
Let’s Read The Word

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Beacon High

Beacon High




let meet Pearl Gareth of Arivea, a daughter of a Witcher who is so smart and talented but so gentle to the extent that she doesn't want to make friends; they tell her she's not perfect because all Witcher are supposed to have killed one or two monsters at the age of 13 but Pearl hasn't killed any and now she's 17years old. . . even though she's smart, her fellow species condemns her except her grandmother who is a Siren (higher species of mermaid). her parents also condems her; by then it came to view that there is a school capable of bringing out the inner voice of any immortal, so her parents decided to enroll her into 'Beacon High' a school for immortals. Pearl was sad about it at first but she thought that if that could make her parents proud of her, she would do it. . . But will she fit in with Beacon High? Meet Nathan Adams; Third prince of King Adam who has Two older brothers and a younger sister, the pure blood generations, a popular tycoon who all opposite gene wants to rub their skin on. . . Even though Nathan gives no face to females his father would order females to his room which he'll kindly shove away by giving them golds and riches. . . the king noticed this and decide to send him to Beacon High; maybe when he gets there he will know that having sex with females gives him more strength or maybe hr could find one females that can serve him till eternity and Adam agreed. But what happens when numerous girls throw there self at him in school? what happens when Nathan and Pearl meet? Will Pearl discover her inner voice in Beacon High? let's read and find out. . . Don't worry thus won't be like other uncompleted story, just read, like, comment and share. thank u

Chapter 1

Pearl's point of view

"Don't worry my love; you will surely discover your inner voice when you get there", Grandmother cooed into my hair as lay my head on her laps.

"I'm so nervous grandmother; what if I don't fit in", I said calmly and she chuckled, grandmother is the only one I talk to, I Can proudly say she's my only friends and I'll miss her when I leave, all my bags has been packed to a side, i'm just waiting for the bus.

"I have a feeling that they'll love you when you get there", she said and I smiled.

"Thanks Grandmother; I'm going to miss you", I stood up and hugged her, I can feel legs approaching, she hugged me back.

"Take this", she said handing me her necklace, "always remember that I am with you", she said and I wipe the threatening tear rolling down.

"I love you grandmother", I hugged her again.

"Good bye my child".

"My princess the bus is here", Andrew said from the door way and I nod picking up my duffel bag and the large box with the help of Andrew.

"Bye grandma", I waved as I walked out holding myself so well not to cry, I met my mother on the way, I stare at her but she just turn her face away; I know she is sad, I'll also miss her.

I couldn't find father anywhere, I sigh and entered the bus which was filled with different smells and aura, I can smell wolves, Griffen's, sirens, benders and even Vampires. . .oh goddess of Arivea help me; I prayed silently taking my sit at the back.

I waved at Andrew who blew a kiss at me wiping his face, is he crying?. "Bye Andrew", I waved.

"Bye My pearl", he replied and the bus ignited flying its way to our destination.

I put on my head phone and closed my eyes.

Nathan's point of view

Ugh! I just pray the girls in this school hates me cause I won't give them any face, "can you just stop speaking your thought out", Jacob, my elder brother said and I sigh.

"You are the only one among us that hates sex. . . are u even sure you are a pure blood", he started his preaching and I scoff.

"I am my father's son; I just feel so bad when I have sex with girls I don't know", I explained for the zillionth time and he sigh.

"I understand, maybe you will find your girl here", he said as the car stopped in front of a castle like school. Painted with pure white and gold;

"Nice building", we both chorused as we dropped out of the car with two guards helping with our luggage.

"Bye Nathan; be a good boy and find your girl", Jacob said handing me my phones and I smirk.

"Thank bro, see you soon", I hugged him then put on my hood before Making my way towards the reception.

"Prince Nathan", the reception lady stood up and bowed and I quickly turned my back at her not wanting any unwanted attention.

"Please Amelia, take your seat, I don't want to be address that way", I whispered to her and she quickly sat down. "Don't bow to me; I'm in school not in the palace", I shunned turning around to see her face flushed from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry-"

"Just call me Nathan; its not hard", I scoffed and she gulped.

"I'm sorry pr- Nathan", she quickly corrected her self and I smiled,

"Better; so what I'm I to know?" I asked taking a seat before her and she quickly changed her demure to a professional one. . . I like that.

"Here's your schedule for the month; your time table, your locker's number and your room number", she handed me a flat journal and I collected it. "And here's the key to your room; your roommate will be joining you soon", she gave me a key with a golden tag and nō '202' written on it.

"Thank you Amelia", I said giving her a quick peck on her cheeks before walking out, she's just like an elder sister to me: she was once my mum's maiden but she had this talent with computers and analyzing so I helped her in getting a job and pay here. . . I just love her vibes.

Walking my way through the hall way, all eyes stared at me, mostly lustful eyes of the girls and the rolling eyes of the boys.

*OMG! He's so hot. . .

*i think he's a royal, I hope I get his attention

* okay, this guy is so getting me for free

I heard mostly the female whisper and I sigh, I'm so keeping my profile low, why can't they just stare at something else . . . I walked towards the boys dorm with almost all eyes eye raping me.

"Hey bro", a voice sounded from my side I turned to see no body, "I'm right here", he said again but now his hands gripped mine bringing me into camophlauge mode,

"Oh thank goddess", I said when i notice that they can't see me again, "thank you", I said turning to the guy who looks to be my age mate,

"My pleasure; I'm Rolland of Nareath by the way", he introduced and I smirk, "I'm also a chameleon you know; I blend with colors", he said and I nod as we walked into the dorm; unseen.

"Its obvious. I'm actually Nathan, Third prince of the pure bloods", I told him and he gasp, "but don't call me prince", I quickly told him.

"Wow! I guessed I just saved the prince ass from getting toyed by the females", he sassed laughing and I joined in, i think Rolland and I are gonna be good friends.

"Oh yes you did. . . I just don't know why they Fancy too much sex", I groan and he laugh.

"That's because you're hot just as I am", he explained and I nod; that's so... Maybe that's why he's using his camophlauge.

"Which room are you heading to?" I asked and he shook his keys at me,

"Room 202", he smirked and we both chuckled.

"Perfect roommates", we chorused.
