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Demon Hunters

Demon Hunters

Author:Maame Efua Quainua



Fabian and Karl come from a long line of hunters even thing they never knew that till they were teenagers. After the death of their parents, they go to live with their father's best friend, William, who teaches them about the hunting world. Soon, they discover something about Karl, which makes him become one of the hunted. Fabian does everything he can to protect his little brother. But, can he do that all his life?

David laid on the ground in the kitchen writhing in pain as the demon with red pupils stood over him. His eyes had turned dark red and his hands blazed with red fire. As he prepared to strike David, he heard a scream behind him from the kitchen door. The demon swiftly turned, and realised it was a woman. He smiled and the red blazing fire in his hand turned blue suddenly. The blonde woman had her hands on her mouth, and stood still in fear. She was in shock and could barely move.

Within a millisecond, the demon was standing in front of the woman. He began to circle her like a predator circling its prey. He looked her up and down as he circled her. He stood in front of her once again and had a small half smile on his face.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" he asked, looking amused.

He gently brushed off the woman's hair that was lazily lying on her face behind her and stroked her cheek as the woman tried not to cry. He suddenly turned to David, who was still lying on the floor, anger evident in his eyes.

"So, I am safe to say that this is your wife? She is very beautiful I must say. But it's sad to say that this is the last time you are going to see her."

"No, please. Don't hurt him. I beg you. Spare my husband."

"Spare your husband? Did you just say I should spare your husband? I am guessing you don't even know who your husband really is, do you?"

The confusion on her face gave her away. She did not know why a man with red pupils would be at her house and try to kill her husband. The man looked quite young and very handsome. Apart from the fiery hands and red pupils, no one would believe that man could even hurt a fly. He looked gentle but at the same time dangerous.

"You don't even know who or what I am. But anyway, my fight is not with you, so I will advise you to stay away or I will have to kill you and every single person in here as well."

"What do you want from us? What has my husband done to you?" She was very scared but tried to sound a lot more braver.

"He and his family destroyed mine. So, I am here to take his life as a punishment. Usually, I would have gone after everything and everyone he loves, but I grew tired of that."

The demon smiled again. This time, very brightly.

"I see something about you, woman. You are going to add another person to the family, aren't you?"

The woman's eyes grew wide with shock. It was true she was pregnant with her second child, but she had not told anyone yet, not even her husband.

"H-how did you know that?"

"Well, let me spell it out for you. I am a demon. I know everything."

The woman who was still shocked and could still not move from her spot began to cry. The tears flowed freely from her eyes as she looked pleadingly into the eyes of her husband.

"Aww, this is really touching. I really wish I could cry but I have to do what I came here to do." he moved towards David, who had managed to crawl towards the lower wooden cabinets. His hands blazed in red fire again when the woman screamed out again, making the demon roll his eyes. He slowly turned towards her, this time, looking annoyed.

"Woman, do you have a death wish or something?"

"Take me instead. But, please, don't hurt my husband."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because I am offering myself to you."

"Pfft...hahaha…you actually think, I will just kill you and leave your husband? Are you that naive?"


The demon stood there for a while, and looked at the woman. Then began to smile again.

"On second thought, I think I would spare your husband this time."

"Really, thank you... "

"Don't be too happy yet. I want something in return."

"What do you want?"

He looked down at her belly and stared back at her. "Your unborn son."

"What? No, I can't give you my child."

"A few seconds ago you were willing to exchange your life with your husband's. Did you forget at that moment you were already pregnant? Don't make me angry. Your unborn child or your husband. Who is it going to be?"

The woman blinked a few tears away and looked down at her husband who was shaking his head in disapproval. The woman cried some more and breathed deeply then looked at the man demon.

"Okay, Mr demon. I will give you my son."

"Wise choice." he threw a thunder like magic at the woman which hit her in the abdomen. The woman screamed in pain and fell to the floor.

"I will be back when the child is born. Don't even think of running away from me because no matter where you are, I will find you. See you two in nine months."

Then the demon vanished into thin air.

David crawled to his wife and held her. "Are you okay? Does anywhere hurt?"

She shook her head and cried. The realisation of her losing her son suddenly dawned on her.

"Is he really going to take our son?"

"Yes. But I won't let that happen. That will be over my dead body. I won't allow him to take him without a fight. By the way, why did you not tell me about him?"

"I found out a few days ago and was waiting for the perfect moment to tell you. Now, I won't be able to hold my son and tell him how much I love him. That demon will come and take him away from me."

She began to cry again and David held her in his arms tightly, trying to console her.

Then she suddenly pushed David away and got up. David looked at her like she was going crazy.

"Elizabeth, where are you going?"

Without a word, Elizabeth turned around and ran upstairs with David suddenly having the strength to follow her.