

“I saved you, and you’re making fun of my size.” The Omega complained, wiping his tears away, not realizing what he had done at all.

“I’m sorry.” Adrian couldn’t help, but chuckle at his obliviousness and Elio let out an offended gasp.

“Now you’re laughing at me, I had got so scared for you, meanie Alpha.” Elio said, and turned around to leave, stomping his little feet in anger.

“Elio wait!” Adrian whined, yet again, running to catch up with the Omega.

It was always like this with the two, and this is why Adrian was not afraid to leave Elio on his own, the Omega was special, not only to him, but to the entire werewolf kind.