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A Beautiful Love Story

A Beautiful Love Story




Priya is a simple and beautiful girl who loves her family. Her family is everything for her.. But fate was not so good for her. She lost her family when they all went on an abroad trip.. Will she commit suicide or face the world alone? Arjun Patil is cold-hearted CEO and rich and handsome.. Has fiancee Swapna.. What will happen when they meet together?? What's their destiny? Will Arjun fall in love with Priya?? Will Arjun marry Swapna or priya??

"Chinna,, it's getting late.. I know you don't have a college from today but waking up late is not good for health. you should get up soon daily and go for walk with your dad. so that you can be healthy. so wake up now.." my mom, said and sat on my bed and took the quilt which I covered on me...

me: "Mom, why are you shouting morning morning only....!!! let me sleep some more.....!!!! how ever from tomorrow I will go for walk....."

my mom:- "Ha ha ha... you have said this daily morning.... you will to go to walk tomorrow but till today I didn't see it.. at least before my death I have see it.. that how will you take serious about your health and maintain your body like your dad.. now wake up...."

me:- " mom, please stop saying you will die.. now I will wake up, don't worry... "

"hey idiot, get up, you are already 21 years old. still mom has to tell you to wake up.. can't you wake up on your own and do your thing without any support.. are you still kid?? and pack your luggage properly later don't blame me for not putting that dress and this bla.. bla.. in your bag" my sister said...

me: "okay, Sister".

with that I got up from bed and my mom also left my room

hi, I am priya.. I completed my degree. I mean I gave the exam and waiting for my result..

my sister name is susaina


my mom name is reena


my dad name is siddarath..

I love my dad more than my sister and mom that doesn't mean I don't like my sister and mom.. I like them also..

my sister is two years elder than me.. even she has completed her degree but my parents didn't gave her permission to work.. so she helps my mom in house chores.. and my parents are thinking to do marriage for her.. so this is short family introduction....

now you would have worried, why are we packing the luggage??

my lovely dad, who worked as a manager in bank got retired.. so a retirement gift his company gave tour package to other country to go with family. so we are leaving tonight...

OK.. now I have to do my morning routine and go for breakfast or else my sister will shout again..

after finishing I went to have breakfast.. I saw my dad who came from walk.. and my sister and mom are arranging dishes on the table..

me: "good morning, dad"

dad: "good morning, sweet heart. pack the things which you need properly.. don't complain later after going there.. didn't brought that this.. and all.. "

me: "Okay dad.. "

with rolling my eyes

my sister: "chinna, after breakfast, we will go for shopping to buy snacks and some dress..... so that we can eat when ever we want our Indian snacks...."

me: "OK Sister.."

so after breakfast we went and brought some snacks and dresses.. and after reaching home. I went to my room and I started to pack the things..

Introduction of Arjun Patil

"Bro, wake up..." my sister, said.

me:- "hey sweetie.. good morning"

sis:- "good morning and happy birth day bro.. ?"

with that she gave me a hug

me:- "thank you, sweetie"

yes, she as to tell me to wake up.. or else without seeing her I won't wake up.. when I open my eyes in the morning I have to see my sweet sister face.. or I won't.. sometimes when I am out my state or some business deal im the morning I will try to wake up on my own.. but in normal days this is my habit.. and don't know after her marriage and my marriage what will I do.. I call my sister as sweetie..

ha I forgot to tell about me right. I am Arjun patil, CEO of my ANU enterprises.. Anusha is my sister name.. so I kept my sweet sister name for my company because I love her so much to tell exactly more than my mom and dad.. my mom died when I was 7

tell you later how she died

and right now my dad is my supporting me with the business...

anu:- "bro, come for the breakfast"

me:-"ohhh.. yeah coming"

when I went out of my room, I saw my dad..

only me and my sister staying here.. dad comes often like whenever some it's important or some function today as you know my birthday and my engagement also

dad: happy birth day, my son

me:- "thank you"

anu:-" dad, bro, come for the breakfast.. I am hungry.."

without my company my sister never ate.. whenever I am busy.. I will inform her not to wait for me and to eat... or else she will be wait for me even in night even if it's midnight also.. she will wait for me

after the breakfast. we all came to living area.

dad:- today along with your birthday .. even your engagement is there.. I know, you don't have any feelings towards her.. but at least smile while putting the ring and in the stage.. so that no one will doubt..

me:- " I know, that"

with irritating

dad:- I will go then and do the arrangements.. come little bit early before function starts

me:- "okay"

dad went out

my engagement is in dad house..

anu:- "bro, you really want to marry her?? "

me:-" why? don't you like her"

anu:- " liking is different thing. first of all she is not for you I mean she is not match for you"

me:- "even I don't have feelings towards her, sweetie"

anu:- " then why engagement? cancel it"

me:- "I tired.. sweetie.. but swapna's dad is a friend of dad and he is even my business partner.. so I accepted it.. but I already told them that I don't have any feelings on her and before marriage if I found my love then this engagement will be cancelled and they should give me permission to marry my love"

anu:-" did they accept to it"

me:- "yes sweetie.. when they accepted my condition only I agreed to the engagement "

anu:- "what if you won't find your love before marriage and find after marriage"

Arjun thinks for few minutes

me:- " what to do if I won't find.. I will marry swapna and after marriage I can't divorce her..."

anu:-"why can't you divorce??"

me:- "because I want to marry only one girl in my life"

anu:- "then what about love"

me:- " before marriage If I get my love, I will marry the one I love.. after marring swapna.. if my love comes in my life.. I will treat her as a friend and I keep my feelings in my heart only.. even I won't tell swapna also.. because I don't want to hurt her after marriage she will be my wife and I want to keep my wife happy"

anu:- ?...