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Billionaire Ex Wife

Billionaire Ex Wife



Realistic Urban

BILLIONAIRE EX WIFE Synopsis •~ •~ •~ Three years, Three good years she wasted trying to save their already broken marriage. Their marriage was nothing more than an alliance between the two families. She was treated like garbage mocked and scorned but as they say "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". Adrianna and Brianna are sisters and although Adrianna was the oldest she was treated with nothing but scorn and disrespect. Brianna on other hand was loved by everyone treated with utmost care and respect. Brianna is set to marry Damien the love of Adrianna's life but on the wedding day secrets are set to be exposed. A tale of love?, betrayals? and heartbreak? *


Today is the weeding day, the day the love of my life and my sister were going to get married.

I had told myself a number of times that this was for the best maybe after they are married I will be able to move on.

"Hurry up Adrianna the weeding is about to start" my father said not even bothering to take a glance at me as always.

I am seated at the the third row two seats away from my family, I am not even among the bridesmaids because they are ashamed of me.

Damien was standing there looking as handsome as ever in his black bow tux suit.

The music played softly as expected everyone stood up for the bride to walk in but it was my father running frantically, looking very distressed.

"Brianna is gone"

"What do you mean gone" Damien's father said looking agitated.

"She left leaving a letter" my father said holding a piece of papers in his hands.

Damien rushed from the alter grabbing the letter from father's hand tore it and opened it once he was done reading he stormed off his friends rushing after him. His mother picked up the letter and read it aloud.

Dear Family,

By the time you find this letter I will be gone. I never really care what any of you think. My parents, I know you all will be worried but don't, I promise I will be okay, am really sorry for deceiving you Damien but the truth is that I never loved you I had a lover secretly his name is Henry he is the best thing that has ever happened

to me. I am currently pregnant with his child and we have runaway to start a life together as a family. I have collected my shares in the company to start a new life with the love of my life.


I couldn't believe it, my sister had run away from her own weeding.

By the time she was done reading the letter my mother collapsed on the floor sobbing, all the guests were in shock while Damien's family ran after Damien My father ran after them possibly to persuade them. An hour later my father came back.

"Adrianna I want to talk to you" he said leading me inside where Damien's family were seated. All of them looking at me with contempt.

"Adrianna you will take the place of your sister, the press are waiting outside and both of our reputation will not be tarnished" he said in a strict tone.

"Yes father" I knew never to argue with my father when he used that tone on me.

And like that I got married to the love of my life and I promise I did find a way to help him get over Brianna, the press tried to find out why Damien wasn't married to Brianna but his family had covered it up with their power and influence.

•~ •~ •~



I sighed sitting on the couch waiting for Damien to come back home it was 11:00pm and he still wasn't back home yet. It's been three years since we got married that day and ever since then if you think my life was miserable before it even worse now.

After the weeding things got worse for me Damien never cared about me the maids always mocked me my parents never called to ask how am doing and Damien's parents treat me with scorn as if I was the one who abandoned him on his weeding day.

A year after the weeding Victoria Damien's childhood friend got back from abroad he spent all his time with her and never for once introduced me to her she thought I was one of the maids. All events and gala's Damien goes to, am never for once been invited, the world knew me as his wife but the people around knew me as the wife.

I knew he was with Victoria after all he had brought her to our matrimonial home and bed. I can't leave this marriage even if I want to. On the day of the weeding, my father to restore his business made a deal with the Gray's for me to take Brianna's place for 20 million of course the money was enough to restore my father's company back on its financial feet again and not even a thank you or call from him.

I stood up from couch and went to bed. The next morning I came downstairs only for me to see Damien dressed up ready for work.

"We need to talk Adrianna" he said sitting on the couch looking so serious.

"I want you to sign this" he said handing me paper, I looked at it as tears welled up my eyes.

"Divorce papers, but why" I said trying to blink my tears away.

"Because I don't love you, Victoria is pregnant with my child and I want to start a family with her, don't worry I won't collect a dime from your family, after all this marriage was nothing but a deal and a cover up"

His words were like daggers stabbing my heart.

"Hand me a pen please" "Here" he said handing me the pen as I signed the divorce papers without hesitation.

I could see him with an emotionless face but I couldn't care less.

I went upstairs to pack my things not bothering to fold my clothes I wore something more appropriate and left not looking back.

Am twenty three, alone and divorced things can't get much worse than this. I still remembered a time where me and Damien were best friends in college in fact he was my only friend that is until I realized he was just using me to get close to my sister.

I fell madly in love with him but after I knew the real reason he befriended me I ended the friendship heartbroken.

Life is so cruel to me I now understand that you have to fight for what you want but what do I want.

I let my tears fall as I walked to my apartment I bought years ago with my allowance to have alone time and I couldn't be more thankful now.

"Hello Adrianna, how are you today its been so long" my neighbour Miss Veronica said happily but her smile turned into a frown when she saw my tears.

"Oh child, what happened" as soon as she asked the question I broke down sobbing

"He divorced me" she held unto me rubbing my back consoling me

"Oh no come in let's get you a warm cup of tea" I nodded and followed her in.

I met Miss Veronica when I first bought the apartment she was alone so we clicked she is like the mother I never had. She was 23 when her husband left her for his mistress she never had kids for him and she was thankful for that. It's been seven years now and although she has no one we had each other.

I was wrapped in a blanket as I took a sip of Veronica's special ginger tea as I told her everything that happened.

"So what are you going to do now" she asked

"Am going to make a name for myself no more quiet Adrianna am going to stand up for my self from now on"

"That's it my girl, but how"

"I studied law in school the first thing I need to do now is get a job"

"The best law firm Leroy's Firm is going to be my first target".


It's been a week since the divorce and the news has gone viral I couldn't care less. My family has been trying to contact but I know better than to give them listening ears.

I was getting ready for an interview with the Leroy firm. I was nervous and excited. Veronica now stays with me it was more convenient.

"Good luck on your interview" Veronica said happily.

"Am going to need it they hire only the best they are the top most successful law firm in the world"

"Don't worry you are going to do fine"

I sighed kissing her on the check and rushing out I took a cab to the building. We soon arrived as I came down. I entered in and went to the receptionist.

"Excuse me good morning am here for the interview" she looked up giving me a warm smile

"Your name please?"

"Adrianna Hatherway" I had decided to use Veronica's name to avoid any other problem.

"Okay, take the elevator go straight and wait for your turn"

"Okay thank you"

I followed her directions and found the lobby so many girls were there, they were slutty in dressing or they wore too much make up. A lady came outside crying her eyes out I wonder what they said to them. I began to feel very nervous.

'Breathe Adri breathe'

About an hour every girl that had gone through the door came back crying or glaring as they walked away it was remaining me and a woman giving me nasty looks

A lady came up to me saying I was up next. I entered the office and sat down looking around.

The person on the chair was unknown because their back was turned. The chair turned around I was surprised to see a middle aged man looking at me with narrowed eyes eying me up and down.

I thought that since all the girls came dressings like sluts the person interviewing would be younger and extremely handsome.

I could see the man was tough but I needed to be confident right now or I wouldn't get the job.

"Yes and you are" he asked skeptically

"Adrianna Hatherway, Sir"

"Okay, may I see your qualifications"

I handed my file to him and watched him while he studied it for a while before asking

"So why do you want to work at this law firm Miss"

"Sir I know in my resumé I don't have any work qualifications but I know my capability just give me a chance sir to show you what I can do" he was silent for some time before he said.