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Rose Black The Hardcore

Rose Black The Hardcore

Author:Clara Star



What happens when the already small affection and love you family shows you suddenly wax cold? cause of a misunderstanding that happened when she was young, her mother hated her with passion. Rose was tired of it all, tired of the constant corporatism between her and her older sister Gloria, tired of the way her own mother treats and abuse her. in fact she was tried of her entire family but she could do nothing about it; even if she wanted to leave, her father wouldn't allow her. she was notorious, bad as, and stubborn in every sense. despite the maltreatment from her family and her past, Rose was a strong-willed girl and no matter what they do to her, no one will ever break or hurt her again. but she alone and her dearies knows the truth of what really happened eight years ago. will Rose ever be happy? will she ever find love? can the truth about the past be revealed? what if it's too late? come check out ROSE BLACK - THE HARDCORE.

Chapter 1

“Rose! Apologies to your older sister this instant” Mrs. Vivian Black, her Mother hollered at her.

“Sure,” she replied, sipping her coffee. She glared at her older sister sitting across the dining table “as soon, as you tell me my crime; that is.” she said grinning uncontrollably.

“Don’t play dumb with me young lady.” Mom continued. While Gloria remains quiet “don’t speak and just do what you are told.”

“Yes of course mother, I will do whatever you tell me, as long as it does not include apologizing.” she said calmly “if you only knew, what I had to go through last night.” with the look her mother was giving her, you could tell that she doesn’t give a hut, what I had gone through.

“And whose fault is that? I told you to go over to your uncle's place to spend the night, but as always that vile stubbornness of yours always gets in the way.”

“Seriously mother.” Rose said bitterly “isn’t that a little bit unfair?”


“I mean, since when does me not wanting to leave home, became a crime, if there is anyone here who needs an apology is Me,” she yelled back at her.

I can’t believe, I have to take this shit from my mother all because of, My so perfect sister, Gloria Black who finished college at an early age, left home when she was barely eighteen years old, married at twenty-three into a well to do family, in Canada.

After what seems to be a decade, dad suddenly got a call from her, saying that she was returning to New York due to her husband been transferred because of his business; we later discover that both Gloria’s husband and dad were in the same line of business.

Since we were higher than the average rich folks and our home was big with a lot of rooms, instead of renting a hotel, dad to her to stay here with her husband until things were settled.

My life was going well till she moved backed in; it was enough that I had to be constantly compared to her but seriously! I have had enough.

After the heavy silence that threatens to swallow yet another peaceful breakfast, Gloria decided to open her open “Mom! Let it go, I don’t mind.”

“Thank you,” I said dryly and continued eating but of course mother had a lot to say as always.

“No Gloria, it’s not enough.” She said and looked at me “I have had enough of this attitude, this is not the college where you always get away with everything; you will apologies to your sister now or else you will be grounded.”

“What? Seriously mother, what am I? Five.” I scorned in disbelief.

“And I will make sure to inform your father, your allowance, card, and your car will be taken from you for six months,” Mom added,

Now getting my attention “you can’t do that.” I yelled, “mom this has got to be a joke.”

“Unfortunately for you, it is not; hand over your card and car keys.” She was serious with her hands searched out.

Pissed I glared at Gloria “wow, you must be happy, satisfied now right.” But she remains silent and that just made me felt worst.

“Your car keys and card now miss, hurry up, I don’t have all day.” mom said not backing down on her decision.

Rose looked at her mother's starched hand for a second, ready to hand over her card and keys but nope, not happening “sorry mom, that isn’t gonna happen.”

“WHAT? Are you disrespectful me right now, Rose?” she said furiously

Rose stood up mad “jazz! I don’t know mom, if that’s what it looks like am doing right now, sorry, but I am not accepting that punishment because I did nothing wrong.”

Looking at mom's face right now, with her eyes shooting dagger at me not just any gagger but the kind that can slice you in half, I quickly moved to the others side of the dining hall, far from her. “You know what?” mom added vaguely “your father needs to hear about this.” She picked up her phone, knowing what will probably happen to me if her father Mr. John Black were to found out she caused at her mother, he will kill her but Rose am was not backing down, not now

“Go ahead.” I said jadedly “call him; inform him because I too will like to know my CRIME.” Rose holing the last statement for everyone hears it. “I mean! What kind of a responsible married woman will be having SEX on the kitchen cabinet, no less in her family home, huh?” now she was seriously pissed, they is no stopping her.

while moms eyes and Gloria’s were shooting digger at me, I continued not giving a damn, who was listening at this point “when you first moved in Gloria, I helped pack your things inside and the room mom had given you and your husband was the largest in this big house, that even if I decide to fix a closet it can choke up to ten and still leave some room, so now tell me dear big sister, what possessed you, to have sex on the Kitchen?” she asked, the shocked Gloria, was short of words but not mom, she still has a lot to say.

“One, more word from you, I will…..”

“What hit me? Go ahead, I know you despise me but it's fine” I said moving to the kitchen, then I stopped and turned “the worst part, of it all, is that I could not even sleep, even the dog was struggling to sleep, because of their shameful mourning, pissed I decide to drink some water then, Waller” she waved my hands, toward the cabinet “there, was my sister, having sex on the Kitchen cabinet, and the interesting thing was that, even when they noticed me; they didn’t stop, so… I just watched all things unfold.” she turned to mother “so now, you are blaming me, because of what? that I saw them? I disturb them?” She laughed, pointing an accusing figure to Gloria “she was the one, who didn’t think about her environment and just continued even when, she saw me watching, don’t know why.”

I lashed at her, then went over to the cabinet “seriously, this is the same cabinet, you hate me putting my shoes on mother, the same cabinet you hate me sitting on, the same cabinet everyone uses to eat sometimes, now someone just had sex on it, spilling only God knows what, instead of you to caution, you are blaming me for chancing upon them.” Now, mom was the one shut of words, while Gloria covered her face with hands probably embarrassed, well good, she needs to be. “I know you hate me mom, but do you mind not being so obvious about it, it’s unhealthy.” Rose turned her back towards them both and head upstairs, she stopped only in front of ‘the cabinet’ “poor thing.” She said as she touched it with the kitchen cloth, not wanting any of those damn white things on her hands, and continued “you must have been shocked.” She spoke to the cabinet as if it was a person “I know, even I was too. next time, when something like that happens, do me a favor Mr. cabinet, they’re a whole lot of kitchen knives arrange on you, just make use of it or maybe yet just set them on fire, the gas set is not that far from you, just one click and they will go boom.” she could hear her sister grasping at her instructions to the wood “No one will blame you, after all; you were meant for food and not for banging.” With one last look be hide her, Rose went upstairs.

“I can’t believe I gave birth to that terrible thing.” Mrs. Black said in disbelief while staring at Rose, as she disappears behind the stairs.

“Mom it fine!” Gloria signed, tired and embarrassed “She was probably right, we shouldn’t have done that.”

“Oh please! Gloria you are young; you can be as wide as you want, this is my house but that of your sister Rose, her wideness will not be acceptable, not to me or this household, you father needs to do something about that girl before she gets out of hand.” She said and went back to her room, leaving Gloria to her thought.