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Best Werewolf Novels to Upgrade Your Booklist!

Best Werewolf Novels to Upgrade Your Booklist!

2023-01-17 14:57:17
  • Her Wild Mate


    Two years after a devastating war that turned over ninety percent of her werewolf kind into monsters, Casey is trying to start over and help rebuild her pack's life. When her Alpha sends her to investigate and find a pack of rabid werewolves that keeps causing trouble, she is nearly killed by them. Her world is turned upside down when one of the monsters saves her. Her mate. A werewolf, whose human soul has been destroyed. And the worst part is he is led by instincts, not willing to let go of her. Casey is trapped in his territory-the forest-and she has to gain some time to heal before escaping. But as she keeps manipulating this wolf to bend to her will, she discovers he is smarter than he seems. He is different. When he miraculously shifts in his human body in desperation to be with her, Casey is stunned. She knows she has to lead him to her pack for research. But as she gets to know him more, she starts to wonder if the wolf in human skin could ever turn into something more than that. Something more than a beast.
    Werewolf ★ 5
  • Alpha's Regained Luna


    Enslaved for ten years by the New Moon pack after her money-driven parents sold her, Evie lost her own identity, and her existence became insignificant. She was battered, humiliated, and scarred both physically and mentally. She yearns for her freedom and secretly prays to escape the prison that seems like a never-ending hell for her. Thrust into the drowning slavery, a loving and dashing Alpha from Red Crescent Wolf Clan saved her. He gave her a new life, treating her like his precious Luna. Her real identity gradually unfolded as she adopted the new beginning, but it threatened her security and the entire Red Crescent Wolf Pack who saved her. Would she choose to run away again and leave her newfound life to save her Alpha's clan? Can the Alpha save his Luna when his entire clan is about to face the tragic battle laid by their rival packs?
    Werewolf ★ 0
  • Sold To Alpha Isaac

    H N Spark

    "I will work for you till I pay back the amount in full.. I want to be a maid.. Please… I don't want to be a breeder" I started to plead once everyone left the ward.. He saw her begging but his stone cold heart didn't melt. "I never tasted a weak duckling Alpha.." He smirked and walked toward me.. I walked back with fear till I hit the wall. "I am not weak." I said in a low tone and tried to push him away.. But his solid body didn't move an inch.. I could not breathe properly because of his aura.. "I will make you beg me for pleasure…" His words disgusted me. I didn't talk back as his Alpha tone was overbearing.. I felt weak wherever he was touching me.. "You will be my toy till you get pregnant.." I turned my head away with disgust but he touched my cheek roughly and caught my chin. He made me look into his eyes.. His hand covered my neck and gripped it hard.. "I will come to you every night to f**k you.." His eyes became devilish as if he was looking at his prey.. Suddenly I felt scared of him more.. and my breathing became suffocating.. He is pressing my windpipe to make me suffer… My eyes become red while I shake my head slowly... "No… no.." I murmured and I forgot to breathe in his presence.. He was scaring hell out of me.. "Girl.. You will be lucky if you get pregnancy soon otherwise I will have my ways to f**k you.." I dropped my eyes not able to hear such f***y words.. Tears rolled down my cheeks when he loosened his grip.. I don't want to believe that my father sold me as a breeder.. I can't accept it.. "If you agree or not.. it doesn't matter.. spread your legs when I come to you.." He pushed me back again and the tip of his nose touched my cheek while I looked at him scarily.. He nibbled on the crook of my neck and kissed my sensitive places… "Remember I am your Alpha from now on and don't you dare to say no…" he said huskily and pushed me back fiercely.. His cruel and harsh words made me fall back on the ground..
    Werewolf ★ 4.6