
Let’s Read The Word

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Him and I

Him and I




Heartbreak, unrequited love, marriage and betrayals. Raelynn Taylor have been away from the real world all her life and she grew up to be naive and innocent. But one day she meet the superstar singer Zayn Mitchell and falls head over heels in love with him. But Zayn made sure that he would never love Raelynn. Raelynn's first love crumbled at Zayn's feet but that wasn't the end. Zayn gave Raelynn one night to make him hers. Only one night, they would be together and the next day it'll all be gone. What would happen when Raelynn will cross all the boundaries she never thought she would, with him? Will that change their lives forever? ~ Him & I By Kaya Arya. Thank you so much for being here. All this would be nothing without you guys. Stick with me and unfold this BEAUTIFUL love story ! I love you guys ❤

  My whole body went still as my eyes connected with his. Something passed between us and his eyes flickered for a moment. Both of us didn't move. The spark that was passing between us kept on burning. I was feeling things I never felt before. But I was looking at him and he was looking at me. And that's what mattered.

  ~ BEFORE ~

  'ARE YOU UP?', my mom, being the most curious person I've ever seen, screamed at the top of her voice. I came down after freshening up a little still looking like a mess. She came to a halt but being the dramatic woman she was, she nearly fainted when she looked at me.'What have you done to yourself? Sherri will be here any minute now and you are standing here?' I gave my mom an apologetic smile which she definitely did not buy. 'Rae, go change please and for God's sake, put on some make up'.

  'Ugh okay, call me if you need help', I started walking towards my mom's room for clothes because Sherri was a fashionista. She hated people wearing clothes that were baggy or not extra. And all I owned were clothes that were baggy or not extra.

  Sherri had been my best friend since I was born. I always wanted to be her. Carefree, wild, out there and most importantly, she did what she wanted to. Her dreams were BIG. Like me. And we used to dream together. She never had me in any of her dreams.. which pretty much explained her moving away to LA after high school and cutting off all contacts with us. She has been chasing her dreams ever since high school ended and a major role in her dreams was played by her filthy rich family. I couldn't do that because of obvious reasons. We weren't rich. Were they coming back to meet us? No. But they were coming back.

  I lived in Portsmouth, a small town in New Hampshire, USA. It was a really pretty town. I loved it here but I didn't want to spend my whole life here. I put on a cute cardigan and a pair of black pants. After pulling up my hair into a ponytail, I finally drop the idea of putting on make-up. I walked back to the living room. Mom looked at me and fought her urge to force me into wearing something nicer and said 'Better.' She never forced things on me, I was grateful for that.

  The bell rang and I started getting a weird sensation in my stomach. Mom opened the door and my dad entered the room. Behind him entered Mr. & Mrs. Davis and Sherri. I looked at her. SHE HAD CHANGED SO MUCH, she was so pretty. With a radiant glow, curvier body and her tanned skin, I had no words. The two families talked alot. I struggled to make a decision whether to lock myself back in my room again or sit here and kill myself for not being her. 'Baby, why don't you and Raelynn go hang out for a bit?', Mrs. Davis shifted her look to me smiling sweetly. Sherri looked at me, 'Lets go!'. I blinked, twice.

  We walked back to my room. 'Nostalgia is hitting me like a ton of bricks', she smiled looking around and then flopping down on my bed. 'The feeling is not mutual. You've changed so much !', I sat down in a chair. 'Yes, LA does that to you, you know'.

  Sherri wanted alot from the world. I was curious, I wanted to know if she made it. 'Los Angeles is beautiful, fast and elegant. You need more than just luck to not just be there but belong there. I've been living my life to the fullest. You sure have heard I'm working with Anna Winter, the editor of Vogue.' Her tone made me wanna puke. But she sounded too happy not even realising how many years she has been neglecting me. She was doing a great job though. 'I'm happy for you Sherri. You will make your life even bigger than this', and a smile slipped on her face.

  We talked and laughed so much just like the old times when everything was easier. It felt like yesterday we were kids. But it was different. She was something now. And me? I was too afraid to be the one I wanted to be. Sherri hugged me before leaving like she was leaving the town. 'You're just gonna be next door ! ' Sherri giggled, 'I know, but I missed you.' I smiled.

  The next few days were amazing. We went on picnics, field trips, hung out, watched movies and everything. It was good. It's been a long time I've lived without friends. I loved her company and finally having someone with me.

  But the last day, she got a phone call and she was stressing over it. The Davis family were really tensed. Something might have happened. They were leaving for LA the next day. I had so much fun I hadn't had in years and now it was gonna become a distant memory.

  Suddenly, Sherri barged into my room and held both of my hands. 'Come with us.' I was SHOCKED. 'What do you mean?'. She spoke up, 'You had big dreams. You wanted to go to LA too. You wanted to be the BEST fashion designer in the world.' I was blank. I had no clue how to react to that. 'RAELYNN, don't overthink this. Come with us, only for 2 days and I'll show you what can you do to BELONG there. Listen to your heart just this once.' Sherri gave me a pleading look.

  My dad had a disapproving look on his face. He looked at me and looked back to Mr. Davis. And it was a long conversation. I was wondering why Sherri's parents were so keen about taking me with them. Finally, dad agreed but he said, 'only 2 days.' I was so overwhelmingly happy. I was finally going to live the life I wanted to, even if I had just 2 days.

  Me and Sherri spend the whole night packing, laughing and telling stories about all these years we missed. She was talking most of the time and thats when I realised how little I've lived all my life. But I would do everything I could and it'd not be easy but I'd take the risk.

  The next day, I hugged my mom and dad as I was leaving. The families bid their goodbyes as no one knew how many years they're not gonna see each other this time. My parents didn't have much friends except the Davis family and I knew how much they missed them.

  We checked in at the airport. I was taking another step towards the way my life was going to take me. Sherri was happier than she was yesterday. We were still bffs. It took almost 6 hours for the flight to land and almost 6000 times my parents tried to check up on me. Soon we were in LOS ANGELES. My life. My dreams. My heart. I always knew if I wanted something I wanted it here.

  LA was so gorgeous. The people here were so glamorous and they made me look thrice the mess I was. Long story short, I FREAKING LOVED THE PLACE ALREADY AND I KNEW HOW MUCH I WANTED TO STAY HERE. Sherri's house was huge, So beautiful. I lied down on the bed of the guest room assigned to me after freshning up. Slowly drifting to sleep.

  I didn't think it had been that long I've been sleeping but once I open my eyes, I saw Sherri sitting at my feet on the bed. I sat up fast, shocked by her presence in the room. 'Sherri?', Sherri looked at me apologetically. 'Rae, please don't be mad', I kept staring at her puzzled. 'I am going to tell you the real reason I brought you here. But you can't say no. Afterall we are best friends...', I was completely unaware of what she was going to say. I was panicking inside.

  Putting it in another way, she was using me for something which will be good for her. 'Just tell me, let's see how bad it is'..

  'You, RAELYNN TAYLOR, are going to take my place. You have to accompany Anna Winter in an event, full of celebrities and people, looking the best you can, TOMORROW;

  You have to do it. Not just because I am requesting you to but also because I promised you that I'll show you how to make a decision. You'll do it. Not because of me. But..

  For your dreams.'