
Let’s Read The Word

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Isis Abadi An extraordinary girl with special powers, who was born a DADA. Being admitted to Spectra Academia wasn't how she wanted to start her new year, but her Mother had other plans for her. At Spectra, Isis is caught in-between Love, trust, friendship and power. So.... buckle up; we're in for a long bumpy ride.

Isis fingered the Ankh Totum around her neck, looking at her reflection on the mirror.

It was a family hairloom given to her by her deceased Grandmother. Although, she didn't know much about the Totum, but she held onto it like her life depended on it.

She'd been strictly told never to take it off. She didn't know why, but she knew it was for some reasons, which were still unclear to her.


She heard her name being called.

'I'll be down in a jiffy!' She rummaged around her room searching for her Shoes. Her room was a mess, she had little or no time to tidy up, but on second thought Magic could do the trick.

Snapping her fingers, everything went back to being normal again.

Isis slung her satchel on her shoulder, before lazily dragging her suitcase down the stairs.

'Ready?' Jamila asked her daughter.

Isis shrugged 'Yeah'

'Let's go then'

Jamila headed to the front door and Isis closely tailed behind.

'I know how difficult this is for you, but it's for your own good'

Jamila plopped down the drivers seat, before turning on the ignition.

'—This is what you need Isis'

She let out a sigh 'I didn't ask for this. You made the decision Mom. It's not like I have a say in this'

Isis put on her earbuds reclining on the co-driver's seat, before closing her eyes. She didn't want to talk to her anymore. She was angry. She hated being far away from home. And Jamila knew that, but still, she went on and enrolled her in Spectra.

She always made the decisions and Isis didn't have a say.

Jamila revved the car, before pulling out of the driveway. She looked at Isis from the corner of her eyes every now and then.

She felt bad. But it wasn't easy for her too. She wouldn't be seeing her for a while. The loneliness she'd always felt after her husband left her, would creep in again.

He'd ditched them the night after Isis was born. And it pained Jamila to watch Isis grow up without knowing who her father was.

Whenever Isis brings up the topic, she'd quickly dismiss it. They'd been going on like this for years, until Isis decided to stop asking, seeing as her Mother was not willing to tell her anything about her birthfather.

In no time they pulled up Infront of a thick dark forest covered with huge tall trees.

'We will take it from here' Jamila said to Isis who propelled herself upwards.

'Is this it?'

Isis stepped outside looking at the creepy forest before them.

'Not really' Jamila said, helping her with the suitcase 'The Keeper would be here any minute from now' She checked her watch. And it was only 3:45.

1 minutes.......2 minutes........4 minutes.......20 minutes.......30 minutes passed, but there was no sign of anyone.

'Mom are you sure we're in the right place?' Isis asked 'Because no one's here'

'I've been here twice, so I'm pretty familiar with the environment. This is it'

'Seriously?! I'm beginning to think none of this is real!' Isis said skeptically.

'Do you really think so young lass?'

Isis heard a muffled voice ask.

'Mom did you hear anything or I'm I perhaps hearing things now?'

'No, I didn't hear a thing' Jamila replied.

'Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me' She muttered to herself.

'Of course not' A lanky old man wearing a black cloak appears out of tin air 'My apologies. It was rude of me to keep you waiting'

Jamile gave him a small smile 'That's not a problem at all. I'm glad you came. I was beginning to believe my daughter here had a point. Bye the way, here's her letter' She hands him the letter, before turning to face Isis 'Don't screw this up Isis'

'Yes mother' She replied dryly.

Jamila pulled her into a hug 'I love you Sweetie'

Isis stood still like a log of wood. She didn't return the hug and neither did she say those words back.

Jamila pulled out of the hug 'Take care' She said in a low whisper, before entering the car 'Thank you Mister.......' Her words trailed off.

'It's Gilbert. Just Gilbert' The old man replied.

'Oh! Gilbert. Thanks again' She said before zooming off.

'C'mon Lass'

Gilbert gestured for her to follow him.

Isis dragged her suitcase with her, following behind.

After some minutes, they stood Infront of the tallest trees there and they both had a symbol carved on them.

He mubbled some words and a portal opened 'Go on'

He said to Isis who hesitated to move, but soon complied.

'Welcome to Spectra Academia Ms Abadi'

Gilbert said to Isis who was awestruck by the gigantic building before her.