**Not a chapter; only annotated kingdom and character list that will be regularly updated.**
Blood Ornament
Kingdom and Character List:
Land of Asaya: Continent
Asaya has five kingdoms:
Rakhtaprastha: Central Kingdom
Capital: Kundali
King: Shaktidev
Prince: Suryadev
Main Character
Others: Guru Briharshi
Royal Sage; Suryadev's mentor
; Uncle Abhiram
Surya's paternal uncle
; Queen Rukmini
Surya's mother
; Veer
Sanvi's son and Surya's best friend
; High Minister Janak; Princess Smita
Surya's sister
; Knight Officer Rana
originally from the Eastern Kingdom
; Royal Healer Dasara; the High Scholar Prahastha; the Royal Historian Mihira; the Royal Poet Fazal; King Shaktidev's chief bodyguard, Shatrughana; Sanvi
Queen's chambermaid
; Tanvi
Queen's Chambermaid
; Pavan: Suryadev's horse; Fatik: Driver of Suryadev's carriage
Mayalapuram: Southern Kingdom
Capital: Karani
King: Chirjeevi
Princess: Na'arvi
City of Kurnool: Southern city very close to Karani. Surya's party stayed there for 15 days to recover, after being attacked by the bandits.
Samrashtra: Northern Kingdom
Capital: Rajani
King: Darshaman
Prince: Drishtiman
Northern Guild of Tantrism:
Tantric Vidyut: Main Character; Surya's future lover
Alok, Raag, Rig, Tilak: Apprentices of Northern Guild of Tantrism
Shivalikaksha: Eastern Kingdom
Capital: Jivani
previously Yamani
King, Heir: Unnamed till now
Indraprasth: Western Kingdom
Capital: Patali
Queen: Bhanumati
Prince: Indranil
King: Mahendra
Others: High Minister Chakrayu; Knight Commander of the West, Lord Shankhapani; Hired assassin Dasu;
Gods and Demons:
Arya: The King of the Gods
Yaman: Agni Asura/Fire Demon
Puru: Descendant of Agni Asura Yaman
Other minor characters:
Bhim, Bhanu: Ghost of the Tree Episode
Shyama, Joga, Jaka: The Sage and The Robber Episode
Author's Notes:
The cultural elements of this story is heavily influenced by Hindu Mythology. HOWEVER, this is a complete re-imagination of the mythological elements, including names of the gods and demons, and have no resemblance or bearing to the actual Hindu mythology or mythological characters. I myself am an Indian Hindu woman and wanted to draw a rich and colorful picture of my tradition and culture. The planned main story arc will be epic mythological fantasy, but the focus of this story will be character developments and their arcs. There will be some usage of Indian cultural and mythological terms that will be explained in the author's notes that I will include at the end of each chapter.