
Let’s Read The Word

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Growing up, I've been called a lot of names, some were nice while most were... Uhm not so good. There's something about me that always made me stand out, that makes me.... Different, and that's my appearance. Since birth people always found it hard taking their eyes off me, even my parents shunned me away, they claimed I wasn't their daughter since I obviously looked nothing like them.... Or so I thought. They sold me out to another family who was willing to take me in. My high school experience was the most dreadful one yet to come. Most people hated me while some admired me but none dared to approach me. Everywhere I went, I was always called names, some would call me a demon, a red-eyed witch, the devils queen, the grim reaper, maleficent, while few would put it in a nicer way like; a mermaid, an angel even though I knew I looked nothing like that. I never for once enjoyed being born into this cruel world. Everywhere I turned to, people always abused me, cursed me, bullied me and avoided me....... Always made me feel my existence was an eyesore. I've never had anyone to call a friend since everyone always distance themselves from me. I thought it would be best to finally end this miserable life of mine until...... They came along. ( ^_^ its not a 'he' this time around). They brought light into my life and changed my perspective of life itself. But there was something that still troubled me and it scared me to death if my intuitions were actually right. What if all this was all a facade they put up or maybe it was just out of genuine kindness or they were befriending me only to..... expand their lifespan. I know you must be thinking, How's that possible? There's a lot secrets yet to be known. Read on and let the mysteries unfold.

"Hey! Won't you get off that bed already, you've been sleeping for 10 hours straight". She yelled at the top of her voice.

I growled as I rolled around the bed, "Don't make me come in there vivian!" She said as she walked back downstairs. "Uugh! Finally, I can get back to my beauty sleep".

Hey guys, so I haven't actually introduced myself yet, so here we go, my name is Vivian Divelle. I'm currently living with my aunt and her daughter, hmm... My so called parents practically abandoned me. I've been living with my aunt for almost five years, and I'm glad she doesn't see me as a burden. Oh yeah before I forget. My appearance... The reason why my very own parents disowned me. At a point I got scared of myself too you know, well... Until my aunt explained it all to me.

You see, I was born with this very rare condition, don't know what its called, but since birth, I had this beautiful pair of eye lense that just made me literally stand out. This sparkling RED pair of lenses, haha some people even asked me if I wore a contact lense, and guess what I said, no obviously. Hahaha, I always love seeing that terrified expression of theirs like they've just encountered a witch or something, crazy but funny, already gotten used to it anyways and I just had to be gifted with a natural red hair also, that just completes it all, red eyes, red hair, what's next, red skin?! Haha ridiculous.

The door flew wide open and a familiar figure walked in. "Hey maleficent, mom said to come get you, this will be the LAST time mom's gonna send me up here to get you or else I'm gonna upload that picture of you with drool all over your face" she looked at me with utter disgust before storming out of my room in anger.

Oh yeah I forgot to add, my aunt's daughter hates my gut.

"Aargh! Why must that girl always be so damn annoying!" I opened my eyes and grudgingly stood up on my feet. I cleaned myself up and hurried downstairs. 'Don't wanna keep my breakfast waiting'.

"Hey honey, you've finally gotten up" My aunt; Michelle said.

I yawned before answering her sarcastically, "Nahh I'm pretty much still on my bed as you can SEE".

"Drop the sarcasm and come eat darling".

"Ugh mom, how can you tolerate this bi-"


She rolled her eyeballs as she glared fiercely at me. "This b*tch!" She mumbled to herself. "Huhn? Sis what's that I hear? Did you still call me a b-"

"Vivian! You must really be hungry, why not I serve your food".

"Aw thanks sis, that's so KIND of you" I smirked as I blew her an invisible kiss. 'Hehe does she really think she could beat me'

She clenched her fists tight and went to serve Vivian's breakfast. 'Who does she think she is, that red eyed witch! One day, I personally will kick her out of this house!'

I tried to hold back my laughter, seeing ruby holding back her anger and acting all kind to me was truly a sight to behold. I could literally see fumes coming out of her head in anger hahaha.

We all gathered in the dining table, eating and laughing. Oh point of correction, I was excluded, I'm not much of the talkative type, I just sat there in my own serene world slowly gulping down my food while my aunt and her daughter kept on laughing and chatting with each other.

"Vivian" Michelle said as she looked up at me and flashed her sweetest smile. I immediately knew where this was going to, either she was planning on asking me for a favor or she was trying to persuade me to do something she knew I won't agree to.

"Yeah aunt?" But never did I expect what was coming next. "Uhm, you know, ruby will be resuming on campus tomorrow, so....." She paused. I raised up my eyebrows waiting for her to complete her sentence cause the suspense was literally killing me. 'It better not be what I'm thinking'.

"So.... I would like you to resume with her"

"WHAT!" I and ruby stood up abruptly.

"Girls c'mon, it won't be all that bad" Michelle tried bargaining with us. Well I wasn't shocked with ruby's response also. Who would want to be seen with a girl with red pair of eyes and red hair.

"Aunt? You know I can't go out looking like this?! I thought we decided on getting a private teacher to tutor me at home!". I was obviously furious at the idea. Like, how would she just decide that without asking for my opinion first. "I'm not going to campus with HER mom".

Michelle sighed, "Look girls, I know both of you might not like this idea but please hear me out first" She pleaded.

"Ok, go on" I responded as I sat down with folded arms waiting for how she planned to solve this. "Ruby, please I need you to be understanding, things are a little tight right now and I can't afford a private tutor for your sister, I just want you to watch over your sister and make sure she doesn't get bullied"

I scoffed at the idea,"Jeez aunt, she's the last person I want watching over me and besides I can watch over myself". I protested, cause there's no way I'm gonna let her watch over me. "Yeah mom, why should I watch over HER, besides I don't want to be seen with HER", "She's your sister ruby, stop acting like a child", "No she's NOT! We are not even blood related!", "That doesn't matter, as long as I adopted her as my daughter, both of you are sisters! So drop the argument!".

I rolled my eyeballs,"You do have guts ruby, you realize I'm right here?", "And so what? How's that any of my business!". She was probably expecting a comeback from me but instead, I just gave her a calm and unaffected look telling her that I don't care what she thinks, which made her even more furious.

"Will you two stop this child's play of yours! No one is permitted to talk until I'm through with what I want to say!! Understood?!". We both nodded and shot a sharp glare at each other before facing her.

"As for you vivian, I could get you blue pairs of lenses and you could dye your hair black, so in that way you'll be able to blend in, what do you think about that".

I suddenly started coughing.

Michelle got startled. She got up and started patting my back gently, Ruby being herself just sat there with crossed legs glaring at me, I looked at her and immediately knew what she was thinking,'I wish it kills you' I chuckled within, typical ruby.

"Are you alright honey, y-you don't like the idea?". "Uhm... About that... I've actually tried that before and it didn't go well". Immediately I said that, I saw her brows creased,"Huh? You've tried that before? And I wasn't aware of it?", "Uhm well that was before you adopted me". I tried to explain so she wouldn't get hurt that I kept it from her. "Oh ok, so what happened?", "Each time I tried dying my hair, it's like my hair was absorbing the dye and it still remained red, as for my lenses, any lense I tried on, it kept on hurting me, like I felt this burning sensation in my eyes each time I wore them. Its like it's telling me not to cover my appearance and so I gave up trying and decided to accept myself the way I am". I could see shock and worry painted all over Michelle's face whereas miss ruby over there looked like she was about to burst out in laughter, which she finally did.

"Hahahaha, jeez Vivian I always knew you had that witch side in you, what should I call you now, the red eyed witch?". Michelle shot her a sharp glare filled with anger at her sudden outburst. "Don't make me ground you for a month RUBY!". She immediately shut her mouth and acted obedient even though I knew in her mind she would definitely be cursing me.

"Honey, I'm sorry", "You don't need to be aunt, I'm actually ok not disguising myself, afterall I've been used to those names since I was a child. So nothing's new to me now". I managed to force a smile. "I'm ok with it aunt".

I lied, I'm not, I'm h*ll not ok with it. I've endured all those pain during high school and now I'm still gonna relive those moments or even worse. Aaaghh! My inner mind was screaming for help but on the outside, I gave her my brightest smile. I didn't want to upset her nor worry her. She was the only one that decided to take me in as part of her family. If not for her, I would have been left in that orphanage for the rest of my life. So I owed her a lot.