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Emperor's Amor Tesoro

Emperor's Amor Tesoro

Author:Aarish Qays



[Warning 18+Adult content included] Welcome to a world full of lust, sexism, fantasies and adventure. Hope you will indulge yourself completely and found yourself enjoying this story. It is story about a boy who transmigrated into another body and also time traveled in the time when dragon and phoenix exist. Let's see how will he going to survive in this era with different body.

After his work, Glen Miller was driving towards the pub where he was going to meet his lover. It was the cold night and snow was covering everything under its white layer. Roads were very slippery and land sliding was making things more difficult.

After reaching his destination, Glen peek into the car's mirror and sleek his hair back. A grin smile appear at the corner of his lips and he feel proud on his looks "perfect", he said proudly.

Glen enters the pub and was shocked when he saw his lover who was kissing someone else so deeply and intensely. He rubbed his eyes.

"Am I seeing things", he questioned himself.

Glen look at his lover's face where he found no sign of guilty.

" So it's like this, humph!", Glen asked his boyfriend angrily.

"You bastard! You cheated on me. I'll ruined you.", he was continuesly questioning him.

Glen's boyfriend Lambert was still quite. He was actually shocked because Glen came their before time.

Lambert came up with escuse and said, "Honey! It's not like that. You misunderstood something. You see we are....." before he could complete his sentence Glen slapped him and run away with tears were rolling from his eyes.

"Lier! Lier! Lier!", Glen was continuesly scolding him while driving rashly than at the point his car was out of control because of the slippery road and hit the truck.

Glen feel himself so light as he could fly in air.

Next moment whole news was filled with this accident news that, " Heir of Miller Group, the largest group of country, is now in critical condition".

"Ow! My head is aching", Glen opened his eyes while moaning in pain.

"Your Grace! Finally you are awake", a girl who dress so fancy said in excitement.

For a moment Glen was in daze and then he said, "Escuse me! What's going on. Who are you".

The girl was surprised and said, " Your Grace! I'm your maid Lia. Don't you remember that you injured while saving me".

Glen again look at the surroundings and then his hands and he was so shocked, "when did my hands become so soft", he said.

Glen run towards the mirror and look at himself. For a moment he was stuck, " Big eyes, Long silky hair, Pale skin, Beautiful nose, Thin lips, Fragile physic..... Why am I like this", he said to himself.

"Your Grace! You are always so beautiful that's why Emperor wants to make you concubine", maid said.

Glen's mind was about to blew after hearing it," What!", he said.


To be continue............