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Billionare's Unwanted Wife

Billionare's Unwanted Wife




"Arianna Jacob you are not more than a maid hooker to me who i don't sleep,don't be under wrong impression that you will be my real wife to your dreams, its just on paper and in front of whole world and my family........hope you have got it." "GET OUT....."on saying Nick leave the neck of Arianna and turned to washroom for shower Cough....cough...cough...cough Arianna was suffocated by the throttling,after some difficulties she got back to normalcy.A constant thought was running in her mind"Why do Nick hate her or rathe why would this enrire world hate her",she had been good to everyone.She went to kitchen to have a glass of water,the moment she turned her face towards fridge to take out water bottle she hears an irritating voice "Hellooo Sirr,am i" It was Lily her husband secretary cum mistress who had come for official cum personal work.Arianna sighed on seeing lily's outfit.which was to revealing to be called formal secretary's dress .She decided not bother and focus on her Dress designing work and went to her bedroom, dress designing was something which motivated her to live through what she had undergone and what she is undergoing,she was never been loved by anyone neither she hope to be loved by anyone someday,She is her own life partner. "Tring...tring...tring tring",there was a call on her mobile, she went to pick it up from the attached table to her bed .On seeing the caller....she started shaking...her entire body was cold...and her mind blank.

On the no moon night at 3 am Nick was speedingly driving his car with no aimlessly,he rammed his car on a tree .Nick was injured by glass of windsheild,his entire face was mask with his blood and went in half conscious state.

"HELP.....HELP.....HELP......HELP" this helpless voice brought him back to his senses,he got down from his car.. balancing his body...and started walking towards the voice direction.On reaching there he saw two women one was older lying injured and unconscious and the other one was young injured but conscious asking for help."Will you be able to walk"Nick asked the young girl...the lady nodded yes,after the affirmation of the young lady he hurriedly picked up the older woman and carried her to his car , behind him the young woman was limping toward his car.

After hour of driving they reach the City Central Hospital,Nick went inside the hospital leaving behind the women in the car who were lying unconscious.

While he was entering the hospital the onlookers were shocked and scared... on seeing him...Nick was walking like a alive zombie with his face covered full of blood.Nick entered the doctor Dalton's cabin ,as soon as he entered doctor Dalton shouted,"Who the hell you are and how dare you entered my cabin without my permission".

"Don't you fear for your life Doc,I think we have overfed you....from tommorrow you won't be able to see this city".

Hearing this familiar voice Dr. Dalton entire body freezed...he started sweating with fear ,Mi..Mi..Mr. Jo...John..Johnson forgive couldn't re...rec..recognize bad went down on his knees with both of his palm joined together asking for forgiveness."Doc...i think your job is to treat patients...right you have 24 hour to do this...if you can...i may think about it."Dr. Dalton got up and saw blood on Nick's face,"Mr.Johnson you are hurt please let me examine you and give some treatment",he didn't dare to ask how his boss was injured."Don't.. you just look for the women in my car and treat it nooww". On hearing this Dr Dalton hurriedly move away and ask his staff to bring those women and take in Mr. Johnson to special VIP ward for treatment,his body was shaking with fear as the founder of this Hospital has fired him,he is here just for 24 hours.

In the VIP special ward the doctors and nurse were treating Mr. Johnson...suddenly a loud crying sound came," nooo......noooo....pleease doctor save my aunt Katie...she is my everything......pleease" crying.Nick could estimate it that the crying voice was of the young lady...and the person who had died was her aunt,he took out his phone from his pocket and dial a number."Dave...I am at City Central hospital..there is young lady under treatment of Doc Dalton.....go an take care of all of her bills and future needs".

On his friend cum boss order Dave came to the hospital and paid the bills and asked the young lady to come along with him to stay at a place where she can be taken care of,the young lady refused to take any help and said"I have always lived on my own and will also live in have done a lot for me i dont want to be a burden on you and will pay back all your hospital bills someday",she write the promise of paying back the money on a paper lying on table beside her bed and wrap it with gold chain and give it to Dave,"Keep this promise note so that you can take any action in future if i do not fulfill my promise"saying this she went out of the hospital limping without listening to any explaination from Dave.

Dave reached to the ward of Mr. Johnson" Boss the lady went away from the hospital and handed me this".On reading this note....he thought of a young woman bravery..and smiled ,he keep the paper and chain in the special family pocket.Dave was shocked as his boss would never smile and keep anything in his family pocket beside his family belongings...he thought about the young women he met before "does this woman mean something to his she his family.....or someone very special and she seems so hence he decides to search for this woman and bring it her to his boss life...maybe then he will be truly happy again like before he was.

Dave enquired about her in hospital but nobody could give her they were treating her under impression that she was their boss freind,they could only give name of the older woman as Katie because the young lady has disclosed while she was crying.Dave decided to think of another strategy to find her.

"Thud...thud....thud" and loud noise came from the Vip special ward...." How dare they can claim my property.....nobody can sieze my family belongings.....I will kill them ....I will kill them..."Dave came running to the ward and saw Mr.Johnson in frenzy mode . On seeing Dave in front him Mr. J ohnson threw a glass in his hand on the floor and said"Dave call the Board meeting nooww" Nick's eyes was red as fire.. eminating the vibe of fire god who can destroy anybody who comes in front of him.Dave did it as said.

Curious about what happened next....please do read and support my novel ...thanks guys see you all in next chapter