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A Mysterious She-wolf

A Mysterious She-wolf




The biggest dream of every werewolf is meeting their mate. The incredible scent, the surreal sparks that lit up on every touch, the amazing firework feel on every kiss, the contented feeling while in the arms of their mate, the pride of wearing their mark and bearing their pup and above all the bliss of showering each other with unconditional love. Life of every werewolf is a blissful fantasy story.But every theory has few exceptions right? Obviously yes! This story revolves around such an exceptional she-wolf who had a strong reason to despise the idea of MATES. She wants to live like independent humans. She never wanted a random man showing up in her life out of nowhere in the name of ‘Mate’ and dragging her out of what she built all her life. Her idea of a life partner filled with love, not with mate bond. She has her goal and she wanted to fulfil it in her own way without any compromises. But that doesn’t stop the mighty Moon God to bless her with an irresistible mate.Learning from

Kavi's POV

"I reject you as my mate"

He said with a smirk but the little jerk of his body made his pain clear.

"You can't do this to me. This is not supposed to be like this. Mates are blessings."

She cried holding onto her chest and fell on her knees.

I slowly walked past them with a blank face looking at the floor. But my mind focused on her erratic heartbeat. I felt her pain in my chest which almost choked me. My mind concentrated on her heartbeat to heal her pain. I need to first experience their pain to heal it. I could only give temporary relief. She has to go through the pain of bond severing.

I am Kavithanjali. Everyone will call me Kavi. And I'm 16 years old. Thank the Moon! I didn't find my mate yet. I hate this mate theory. Oh, I am not a witch but a healer. It's one of my many secrets. No one knows that I have the power of healing abilities. But I will help people who need me the most without their knowledge. The reason is I wanted to be invisible. Because not all Pack will have a healer wolf. And it's kinda rare to be blessed/inheriting with those powers. I entered the class and took my usual right corner seat where no one else would sit next to me.

I am well masked myself into my usual unattractive outfit so everyone thinks I am an average student without no friends in the school. This is a private school for werewolf of our Mountain Shadow pack. Every pack has its school to condition the pups according to their pack rules. And if werewolves want to do the degree, we have to go to human's colleges as most wolves don't go for colleges. After class, I started walking towards pack hospital to see my mom, the pack doctor.

You might think I would have got the healing abilities from her. But, no. She is not a healer. She studied medicine and working here for the past seven years. And I got the special pass to skip my physical education class from her stating I need extra care as I wasn't able to shift after the age of twelve so I am basically a human in front of my pack mates. And that's a fat lie which no one knows including my mom. And that's my excuse to train alone in the woods. Once in every year, I will go to the northern region where a pack of werewolves live in their wolf form and they were so animalistic and will kill without any mercy. I am training my wolf with them as they were the most powerful werewolves in their wolf form. I will stay there for a month during school vacations.

And that lie is a gateway to learning human's martial arts, also the pistol and archery. That helped me a lot to build a strong self and also a great opportunity to learn human's lifestyle. I opened my mom's office and smiled at her. She was drowned in her work that she didn't even sense my presence. After saying hello to my mom, I started going home and then to Kalai's shop for my work.

I plugged my earphones to my mobile and made sure the volume is in one as with my enhanced hearing, my ears would bleed with the noise of higher volume levels. Right before I open the door, the door opened and Alpha Vinodhan walked in. I looked down at my feet which would look like I am bowing my head. The forty years old Alpha gave me a mean look and walked up to my mom's table and occupied the seat I occupied earlier. He is one of the men I hate, for not treating she—wolves equally and there is only minimal defence training for a she—wolf which would never help in a real battle. And I knew he personally thinks me as the weakest excuse of a wolf.

"Have you tried it again?"

It was a question directed for me. And that's the same question he asks whenever we meet. If only my mom is not a dedicated pack doctor, he would have kicked me out of the pack long back.

After all, who would want a werewolf without shifting abilities?

"Yes Alpha, I tried. But I couldn't shift"

I said in my usual low toned voice trying hard to sound sincere. He nodded with thinking.


He used his Alpha tone on me. I acted like flinching but it never affected me. My wolf snorted at my acting. My grandpa was an Alpha of a small pack at his younger age. Then he merged it with another small pack and gave up the title to the young alpha. So I think his bloodline in me, is not making me get affected by Alpha's orders, though my mother is his younger daughter. Alpha Vinodhan frowned and looked at my mom who is having a frown as well.

"She smells like a wolf but why is she not shifting into a wolf, Anu?"

He asked my mom.

"Maybe her wolf needs time, Alpha. Her grandparents' death affected her wolf more."

My heart skipped a beat when my mom mentioned my grandparents. Alpha noticed it and looked at me with pity. Alpha perks — Sharper senses! I nodded my head and turned around to walk home.

I locked the door and used my wolf speed to go upstairs in a flash. I had a nice warm shower and got ready in a pale green t—shirt and black jean. I rechecked whether I am wearing my moonstone pendant and made my way out.

I work more like a partner in 'New—tech park' owned by my mom's friend. The shop sells products and services related to the computer. There are only a few employees there. I knew to assemble and dismantle any type of computer and my interest turned to software. I have created and maintain a few websites of our kind. I have been creating a pack—wise database app for top—level ranks to access the details of every wolf of the pack. Secretly, I am creating this app to ensure any clues about the monster so that I could kill him as I planned.

Usually, I would just write the program and ensure it's safety and efficiency. Kalai is the one who goes to different packs to explain the pros and cons of my apps and make a contract for the same. From security based app to games app, I have created twenty—five apps so far and all apps were successful in the market.

The most hilarious app is the one I created out of boredom for children though I made it useful for parents. It was a complete guide for a kid in the werewolf world. It would be so comical yet nice as I animated the werewolf origin and also it would be like an indirectly teaching app through stories and poems.

Kalai will give sixty per cent from the earning to me which made me maintain a decent bank balance. My mom earns more than enough but I want to make my own money. And I use a half portion of my earnings to pay for the entrance of fighting tournaments. It's a fight held by rogues in a free land where we fight to the death or till submission. And that's where I use my knowledge of martial arts and also my wolf's ability to beat the hell out those rogue wolves. I never shifted to wolf form as I wanted to keep my wolf as my secret. Anyone can use masks there. So no fear of revelation of identity and I am a star there in the name of 'Black mask'.

The fights would be held on Saturday nights. Few teen pack wolves will come there to have fun and all illegal things like betting, drug dealing and smuggling would happen there. And no one knew my little sneaking away from our pack land. It's not that our border patrol is bad; I am so good at sneaking. And I would run my way back in my wolf form to let my wolf part have fun. I would give her complete control and enjoy her hunting and chasings from the back of our mind.

I walked into the office and found my boss bargaining with one of our regular customer. I greeted her and walked inside And plopped on my seat to continue my coding for the new app I am developing. Kalaiarasi, my the shop owner, walked towards me. She hugged me and said bye. I patted her shoulder awkwardly. It's our regular routine. I reached my home and ate the leftovers and went to my room to finish homework.

After an hour I decided to go to bed. Around one in mid—night, I heard the sound of car pull over followed by the front door opening and closing. Then I heard the sound of some program telecasting on the television.

Mom is home!

With that thought, I drifted off to sleep.

I jolted awake when I heard my mom's scream.