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After Being Reborn, I Kickass The Whole World

After Being Reborn, I Kickass The Whole World




Blinded by her love for her fiancé, River Willis, Andrea Cooper neglected his family. Andrea easily complied with all of River's requests, including being a scapegoat for a mistake she never made and forcing her to go to prison for four years. Andrea did this knowingly in the hope that once she was released, River would marry her soon, but no, River just threw her away. Andrea has also just seen the true color of River and her cousin Alicia Foster who apparently deliberately designed all these crimes to destroy Andrea’s family. Making the Cooper family bankrupt and slowly torturing Andrea's life by killing her family members one by one. With pain and regret that enveloped her, fate gave her a second chance to fix everything and she was reborn. In this second life, Andrea vowed to make River and Alicia pay for what they had done to her family in her previous life at a painful price, and she promised to protect and provide happiness for her family. But on her way, Andrea met a powerful figure from a wealthy family, John Landrum and over time Andrea's intelligence and courage made John interested in her. "I will help you." "This is my revenge, so I must avenge it."

That night was very cold because the rain was falling quite hard, the sound of a woman screaming could be heard echoing from the middle of the forest, but her voice sounded faint because it was covered with heavy rain and the sound of thunder that sounded at that time.

The screams slowly faded after a few minutes. Two men were seen holding the woman's arm, letting the woman kneel in the mud with her head down, her body was soaked and she was very weak, she was Andrea Cooper.

The two men let go of her body and made Andrea lie in a puddle, making the rain wet her face and her body, she tried to open her eyes and fought the pain all over her body, her face was very messy, and many bruises and wounds were visible, her body was also shivering from the cold. But another woman who was standing nearby just laughed and looked at her very sharply.

The woman's name is Alicia Foster, and they should live happily as a family, but Alicia has never considered Andrea as her family, so she will not share that happiness with Andrea.

Alicia came closer to her and grabbed her hair, forced her to sit up, and made her head rise, but Andrea was too weak to fight back, she just groaned in pain, Alicia stared at that face before throwing a hard slap at Andrea's face. Andrea felt her life was on the verge of death at that time, but she would not give up.

"Do you know? You are the stupidest Woman I have ever met, do you still think River will come and save you? Do you still think he loves you?” Alicia just laughed at Andrea.

"You're just his doll, from the start he never loved you, never. But you are too naive and believe all his nonsense, he won't marry you, he needs you as a sacrifice, and you fall into his trap, why is fooling your family so easy? Huh? Were all of you born idiots?” Alicia said and she pushed Andrea's head back making her fall back to the ground, but this time Andrea supported herself with her elbows.

Hearing all these words made Andrea very upset, she raised her head and looked at Alicia’s face with a sharp gaze, even though one eye was already swollen but she could use the other eye to see the cruel face of the woman in front of her.

"Why are you doing this?" Andrea said in a weak voice.

"You already know the answer, from the start you already knew to answer Andrea, but at that time you were still blinded by love and ignored all the signs that my family and I gave to your family, you and your family are just trash, die with your damn parents and never reborn!"

Alicia said and she ordered her men to finish Andrea's life, she just left them, when her two men lifted Andrea's body with her arms and dragged Andrea somewhere.

Andrea tried to struggle but her strength was barely running out, her arms and legs hurt a lot as well as the rest of her body, she felt a few broken bones, but the pain turned into regret, her body was still dragged on the muddy ground as all the memories came back to her head, being the favorite daughter of the Cooper family, she never lacked affection, her father, mother, and her brother never let her down, they were always there for Andrea even to the last second, but what did Andrea do to them.

Her love for her boyfriend River made her blind, she ignored her parents' ban on getting engaged to River, but at that time her love was bigger than anything else, she chose to be with a monster that destroyed her own family.

Made her go to prison for four years, made her father die of a heart attack, her mother committed suicide by setting herself on fire because of depression and her brother’s condition was getting worse because someone poisoned him and made his brain dead. It's not love, it's just stupidity that Andrea takes on in her life.

Her mind was in turmoil, she was fighting against herself, she was so overwhelmed by the pain she was feeling, not only in her body but also in her emotions.

It was slowly destroying her, but Andrea still had a little time to hope that for the last bit of her life, maybe what Alicia said would come true, she would not be reborn.

But Andrea refuses to die alone and hopes that there will be a second chance for her to fix everything, somehow but Andrea must be able to get that chance, whatever the cost.

All of Alicia’s torture and cruel words to her began to echo in Andrea's ears as if she had made up her mind within Andrea for revenge, hearing what Alicia said about her family made her sick and angry with herself, she was the one who started all this destruction, she paved the way for Alicia and River.

Bringing her endless nightmares, her life is like being in hell and even worse.

They reached the edge of the abyss when the two men lifted Andrea's helpless body and threw her into the abyss, and at that moment she hoped that she would return to the same hell, where Alicia and River were so she could fix everything and make amends with her family and pay for what Alicia and River did to her life.


The sound of birds chirping, sounded very melodious like music, the sun began to appear and made Andrea wake up because it was too dazzling, she slowly opened her eyes and realized that if she was somewhere, she was just lying on the slightly wet ground, maybe because of the rain.

Andrea sat up and looked at her hands and feet, she saw no wounds or pain in her body. It was strange because she remembered how much her body ached back then and she almost gave up on her own life before she realized that giving up was not the answer to what she had always been asking for.

She looked around, she was sleeping in the park, she also saw some people looking at her with strange looks, maybe they were confused about why Andrea was sleeping there, and maybe they also thought Andrea was just a bum.

Andrea stood up and sat on the chair there, she was still alive and that meant she got a second chance, Andrea even remembered all the pain she had in her previous life, she remembered that anger, that hatred, and that desire for revenge. She will pay for everything, she already knows everything that Alicia and River have planned and done to her and her family in her previous life, and that makes it easier for Andrea to plot revenge, she is determined to change the fate of her family and uphold justice, because the wrong must be punished.

But when Andrea was contemplating her new beginning, her phone rang, it was from River, she remembered how mean River was to her when he betrayed Andrea in the past, Andrea would always forgive all of River's mistakes, but not in this life, Andrea just doesn't want to be too hasty, she needed to play it safe to make them pay the price.

"Hello?" Andrea spoke.

"Where are you?" River said.

“I…I was at the park,” Andrea said.

"Park? What are you doing there so early, go home now, I have something to tell you, it's about our wedding." River said.

"Wait, how old are you now?" Andrea said.

"What? What kind of question is that? Of course, 18 years old, hurry home, don't make me wait," River said and he immediately hung up the phone without waiting for Andrea's answer.

Andrea also realized that she was reborn at the age of 18, when she and River just got engaged and that's also where Andrea now lives with River in his house with his family,

Andrea went back to River's house, she entered like her own house and River, who had been waiting for her, immediately approached her, he looked very upset, his parents must have left for work, only him.

“Where have you been? When are you going? Why didn't you tell me first? Luckily Mom and Dad didn't ask you because they thought you were still sleeping in your room, don't be crazy Andrea, you are not in your own house, there are rules here, and you are your fiancé so tell me what you want to do," River said.

Maybe in a previous life, Andrea would have felt guilty and apologized to River for a mistake she had never done, that was the old Andrea, weak and very obedient, it was easier to call her stupid because she was blinded by her love for a man who could never appreciate her.

But seeing River's attitude like that makes past wounds come back covered with hatred, she will not show her weak side to River anymore, not in her life this time, the second chance that the universe has given her, she will use well to slowly destroy those who have to torture her life until it feels like hell.